What will you do this Monday????????????

So.....are you going to sit and wallow in the grief of that Super Bowl party you had or attended? I say NO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get up, eat a good breakfast and get your butt in gear! Work off all that fun you had with friends and loved ones! It's OK to have fun and celebrate a national treasure that we are afforded here in the U.S. Our troops over-seas would love the chance to get up tomorrow and think about what they will do that day. They don't get that luxury...you do! So do something good with it. Go work out. Go volunteer at your child's school. Go to a retirement home and give somebody hope and a smile. Don't just sit there. Do something good and meaningful with your Monday!

:flowerforyou: ~Marnie


  • nerual13
    nerual13 Posts: 39 Member
    No wallowing here! I was lucky enough to be at work till 10pm tonight and missed that whole eating event! I'm off tomorrow and will be at the gym running on the treadmill and being proud of myself :)
  • momogogo
    momogogo Posts: 159 Member
    I was just thinking about that myself. I didn't get too crazy, but I certainly have some pay back to do. Tomorrow will be another day in my voyage to my goals. However, I started my journey on Jan.3rd. I have lost 6lbs so far and I need to step up my game. My motto this week is to be INTENSE!
  • julienicole8
    Motivation.......I have it. Monday is going to be a great day.
  • LarryPGH
    LarryPGH Posts: 349 Member
    Ugh... I have a special event that I need to go to Monday night, which includes a reception and dinner. Gotta try and stay good all night!
  • nerual13
    nerual13 Posts: 39 Member
    a nice filling snack of fruit and veggies before you go, and carry a glass of water the whole time. really makes a difference!!!
  • biodeb
    biodeb Posts: 19
    You're right! No sense in wallowing in guilt. Tomorrow is a new day and another opportunity. I have to work and I'm usually very good at work. So that will make me feel good. I worked out after the game (yaaaay Packers!!), so I don't feel bad. I just wish I had another day of weekend - cause I'm not ready to go back to work. Great post! Thanks for the perspective... :smile:
  • leomentlines
    leomentlines Posts: 440 Member
    Class, Gym, Homework!
  • vickiele1
    vickiele1 Posts: 394 Member
    I actually did way better this weekend than I have in the last few weekends. I will however be over my calorie goal this evening as my guy and I are going out to dinner to the restaurant where we first met 3 months ago. I intend to have a wonderful meal (but will try to monitor portions). Blessings to all = and Marnie a great post.

  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    I didn't do too badly on calories yesterday, although I did eat a lot of sodium and didn't get much exercise. Last night I planned out my food for all of today, good healthy stuff, so I can get back on track. :)

    Have a great Monday everyone!