

  • I'm sorry to hear you're going through such a rough time. I know what you mean about emotional eating. It takes a lot of mental strength to overcome it. Lots of self-talk... do I really "feel" better after I eat/drink? Why do my emotions drive me to eat? Why do I eat when I'm not hungry? Do something kind for yourself...…
  • What a great success story!! Good for you... I bet it was a lot of fun to bring that medal home! Keep up the strong work. :happy: Deborah
  • Losing inches is more important! As you become more healthy you'll rely less on what the scale says and listen to your body. Are you feeling better? More energy? Better outlook? These measurements are more important than what the scale says. And people are noticing!! That's another measurement!! Sounds like you're doing…
  • It's easy to get discouraged when we plataeu, but try to remember that plateaus are common and they don't last forever. When you focus on the positive gains you've made - you'll feel encouraged. If you focus on the negative - you'll feel discouraged. Please give yourselves a BIG pat-on-the-back and stay positive. Keep…
  • When I lose weight it shows in my face first - I look very skinny in my face but my butt is still big. :laugh: So, yeah, I've had people say, "You're getting so skinny". I haven't even lost very much weight!! I'm saddened by some of the comments people have received, but I agree that it is jealousy. Enjoy those skinny…
  • Wonderful insights. And after being good for a while - one day won't derail you unless you give up. Just never give up. Keep moving forward no matter what. You will reach your goals. Give yourself big hugs for your accomplishments. But allow yourself a free meal once in awhile - it's normal. Wishing you the best success!!…
    in An epiphany Comment by biodeb March 2011
  • Congrats!! Keep up the good work... :happy:
  • Welcome, Christie!! Good for you - I'm glad you're motivated and determined to take control. I love your title - NOW is always the time. You can do it... be kind to yourself and patient.
  • You're right! No sense in wallowing in guilt. Tomorrow is a new day and another opportunity. I have to work and I'm usually very good at work. So that will make me feel good. I worked out after the game (yaaaay Packers!!), so I don't feel bad. I just wish I had another day of weekend - cause I'm not ready to go back to…
  • That's so frustrating... I'm sorry you had to go through such a trying event. :sad: Mean people end up getting what they deserve - one way or another. Hang in there!!
  • Love the "Buddhist Wisdom" quote above!! :smile:
  • Good habits take time to establish. Give yourself time & permission to make changes gradually. If you need a little something - have a snack - make it a healthy protein snack!! Then re-focus on nurturing yourself with a non-food activity. :wink:
  • I studied T'ai Chi for about 4 years with a Kung Fu instructor. I still remember some of the forms that I learned. I recommend a Kung Fu school because they will teach the proper forms so you get the best results. Also, when you find a good instructor that inspires you - you stay more committed. I'm sure you already know…
    in Tai chi? Comment by biodeb December 2010
  • Interesting... I've always wondered if herbal tea could be counted as water intake. That's great news for me because I drink a lot of herbal tea. Thanks!! :drinker:
  • Don't be too hard yourself... but DO be firm. I'm an emotional eater, so if something happens in my life that causes me stress - I turn to food, often before I realize what I'm doing. Lately, my approach has been -- paying attention to what I'm feeling and NOT to suppress those feelings with food. The good news for you is…
  • I love the smells (the good ones) that come from my kitchen. The first thing I fix in my kitchen every morning is a warm cup of cappuccino with a little sprinkle of Mexican chocolate - it's delightful. :love: I love that I can prepare healthy food for my husband & me (and even our pets) instead of buying pre-made food or…
  • I love mashed cauliflower!! :love: A great alternative for mashed potatoes (but that's not to say I don't eat mashed potatoes anymore - I still do). Steam, add a little milk and/or cheese along with whatever herbs you like best. So yummy.
  • Try cutting out something you eat/drink - just one thing a day; or add one type of exercise each day (e.g. a 5 to 10 minute walk). It's the little things that add up over time. Those last few pounds are soooo difficult. I've been fluctuating from 135 to 143 over the past month!! I'd like to keep my weight around 135…
  • CONGRATS on the inches lost!! :drinker: That's fantastic. 77 weeks is quite some time, so settle in for the LONG run and try to enjoy your new eating habits. Just think, in half that time, how much weight/inches you will have lost. :bigsmile: Think long-term.