

  • Never having been a mother, I couldn't resist giving you advice! Seems to me that if you're breastfeeding, the priority is baby... so concentrate on quality nutrition for now and work with the 500 calories. I used to read alot of women's history and I know that if the mother isn't getting enough calories and nutrients, the…
  • A storage locker isn't a good option... I couldn't afford the rent on the one I had and lost most of my worldly goods (furniture, professional books, some family heirlooms, etc.). That was very hard for me to deal with... but since that happened I had a lot of people from my past lose everything in Katrina. It still hurts…
  • Sometimes I get charley horses and that seems to be helped by bananas or milk. But this is a different sort of pain. It worries me that it might be PAD. I don't have insurance and can't go see the doctor about it, so that concerns me.
  • I haven't been working lately (part of the cause of my depression) and really have no money. Plus, no car, and very few stores in my vicinity. No family in the area. No funds to hire a cleaner... so it's got to be me. Yikes! Yes, it's a horrible little apartment I've rented. I did complain to the landlord... this isn't the…
  • That's a great goal to set for yourself! I'd love to be able to do that.
  • I have a question. I used to be able to swim (crawl and backstroke, not so good at side stroke), but I've never learned any other strokes. I would like to learn some other strokes and build up my stamina. But the Y (my main option for a fitness facility) doesn't offer instruction besides "beginner." What would you suggest?…
  • It sounds like your husband wants an eating buddy. I do the binge thing too. It got started after I had a bad breakup and a "broken heart", which I promptly cured with lots of pizza and beer... and gained 50 pounds in about 4 months. It's gone on for SO LONG. Right now I'm just about shaking because I want to eat something…
  • I recently discovered Sazon by Goya. It is often used in Latino cooking. My only complaint is that the color of the seasoning is very vibrant and it makes my hands orange if I get it on my hands. It turns out they also have a no-salt variety. It comes in little packets, like packages of boullion.…
  • I don't think you'd save many calories by cutting the bread. I think it's all in the pasta and the cheese. Thanks! I told you my guesstimator was off!
  • I had to throw my scale out, I was weighing myself all the time... but then I've gained an enormous amount of weight since the scale went. I guess you're better off weighing once a week and hiding the scale the rest of the time.
  • This sounds very good. But how many servings? And how big are the servings? I'd guess 4 servings, but obviously my "guesser" is off! I'm so poor at guesstimating (or good at disregarding) my portions.
  • ntp0826's recipe sounds really good... of course I haven't eaten supper yet so I'm doing the dangerous thing by looking at all these recipes. should probably go home and eat the leftover red beans and brown rice I made earlier. ( But I'd rather eat this new recipe. :( )
  • I heard about this on TV and it works! Crazy. Boil a cup of tea, like jasmine tea or darjeeling. Put tea bag in and let it steep. Meanwhile, you have a thin piece of fish like a salmon fillet. After the tea has steeped, take the tea bag out and pour it over the fish. Let it sit for about 3-4 minutes. It will cook in the…
  • I'm not too keen on the fresh spinach... but I bet it would be good with some fresh basil leaves. (And basil is also a vegetable, technically!)
  • I think my "preference" is to "spend" alot of my calories on carbs. But if I converted to a vegetable, I could use those calories on something else! I was over at Hungry Girl and there is a tofu noodle they are discussing now, that has ONLY 40 calories for a whole bag of noodles. That sounds like a good switch too.…
  • I don't have a significant other. So maybe I should think about weighing less than Shaquille O'Neal (and whether I can grow 2 feet in the next few months LOL). Is it realistic to expect a vertical growth spurt in your mid-40s? (I've proven I can grow horizontally quite well...)
  • gecko23, I didn't understand the title of your topic... I thought it was going to be a woman with cosmetic issues. LOL Congratulations on becoming involved with triathlon! I admire the amount of dedication that requires. Good luck--and I hope you can find some other triathletes to inspire you here.
  • Valeriecx and corena, good for both of you! You've both avoided two things that nail me. I find it SO hard to keep my nose out of the ice cream, and stopping and getting something to eat is such a killer of my diet plans. last night I was walking home and my route took me by a Subway... the smell of the bread almost leads…
  • I've taken St. John's wort and didn't think it helped. I've taken meds too and didn't think they were helpful. And to be a total gloomy gus, I've gone to local re-sale stores and Salvation Army for clothes and they really don't carry things in my size. I spent most of a morning going through blue jeans, found ONE pair…
  • I know WW isn't as expensive as some programs, but that $11 a week adds up. And gettting to these meetings without a car is a pain in the butt. I never really got that much out of the meetings since I didn't think I had that much in common with the other members. I think being on-line is probably a better answer for me.
  • I have long-term depression and anxiety. Some days I don't get out of bed, or even brush my hair. It seems like too much trouble. I don't have a significant other or children, I lost/quit my job partly because of the depression (and the fact that my boss didn't believe that I had depression issues... which was interesting…
  • I wasn't really planning to make any lifestyle changes in the past 2 weeks, but I was tipped over the edge by The Today Show appearance. So all I really did this week, different than what is "normal", was write down my food. I give blood twice a week and they have to weigh me... so I know I've lost 3 pounds since my last…
  • I meant I weigh more than Shaq! :laugh: It's popular among my friends to go to Salvation Army, consignment shops, etc. for clothes... but have you ever noticed there's NO big clothes in there? A lady in my town blogs about all the clothes she finds for almost no money and claims there's plus-sized clothes, but I don't…
  • sorry, I double posted! You can call me iowabelle or Laura, I'm weighing in about 271 (that's last Friday). I'm going to shoot for 135 (which would be on the heavy end but it's something I can remember weighing in my distant past!). I think the charts say I should weigh 95-110 pounds, but the least I can ever remember…
  • I can join you too. I have 2 horrifying things to share. I've been reading sports lately, and I found out I weigh less than Shaquille O'Neal. Course, I barely measure in at 5 feet tall on a good day... When I was a youngster, my mother would tell stories about her grandfather, who was a short, fat man. He was so short that…
  • It's okay, BabyD. Think of it like an experiment, and not ALL experiments work. That's how you learn. How do you fix went wrong with today? Don't be so hard on yourself. And, if your husband has bad habits, he might be getting bad cholesterol, setting himself up for a weight problem, etc. So just because he's thin now…
  • There used to be a Chinese restaurant in Tallahassee, Florida that had the BEST General Tso's chicken, but then I moved and ever since I've found that GTC recipes are SO variable that you never know what you're going to get (and some of them aren't good). Will have to try your recipe!
  • In my town it's very difficult to get to meetings. I'm without a car these days, and must go by bus, and the meetings tend to be very early in the morning (meaning I have to leave home about 6:30 a.m. and then wait somewhere, often not in a very nice area, outside), later (could miss the last buses), or not even reachable…
  • Thank you all! This hasn't been such a good week. I got quite sick and kapow, the eating plan gets away from me. Will do better next week.
  • Oh, that's terribly time-consuming, don't you think? I like to cook from recipes I've found on-line.
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