xxmzangel Member


  • I definitely have more than 100 lbs to lose, and I lost almost that much almost 4 years ago, but I was on low carb, and eventually slipped up and never really committed again. I've had trouble getting motivated, because I'm not in school and can't find a job, but I figure I have to start being positive somewhere. I think…
  • Lindt 85%. Or their orange intense if I really want it.
  • Lavender, cheap car air fresheners...
  • Eat relatively healthy, minimize binge eating, and try to take a walk at least every other day.
  • Bump, because this thread is awesome. :drinker:
  • This. It's really just not fair. I'd at least like to see the red velvet ones here. The newest I've seen are chocolate chip cookie dough and cookies and cream. I get so sick of seeing all the awesome flavours of things the US has but we don't, makes me dislike my country just a weeeeeeeeee bit. Why can't we just have them…
  • Pretty much anything that grows locally, which right now is mainly strawberries. I'm looking forward to raspberries and corn too. But as far as "treats" go, I'd have to say frozen yogurt from one of those little self serve shops, or an ice cream cone from one of those little ice cream places. So yummy. Haven't had either…
  • 1. Chicken Breast 2. Cucumber 3. Greek Yogurt 4. Eggs 5. Bacon 6. Almond Milk 7. Raspberries 8. Cheese 9. Strawberries 10. Peanut butter
  • I'm 19, 20 in late September. Feel free to add me. :)
  • I eat mostly gluten free, or at least try to. Mainly because I just feel better when I don't eat it. Anyways, I came upon this site this morning: http://www.yammiesglutenfreedom.com/
  • Definitely guilty. It makes me feel better about what's in mine when I have mostly fruit, vegetables, meat/chicken, and maybe a couple of more processed items, and then I see someone with frozen meals, chips, pop, or whatever else. It honestly makes me feel pity, not for them individually, but for society, as so many…
  • If I'm crunched for time usually just a protein shake with almond milk. The last couple of days however I've been going lighter, as I'm not usually too hungry in the morning, and I'd rather save the calories for later. So Tuesday I had a slice of Ezekiel 4:9 sprouted whole grain toast with 1 tsp butter and a fried WHOLE…
  • Hmmm... 1. Fish. (I did hear that if you were fed fishsticks as a kid you're less likely to like it when you're older, don't know if it's true, just thought it was interesting) 2. Cottage cheese. (Looks like milk that's gone bad, blegh) 3. Most vegetables. (Though I am branching out little by little)
  • Wow, great progress!! I just decided to take up running, decided to try just 1 mile yesterday, and finished at 14:56. Not an impressive feat by any means, but the fact that I'm 250+ lbs and was able to run/jog a mile non-stop was just an incredible feeling. :smile:
  • I needed this post. Thank you so much!! :flowerforyou: :smile: :drinker:
  • Wow, you look great. I'm just starting the whole moderation thing now, so this is really motivating to me, as I don't like too many fruits or vegetables either. :smile:
  • Mine definitely has to be biking up this hill in one shot, considering I used to have to stop at least once. Mind you, it still wasn't easy, and I was winded after, but I freaking did it!! :bigsmile:
  • Flaxseed and avocado, definitely. Everything else I pretty much used before.
  • ^^ This. If you just want to lose weight, and not get fit, then just changing your diet is fine. However, I'd like to feel like I'm a more fit version of myself when I get to goal, not just a smaller one.
  • I've lost about 90 lbs and only gone down about 2 pants sizes, but the size I started at was pretty tight on me. I'm at 267.6 lbs and a loose 20, but the 18s I've got are still a little too tight. Hopefully in another 15 lbs they'll fit better. :) I like that roll of paper towel analogy though, never thought of it that…
  • 20 or less, or 5% of my calories if I don't exercise.
    in Carbs... Comment by xxmzangel June 2013
  • I use an unsweetened almond or coconut milk, as I eat a low carb diet. However, if regular or soy work better for your eating habits and lifestyle, then all the power to ya, it's just not for me. :smile:
  • My macros are 65% fat, 30% protein, and 5% carbs. Any way of eating that allows you to eat real bacon, cheese, red meat, etc. I am a huge fan of. I've also lost just under 15 lbs since May 10th eating this particular way, and am much more satisfied. I don't ever get that "OMG I'M STARVING" feeling, and I don't miss the…
  • I weigh in on Fridays, just in case I eat something I really shouldn't on the weekend.
  • Down 5 lbs!! Super happy, only 3.4 from my 25 lb goal, and 3.6 from my monthly goal, with 2 weigh-in's left. :)
  • I'm 5'10.75" and ultimately started at about 359 in January 2012, got down to about 261 by September, and fell off shortly after that. I restarted about 8 weeks ago, at 291, and am now at about 273 (but my weigh-in's Friday, so hopefully less!). My current goal is just to be down to 265 by June 28th. I also eat low carb,…
  • Different things work for different people, but for me abstention is easier. I am eating low carb, Atkins style, and abstaining from things longer and sticking to the plan seems to help most cravings go away. It all depends on what works for you on a personal level, mentally, as well as physically. I, personally, have a…
  • Wow, you look absolutely fantastic! I can't wait until I can pull off wearing something like that! Super cute. :flowerforyou: :smile:
  • Last week: 275.2 This week: 273.6 Down 1.6 lbs this week. :) I'm also excited because school is done so I can get out and do more biking, yesssssss. :happy:
  • Age: 19 5'10 3/4" (or something like that) SW: 359 (beginning of 2012) SW: 291.2 (April 2013) CW: 273.6 GW: 199 UGW: 170-ish (we'll see when I get closer) Feel free to add. :)