In a rut!

The past 2 days I haven't worked out and I don't want to lose the little bit of progress I've had using myfitnesspal the last month! I've just been really stressed do you guys find the motivation to work out when you get stuck in a rut? help!


  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I look at all my jiggly parts. That gets me motivated! lol
  • tibby028
    I think the hardest part of a "rut" is getting the courage to start up again. For me its always that first step that the MOST difficult to take. You really just gotta get yourself to take the first step and do it. I think after that it will be easier. I'm not entirely sure if this is helpful haha..
  • katemiddletonisawesome
    Agree with Arielle! 100%!
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    if your workouts are enjoyable and challenging at the same time, I look forward to it. it's nothing I dread. it soon become habit that even if you don't find the time a couple days you're eager to get back to it.
  • ConnieSG
    ConnieSG Posts: 376
    If I get into a rut, I usually take a day off or two and that usually gets me started back up again. Plus I keep on thinking how much weight I have lost so far so that motivates me as well.
  • luppic8
    luppic8 Posts: 580 Member
    I had surgery two weeks ago and was not able to workout until today. I made sure I ate properly so that I could maintain the weight I lost (I acutally lost two pounds without working out) When I get lazy or get into a rut I just remember how great I feel after i am done exercising so that helps me push myself to get off my *kitten* and workout! So just do it girl! You will feel better once you get started! Good luck to you!
  • jupaba
    jupaba Posts: 25
    Put on a pair of pants that almost fit - that will motivate me to get moving. Sometimes my motivation comes from the littlest thing. Tonight for example it was hot and humid and I was busy all day. I didn't have time to workout until 8:00. I planned on skipping but then saw a post from a friend on FaceBook that she was going for a walk outside and that motivated me to go for a walk - a very brisk one. IT FELT GREAT!