Weight Watchers



  • tjbeer
    tjbeer Posts: 90 Member
    Thanks everyone, I did end up joining and going to give it a go for 6 weeks and we will see how it works out. I am hoping in six weeks to at least have lost 12-15 lbs or more so we will see how it goes, i will keep you all posted. I plan to hope to use this site as well, if I can find the time too, as having a 8 month old consumes alot of my time lately lol!
    cheers Laurie

    Enjoy WW I know I do.

  • iowabelle
    In my town it's very difficult to get to meetings. I'm without a car these days, and must go by bus, and the meetings tend to be very early in the morning (meaning I have to leave home about 6:30 a.m. and then wait somewhere, often not in a very nice area, outside), later (could miss the last buses), or not even reachable by the bus. I might find it easier to do this on-line. I was pleased when they began their on-line service, although I haven't done that. And, in the winter in Iowa, waiting outside for meetings can be nightmarish... I've done it.
  • Netta2015
    Netta2015 Posts: 5 Member
    I've done the exact same thing....I found WW to be too expensive to join, I have done all my research online...There is A LOT out there for free! Plus you can still visit a WW store to buy any books, calculators, scales, etc...w/out being a member (done that too!). My co-workers and I are starting WW together and using MFP as our site to support each other...Its great! I also track my daily Points in the Notes section under my food log. :0) Good Luck no matter which Healthy Eating Aid you decide to use!
  • dogwalk
    dogwalk Posts: 57 Member
    I liked it and it works mainly because you have someone checking your weight weekly and there support in the program,Its all up to the individual try it!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I am a Lifetime member of Weight Watchers. I have been twice to lose weight and suceeded.
    I went a third time and just couldn't get used to it and counting the points.
    I joined this program in July and have been successful in losing weight.
    I would rather track calories than count points. They both work and you will get support
    from both programs. I prefer MFP and it is free. :bigsmile:
    Good Luck on your choice.