

  • Why would you say that? Milk is an important source of calcium and Vitamin D. I drink the recommended amount of milk daily (according to Canada's Food Guide). I drink skim which saves fat and calories. As a 40 year old woman I make sure to get my calcium daily and believe in getting it naturally rather than from…
  • Before I Go to Sleep. I am listening to that right now on Audible.
  • All fresh fruit is healthy!
  • I have never used any form of drug for losing weight. The fact is if you can't learn to control the binging while losing you won't control it after you reach your goal weight. Perhaps talk to someone about the reasons for the lack of "will power to stuff my face" as you put it. Those of us with weight to lose have to train…
  • The only way to test it would be to have the exact same menu everyday for 5 weeks. Since caloric intake and exercise is not the same everyday it changes. I don't know about you but I would rather not eat the same food for 35 days straight.
  • Use the BMI (Body Mass Index) http://www.bmi-calculator.net/
  • I grow the real thing. As of right now I have a good dozen sitting on my deck and a couple of dozen more (at least) still on the vines. I cook it and freeze it for the winter months. Then I can make pies, muffins, pumpkin chocolate chip cookies, pumpkin cheesecake and it can all be low fat :)
  • First of all what makes you think you have to eat organic to eat healthy? "Regular veggies/fruit" are just as healthy. I make all my food from scratch and it is cheaper than buying the pre made / pre packaged food. For example if you buy the fruit / veggies that are in season it is cheaper. There is nothing wrong with…
  • I was 20 pounds before I received any comments. A lot of times people don't want to say anything - they don't want to insult by insinuating that you needed to lose in the first place. At 20 pounds lost I am finally noticing a difference in some of my clothes.
  • I make all my meals from scratch and I use the MFP recipe builder
  • What about your eating habits?
  • If it's a special occasion and not something you do often why worry about it? Allow yourself what you want/
  • Put on a pair of pants that almost fit - that will motivate me to get moving. Sometimes my motivation comes from the littlest thing. Tonight for example it was hot and humid and I was busy all day. I didn't have time to workout until 8:00. I planned on skipping but then saw a post from a friend on FaceBook that she was…
    in In a rut! Comment by jupaba August 2011
  • My treadmill has me burning at least 100 calories more than MFP. I use the MFP numbers because that keeps everything consistent. Not sure why there is such a discrepancy.
  • If you see one day a week as free it's going against the idea of food as fuel rather than food as reward. I would suggest allowing yourself what you want at any time but with moderation. For example, if there is pie for dessert have a piece - just have a small piece not a great big piece and then another as a bedtime…
  • Seems high in almost everything. A S'mores Quaker Chewy Bar only has 110 calories, 2.5 g fat and 20 g carbs. The
  • I am looking to lose a total of 90-100 pounds. I would love to have some motivators!
  • I was having the same conversation with myself today. My pants are bigger in the thigh but my stomach seems to be not shrinking as quickly. I do my cardio and crunches. Guess I will have to be patient and hope it comes. If you figure it out let me know the secret.
    in good & bad Comment by jupaba August 2011
  • I know someone who has logged in for over 365 days
  • I understand. I too am a teacher and find it really hard to exercise after work. Even if I am home there is planning and marking to do. If you figure out the magic answer let me know. I know it's a matter of priority but it stillisn't easy.
  • Doctors and nurses are not nutrition experts - dietitians are. They shouldn't be expected to know all that
  • Some people weigh themselves everyday - if you do this you have to be able to handle the fact that your weight fluctuates and one day you might be down 1.5 pounds and then next up 0.6. I weigh myself once a week, same time, same day, same clothes (my jammies), 1. Do you eat your workout calories? Sometimes yes and…
  • I rely on the bbq almost all summer. Sometimes I take the crock pot and put it on the deck - that way there is no heat at all in my kitchen.
  • Have you taken any measurements? That can be an even better indicator of loss than just pounds. So many things can affect what the scale says.
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