Is total abstention easier than moderation?



  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    “We must have a pie. Stress cannot exist in the presence of a pie.”
    ― David Mamet, Boston Marriage

    Hahah I love that!
    I also tend to question those who claim they do/believe in "everything in moderation." I've witnessed far too many people proudly claim this mantra, when in reality, their extremism only surfaces in different areas in their life. ...maybe I'm just a little jealous that they can enjoy a small treat; meanwhile, if I attempt to do the same, a war is raged inside my head, lol.

    Please feel free to look at my diary. I have logged every day for the past 8 months. I don't cut out anything. Sometimes I'll even pig out on things (like cookies) but in the end I am down almost 60 lbs - sure maybe I could have done it faster if I didn't eat the cookies but 'life happens' and nothing that I can do will prevent this from happening.

    Other people WILL bring sweets to work or offer things or invite you for dinner. Sometimes being in control all the time is impossible. For me, It's all about moderating. My family is not on a 'diet' thus we use full-fat sour cream, cook with oil and butter. I bake cookies, apple crisps and make all manner of food. I will not cook 2 meals and I am not going to limit THEM because I can't control myself - thus I have been required to learn to control myself. Sometimes I don't succeed, but it gets easier every day ;)
  • teagirlmedium
    teagirlmedium Posts: 679 Member
    I am both. I am better with most things if I limit how much I have of them on a weekly basis, but there are a few things I cannot have but a few times a year. I did best when I ate several times a day just small amounts. It was because I could have whatever flavor I wanted. However, I ended up gaining a bunch of weight because I did not pay attention to what I was drinking and gained more when I came home because I could not say no to the food my parents had in the house. Right now I do not care, but next month I will start going back to my everything I want when I want it just in a smaller portion size. My moderation has to do with the amount of an item I eat at the time not how often I eat that item.
  • littlepinkhearts
    littlepinkhearts Posts: 1,055 Member
    “We must have a pie. Stress cannot exist in the presence of a pie.”
    ― David Mamet, Boston Marriage

    hahaha i can totally relate to this
  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member
    “The only time to eat diet food is while you're waiting for the steak to cook.”
    ― Julia Child

    This is by far one of my favorites
  • xxmzangel
    xxmzangel Posts: 119 Member
    Different things work for different people, but for me abstention is easier. I am eating low carb, Atkins style, and abstaining from things longer and sticking to the plan seems to help most cravings go away. It all depends on what works for you on a personal level, mentally, as well as physically. I, personally, have a hard time eating just small amounts of carb-rich foods, because I find they don't keep me full as much as fat-rich foods, so I end up eating way too much of them. Which is why I chose a combination of a LCHF and Atkins dietary plan to follow.
  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    I am most definitely a moderator. If I think I can't have something for the rest of my life I know I will fall of the wagon. I need to be able to look forward to an occasional treat.
  • Verohh
    Verohh Posts: 24
    I think it depends on what stage of weight loss or maintenance we're at. I can't do moderation! I found that if I let myself taste "just one bite" I'm a gonner. Some may say this is a lack of self-control... perhaps, but until the taste buds start readjusting to healthy eating habits, I find it best to stay away from eating potentially massive amounts of unhealthy foods (chocolate, sweets, pastries, ice cream, etc.). However, I hate sardines, so I have NO problem staying away from those, and I would have a real problem taking "just one bite" LOL.

    Having said that, I'm once again at the beginning of my journey, so for now, I do not tempt myself even with one bite... I think that as I progress and eating healthy becomes a habit, I will be able to handle moderation, but even then, I may switch to 90% dark chocolate just to say that I allow myself to eat one (1) square of chocolate a day (which will not lead to eating one pound of milk chocolate a day). I think that once results start to show (weight loss, inches lost, increased endurance, overall better health, etc.) we'd be less likely to indulge in eating something that will not contribute to our overall well-being, so then, moderation might work better for the long haul.