Less Than Him

HeaterM Posts: 275
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
Welcome ladies, I hope you all find our new thread without a problem:flowerforyou: I'm super excited it's the weekend and I think my goal for this week is to cut out soda! I'm tryin to get my sister and mom to join this website, so hopefully they will! I had my second job interview at taco bell so i'm hopin I get it yet not gonna expect too much! Maybe it'll make me hate their food if i work there and it'll keep me away from the 5 layers!! lol:laugh: Well I look forward to see how the rest of you are doing and what your plans are for the weekend! I think it'll be good if we get to know eachother better.


  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    I am helping throw a bridal shower tomorrow. Luckily I am the one cooking most of the food so I can tell whats in it ahead of time and know what and how much I can eat.
  • i work all day saturday and then my 4 yr old neice is spending the night..so hopefully she will keep me on my toes! sunday i am going to orlando(i live in FL) to a waterpark with a group of friends sooo it should be fun...:tongue:
  • Planning to spend most the weekend with my beautiful daughter and get some more stuff done around the house. Woot!!
  • i forgot to add the weigh-in today! i woke up up and weighed myself i didnt lose ne thing nor did i gain ne thing kinda bummed bc i worked my butt off this week oh well we will see im gonna try again tomorrow not to be TMI but i didnt go #2 before i weighed so maybe that has something to do with it..sorry for the info...hope everyone has a good day!!!:smile:
  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609
    i forgot to add the weigh-in today! i woke up up and weighed myself i didnt lose ne thing nor did i gain ne thing kinda bummed bc i worked my butt off this week oh well we will see im gonna try again tomorrow not to be TMI but i didnt go #2 before i weighed so maybe that has something to do with it..sorry for the info...hope everyone has a good day!!!:smile:

    that was me last week - stuck at 166 for a week after dropping 5 lbs the previous week. Than after this past tueday I finally did what I had to do and Wednesday I finally seen 165..and saw it again this morning!
  • roxie_belle
    roxie_belle Posts: 45 Member
    Hi everyone! Just sat reading your old thread and was hoping it not to late to join? I joined MFP a couple of months ago but went off track so starting again now!

    My start weight was 216 ~ Current Weight 206 & Goal weight is 126
  • chelseagirlfl
    chelseagirlfl Posts: 207 Member
    I love taco bell fresco menu!

    I weigh in on mondays....I have really bad the last two days..alot of stress and stuff going on so hopefully I won't gain this week
  • corena
    corena Posts: 141 Member
    Good morning, sorry posted on the old thread. Did not lose any weight in fact gained a pound. But will keep trying.

    Daughter has a sleep over at a freinds tonight and son has a friend staying with us. Plan a trip to the lake on Sunday. Probably the last one for the summer.

    Weight was 214
  • lets not let our weight results this morning discourage us ladies!! We are all going to lose 15 lbs by halloween we all can do this especially if we stick together in this!! This week is a new week and next friday hopefully we will see some results! :happy:
  • miss_amy
    miss_amy Posts: 351
    hey ladies! thinmint23, you made me laugh with the #2 comment! lol! i am the same way!

    with that being said, i too have stayed the same this week. i'm actually ok with that considering i did have a few bad meals (with friends that are in from out of town) so at least i didn't gain! now to conquer the weekend!! lol

    keep up all the good work! we may not have seen results this week but i know we will soon as long as we all keep going!

    have a great weekend! :)
  • browneyesbb89
    browneyesbb89 Posts: 141 Member
    I haven't really lost anything this week but what do you expect when you eat crappy and don't exercise for a few weeks. I held steady though so no gain. I hope next week is better. Good Luck erveryone!
  • zolamercedes
    zolamercedes Posts: 46 Member
    Today I am 2 lbs down!!! I started at 218 and today I am at 216!!!! SOOO FREAKING AWESOME!! I didn't eat that much junk. Last night hubby brought home a Whopper Jr. with small fries for my dinner... ugh... I ate it and walked my *kitten* off afterwards. After trying to be good and help some of you not do the junk route, I ended up with junk for dinner. Murphy's Law I guess. :huh:

    I worked out a lot this week... Sunday I went for an hour bike ride, Monday and Tuesday I did the 30 Day Shred, walked again for an extra bit on Tuesday (maybe it was Monday, can't remember) and Thursday I walked for 45 minutes. So I know what I got to do to get these lbs off... I just gotta keep doing it. :grumble:

    BUT today I went to my first Zumba class and in 55 minutes I burned 772 calories! And I actually had fun. I was sweating like a pig and was super red red red in the face, but the hour passed by really fast and I was kinda smiling when I wasn't scowling at my two left feet. So maybe this will make the exercise part not so grumbly for me.

    This weekend, no plans so far but I would like to go for another bike ride. It's tough but the scenery is pretty so it takes my mind off of what I am doing. I want to go see the new Stalone movie... hot guys? Have a great weekend and KEEP AT IT LADIES!!!
  • rlouise247
    rlouise247 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi all,
    Weighed in this morning at 225.2 so I'm down 6.8 lbs for the week and 3.8lbs since I started here at the end of June. Really happy after gaining and not losing any the past month. I've been working out 5-6 days a week the whole time and eating in moderation, nothing really out of the way. Only thing I did differently this week was to make sure I was exercising in the fat burning zone because I usually try to burn as many calories as possible each workout and that put me out of the fat burn zone. I also worked out twice a day at least twice this week, drank more water and added a kettlebell. I'm hoping for at least 2lbs nxt week figuring it will be a slow week with such a big drop. I'm hoping I'm on the right track now. You guys are always so encouraging! Let's all stay focused over the weekend and stay on track!
  • HeaterM
    HeaterM Posts: 275
    lol good to hear from you all! Dont forget the lose 15 by halloween... you can edit that as you please!
  • HeaterM
    HeaterM Posts: 275
    Planning to spend most the weekend with my beautiful daughter and get some more stuff done around the house. Woot!!
    lol Hi da momma! love you
  • I don't have a significant other.

    So maybe I should think about weighing less than Shaquille O'Neal (and whether I can grow 2 feet in the next few months LOL). Is it realistic to expect a vertical growth spurt in your mid-40s? (I've proven I can grow horizontally quite well...)
  • LainMac
    LainMac Posts: 412 Member
    I weigh myself every other Sat. I'll you all know tomorrow. However, sneak peeks have indicated a plateau.

    But I'll keep on keeping on.
  • dmhaag
    dmhaag Posts: 172 Member
    277.6 today - down 2.4 pounds this week from 280. My husband's last weigh in was 277, so I have 0.6 to go. LOL
  • LainMac
    LainMac Posts: 412 Member
    It is true. Was 216. Now 207.I am on Mt Plateau. Nothing to report. Started 6/26. Lost 9 pounds total.
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    I had a bad eating day. I didnt OVER OVER indulge at the shower but I ate more than I should have. I also didnt exercise today due to spending 5 hours cooking prior to the shower (and my body needing a day off anyways - worked out everyday this week so far).

    I sorta feel bad but at the same time I needed the day of rest I just should have had a little more restraint at lunch. Oh well, look forward not back. Tomorrow is back on track with a run and some shopping (need smaller workout pants).

    Hope everyone else enjoyed their Sat!
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