For anyone 200+



  • HeaterM
    HeaterM Posts: 275
    I weighed myself today and was 255 so I had a little happy moment this morning!
  • AfroGeek
    AfroGeek Posts: 18
    I was wondering if everyone who is gonna be in this group could send me a message on here with their name, current weight, and goal weight. please and thank you! I

    Hi All,

    Please count me in. I joined MFP almost two weeks ago and am loving it. I've been overweight all my life. I got on the scale on 8/2/10 and found that I was at my highest weight ever. I am an emotional eater and am dealing with a number of stressful situations. However, I think I've finally come to the point where I want to stop self-medicating with food, eat healthfully, and move more.

    My short-term goal is to lose 10% of my body weight.
    My intermediate goal is to get under 200 lbs.
    My long-term goal is to get and stay at 135 lbs

    Please feel free to friend me. :smile:
  • I did my weigh in yesterday (sorry forgot to post here) but I have lost 6 pounds in my first week. Just counting calories and working out! Thank you for the support!
  • I can join you too.

    I have 2 horrifying things to share. I've been reading sports lately, and I found out I weigh less than Shaquille O'Neal. Course, I barely measure in at 5 feet tall on a good day...

    When I was a youngster, my mother would tell stories about her grandfather, who was a short, fat man. He was so short that he was bigger around than he was tall! (He was so short that "back in the day" when they still had BIG fish in the river, my mom would see him walking down the street, with the fish over his shoulder, and the fish dragging into the street!).

    Anyway, I measured my girth... and I am now bigger around than tall. Yikes!

    By the way, your friend was an *kitten* to you IMO.

    I know that we shouldn't demean the people who have an extra 10-25 pounds. They also struggle, and It's not "just" 25 pounds to them. But it seems to me that people who have substantially more weight to lose also have to battle time. It might just take a few months for 25 pounds to come off, but if you figure a healthy 10 pounds lost a month, it takes a year + to lose 125 or more. It seems hard to keep up your enthusiasm for that amount of time.
  • sorry, I double posted!

    You can call me iowabelle or Laura, I'm weighing in about 271 (that's last Friday). I'm going to shoot for 135 (which would be on the heavy end but it's something I can remember weighing in my distant past!).

    I think the charts say I should weigh 95-110 pounds, but the least I can ever remember weighing is about 115 (and that was about for five minutes). I don't want to diet myself down so low I can't eat anything.
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    Welcome iowabelle!
  • HeaterM
    HeaterM Posts: 275
    welcome welcome great to have you guys! how was everyone's weekend?
  • I meant I weigh more than Shaq! :laugh:

    It's popular among my friends to go to Salvation Army, consignment shops, etc. for clothes... but have you ever noticed there's NO big clothes in there? A lady in my town blogs about all the clothes she finds for almost no money and claims there's plus-sized clothes, but I don't believe her. Do all the fat people wear their clothes until they're full of holes? Why do average people fill the re-sale shops with size 2/4 jeans?
  • sarahwright01
    sarahwright01 Posts: 229 Member
    I'm in! Weigh in on Friday! I am currently 215. My goal is to lose 12 pounds by Halloween! My goal weight is to be 150. I was 170 when i met my husband, (after having recently lost 32 pounds). The past 3 years I had packed on 56 pounds from my weight of 170. My highest weight was 226! I am through with gaining weight.....i have now lost a total of 11 pounds. I plan to keep losing!
  • so kinda bummed today not feeling good i have the flu but i was soo proud of myself yesterday bc even tho i was sick i had abundance of i workout in the am and the pm i worked out on my elipitical in the am and walked for about 45 min in the pm..when i got up this mornign i wanted to see if i lost ne thing..NOPE!! i gained 2 lbs! what the hell!:sad: i dont think im going to count that bc it isnt my weigh in day i was just curious..i guess thats what i get for being curious.."curiousity kills the cat":grumble:
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    Dont count it if it isnt a weigh in day... it could be as simple as water retention or daily weight fluctuations. Watch your sodium today and drink plenty of water and you should be gravy!

    Hope it goes better today.
  • ValerieCx
    ValerieCx Posts: 13 Member
    I would like to join the group if that's ok. Today is my first day and I weighed this morning at 239 lbs. I've been reading some of the earlier posts and like many of u, I want to weigh less that my husband. He weighs 175 so I have quite a ways to go. It has been 5 years since I weighed under 200 but when we met, my junior year of high school, I weighed 145 lbs. He is wonderful and always supportive of me. He does pick me up sometimes. I don't know if it's to prove to himself how tough he is or what but I'm always afraid he's going to hurt himself. I've never had much luck at losing weight and I have like no will power so lets all support each other and one day we will be "less than him".:smile:
  • miss_amy
    miss_amy Posts: 351
    I don't have a husband or a boyfriend at the moment but I do have many guy friends who weigh less than me (boo!) so i'm okay with the "less than him" name. I also like "journey to one-derland" or something similar to that! (i'm not picky!)

    hope everyone is having a good week so far. tuesdays are my least favorite day of the week (not sure why-i always have bad tuesdays! lol) but i am powering through determined to lose another 2lbs this week! i weighed myself this morning (not my weigh-in day but i like to check everyday) and i was up about a half a pound from my last weigh-in. i'm not discouraged though- i just want to get to that 10lb loss mark so bad! hopefully this will be the week! :) i am slightly worried about this weekend though. i have a few friends visiting from out of state and i know we will be going out to dinner. i am going to try very hard to be good. i guess that means extra workouts this weekend! :)
  • Caralyn
    Caralyn Posts: 124 Member

    Looks like you're from Iowa - so am I! I now live in Reno, Nevada. "Friend" me if you want to, because I weigh 234.5 as of this morning (down 18.5 pounds from when I started MFP in January). Communicating with a fellow Iowan would be nice.

  • zolamercedes
    zolamercedes Posts: 46 Member
    I would LOVE to join if it's not too late!!

    My heaviest was 240lbs a few years back. I started South Beach and got down to 160lbs and then I let people talk me out of what was working for me. I was told that I wasn't being healthy by restricting what I ate and for some dang reason I listened and went back to my bad habits. I became addicted to the sugars and refined carbs again and I was sneaking fast food and soda when my husband was away, going crazy eating peanut M&Ms and throwing tantrums when he wouldn't let me buy cake or ice cream. Talk about a bad relationship with food!! He weighs 145lbs and well now I am at 218lbs. :brokenheart:

    So I started South Beach again at 219lbs three weeks ago, and I lost 6 lbs in one week... then I went out with one of my friends who gave me crap to begin with and I made some bad choices again and I gained 5 lbs back the next week. BAD BAD ME! I am hoping that those 6 lbs I lost were just water weight and the 5 lbs I gained back was therefore really just water which means I LOST ONE POUND!!! In two weeks, not so great but still YAY! I ate a pupusa, a sprinkles cupcake, four slices of pizza and a chimichanga this last week. That being said, I worked out and made sure I didn't go over my calories. So I have a 1 lbs loss, not too bad for being super bad. I need to learn how to stop when I am triggered. That will be my life goal.

    So then I promise to myself: I will be better. Not perfect, but better! I need to loose this weight. I know what it feels like to be healthy and light and I WANT IT BACK! :bigsmile: I know what works for my body so I shouldn't sabotage my own success by thinking I can eat what I want when that's soooo not the case. Maybe that works when you're at a healthy weight, but definitely not for me when I am over 200 lbs.

    Goal weight is 145lbs!! Which will make me equal to my hubby but I don’t think I can go anything below that since I’m 5’8. I would really be fine with 155lbs.

    Good luck to our weight loss butt kicking journey!!
  • LainMac
    LainMac Posts: 412 Member
    Hi All,

    I agree that is hard for we who have to lose 50, 60, . . . 100 pounds find it sometime hard to relate to those who want to drop 20 or fewer pounds to wow people at a big event (wedding, school reunion, etc).

    Things are a bit different up here in the 200s. Like:

    -Exercise is something ya gotta do but often we have to learn how to modify exercise as not to hurt or injury ourselves.

    -Ignorant people often give you a hard time when are exercising and you have to ignore them or put them in their places (like my personal hero BrunetteWife did as chronicled in

    -You can lose 10, 20, or even 30 pounds and not have anyone notice or even need new clothing. You somehow must keep on keeping on despite any outside acknowledgement of your sucesses.

    -That it is the wiser thing to not tell people you are changing the way you eat (it is not a diet, it is a life style change) because both the well meaning and ignorant people alike will make dumb butt comments.

    -That when you are north of 200 and have been that for a long time, you have no real idea what is YOUR healthy weight.

    Thanks for letting me vent a bit here.
  • chacha79
    chacha79 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi! I would also like to join your group. I am currently 282.2. I am so tired of being this big!
    My name is Charity and I am married and have a 2 year old toddler who keeps me on my toes!
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    LainMac - your post was AWESOME!

    I agree with all of it.

    I wanted to add, its ok to feel frustrated and like your arent losing enough weight or even losing it fast enough. Any south progress is GOOD progress. We didnt gain it over night, its not going to fall off overnight.

    I have had two weeks of feeling stagnant. I am still losing and i am happy to keep losing. My attitude is back on high. We can all do this!
  • yes we all can do this..because i think we actually have an awesome support group right here!! as my mom always told me rome wasnt built in a day! so we cant lose the weight in one day...maybe 2...just kidding! i wish! but seriously i cant be thankful enough to have a great support group! should we have a date and certain amount of pounds to lose by??
  • HeaterM
    HeaterM Posts: 275
    Hey guys!!!! It's good to read your post it puts me in a better mood to hear that you guys are going through the same struggles and even succeeding (sorry for my really bad spelling lol) Today had it's ups and downs for me. I had a piece of pizza and baked chips for lunch, then when i came home i had cheddar chex mix. I hate math so much it just stresses me out more than most can imagine lol I know that's not related but i've been very irritated today due to being the first day of school and all for me here. Plus mother nature decided to pay a visit so my emotions are out of wack:grumble: lol if im too open let me know. I tend to not care what I say since I'm from a very open family. Have a good one everyone!!:flowerforyou:
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