Opinions on HIGH fat, MODERATE protein, LOW carb diet!



  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member
    To everyone: Do you eat a lot of cheese on this diet? Or do you stay away from dairy? Because I LOVE cheese! What is the one highest on fat?

    Yes, I do eat a lot of dairy, but I don't drink a lot of milk. The cheese I eat the most of is muenster due to high fat content. I use butter, cream, and full-fat Greek yogurt.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Thanks PubRider :) Yes I will make sure to keep the fats I use healthy! The thing is, I read that protein can also be turned into glucose, and fat can't, so by upping the fat and lowering protein, your body would more efficiently use your body fat for fuel :)

    Too bad fat loss isn't significantly different between low carb/keto diets and higher carb diets holding cals and protein constant.
  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member
    Thanks PubRider :) Yes I will make sure to keep the fats I use healthy! The thing is, I read that protein can also be turned into glucose, and fat can't, so by upping the fat and lowering protein, your body would more efficiently use your body fat for fuel :)

    Too bad fat loss isn't significantly different between low carb/keto diets and higher carb diets holding cals and protein constant.

    Perhaps not, but it sure is more satiating.
  • xoemmytee
    xoemmytee Posts: 162 Member
    To everyone: Do you eat a lot of cheese on this diet? Or do you stay away from dairy? Because I LOVE cheese! What is the one highest on fat?

    I would just watch your servings. I am a cheese addict so when I went keto, I thought that meant I could eat a whole wedge of cheese for breakfast as long as I watched the calories. I think this caused me to stall, and a few people told me that the protein in cheese has an insulogenic effect. I'm not sure how true this is, but now I limit cheese to a serving or two per sitting and I don't have a problem anymore.
  • kiramaniac
    kiramaniac Posts: 800 Member
    I follow a ketogenic diet. I target 70-75% of my calories from fat, 20-25% from protein, and 5% carbs. I've lost 50 pounds in the last 9 months, and love the food I get to eat. Delicious. I've maintained muscle mass (even seem some increase), and body fat % has dropped around 12%. I do Crossfit 3-5x per week (although, this was only once a week when I started keto).

    I eat cheese, sour cream, dairy, butter, eggs. Steak, pork chops, ground beef. And of course, bacon. Veggies include lettuce (with a nice blue cheese dressing, or other full fat dressing). Asparagus, green beans, brussel sprouts, broccoli - preferably with butter. Eating this way is delicious. I still have desserts - usually dark chocolate, coconut custard, low carb cheesecake.

    Read Taubes "Why We Get Fat" or watch the documentary "Fat Head" sometime.
  • OkieTink
    OkieTink Posts: 285 Member
    I go with 70%F, 25%P and 5%C

    Too much protein stalls me.

  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Read Taubes "Why We Get Fat" or watch the documentary "Fat Head" sometime.

    Are you suggesting people read and watch the above for the LOLs due to their butchering of science?
  • xxmzangel
    xxmzangel Posts: 119 Member
    My macros are 65% fat, 30% protein, and 5% carbs. Any way of eating that allows you to eat real bacon, cheese, red meat, etc. I am a huge fan of. I've also lost just under 15 lbs since May 10th eating this particular way, and am much more satisfied. I don't ever get that "OMG I'M STARVING" feeling, and I don't miss the grains at all (though I cut those out before I actually lowered my carbs significantly). I also no longer get cravings. Well, occasionally, but it's pretty rare.

    Also, I try follow the Atkins rule for cheese, I think it's something like 4 ounces a day, but sometimes I have more, depending on what my macros are like for the day.
  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member
    Read Taubes "Why We Get Fat" or watch the documentary "Fat Head" sometime.

    Are you suggesting people read and watch the above for the LOLs due to their butchering of science?

    It is bothersome when science butchers religion, isn't it?
  • shezll
    shezll Posts: 35 Member
    I have been eating a low carb diet for the last few months. The reason I like it is because I can easily eat a packet of bicscuits or loads of bread and then crave more. Whilst I have eaten this way | haven't craved those foods at all and feel so much better. I understand it isn't for everyone but it certainly helps me. :smile:
  • Nana_Anne
    Nana_Anne Posts: 179 Member
    Coming from someone with high blood pressure, slightly enlarged heart, two 40% blockages in LOA, coronary artery desease and I started at being morbidly obese, I see a cardiologist. The intake of fats and what kind make a difference. I suggest a good physical before starting any diet. I am limited to 30-35 fats per day and 10 sat. Check with your doctor.
  • bacitracin
    bacitracin Posts: 921 Member

    I started a ketogenic diet against my medical professional's advice. She said I was gonna gain weight, get dizzy, be lethargic, get bad cholesterol and have a heart attack.

    7 months later... 7 months with just thick ribeye steak, juicy pulled pork, fatty chicken drumsticks, some cheese, eggs, bacon and almonds... 7 months with no vegetables, no whole grains, no high fructose corn syrup (but lots of aspartame and splenda!) I had lost 40lbs, had perfect blood pressure and heart rates, and my blood test showed my cholesterol was so low I had to start supplementing with MORE BUTTER. I had to increase my sodium levels to keep my blood pressure from going below average.

    I've maintained fat loss of 50lbs just by eating a crapton of steak and cheese and drinking half a gallon of diet coke a day. I've also successfully gained muscle in a caloric deficit through long-term recomposition. I eat almost exclusively meat and I'm as healthy as an ox.

    Just stick to 65-70% calories from fat, 25-30% from protein and 5% or less from carbohydrates. You'll be a fat burning machine in no time. For results today, start yesterday.
  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member
  • MyNameIsRita
    I am loving your stories! wow! I know we are all different, but I sure hope this works for me! Thank you guys... keep the stories coming
  • MyNameIsRita
    Question: Do you feel like you miss fiber at all? I mean.. do you have a hard time... you know, pooping?????
  • Melzer357
    Melzer357 Posts: 1 Member
    Ok...so I am new to trying to loose weight. Until about 4 years ago, I was barely 118lbs at 34 years old. Since then, I have put on 40 pounds out of no where. I never had the greatest eating or exercise habits and it finally caught up with me. So now I am trying to change the way I eat but just don't know that much about foods. Right now I'm trying to stick to as low amount of carbs as I can with just eating protein and some veggies. I'm not a big fruit or veggie fan so I feel like I'm starving right now. What are these HEALTHY fats everyone is talking about?
  • spirit05
    spirit05 Posts: 204 Member
    My success formula is...

    Fat 50%
    Protein 35%
    Carbs 15%
  • Mario_Az
    Mario_Az Posts: 1,331 Member
    c 40 \p 40\ f 20 for me
  • MyNameIsRita
    Check the website the user bacitracin posted up here, do some research, make a list and go grocery shopping, and see if it works for you. Thats what I am doing :)
  • emyishardcore
    emyishardcore Posts: 352 Member
    I'm currently just doing 50% C 20% P, and 30% F. It works fine for me. But I cant seem to ever get my carbs lower. But I'm open to trying a new routine.