jomane81 Member


  • I happened to see this post and I'm going to give it a shot. It seems like it will work with my frame of mind! I'd been trying to restrict to 1200-1400 calories a day, and I just kept going over, which made me feel guilty, so I would eat more... you see the problem! I'm really excited about this. Tomorrow is my first down…
    in JUDDDD Comment by jomane81 May 2010
  • Sorry, I've been MIA with visitors! I've lost 1 lb since the first weigh in... (less than I was hoping for, but better than gaining, I suppose.) Start Weight 165.4 Current Weight 164.4 :tongue:
  • I'm a Beagle girl myself. Growing up, I only had outside dogs, so I was soooooooo excited to get my first house dog! He was a 1-year old rescue when we got him. Now he's 3 and we got him a little sister last Christmas. Larry Boy and Clementine are both beagle mixes, both adorable, and BOTH give me guilt when I don't give…
    in Dogs... Comment by jomane81 April 2010
  • I'd like to join. My family is coming to visit me over Memorial Day weekend (its the first time my parents have been able to come to my house since I moved here 3 years ago) and I would LOVE to start the summer10lbs lighter!!! Start: 165 May 6: 155 Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Hi! Hurleycutie, I was one of those faders in your team last spring/summer... I fell of the face of MFP for many many months...and I gained back all the weight I'd lost!! I have all kinds of weaknesses, so any goals we set will help me I'm sure! My goals are similar everyone here, so I'd love to join. Current Weight: 165.4…
  • I gave it up for Lent this year, and the extra reason really helped. Now I try to only drink it for "special occasions" (like going out to a pizza place, so it's a cheat meal anyway!) I didn't lose any weight b/c of it, unfortunately, since I was drinking mostly diet anyway, but I think kicking the caffeine addiction…
    in Recovery Comment by jomane81 April 2010
  • 157 today. A couple days ago I was 155. I'm pretty stoked that i'm fluctuating around 155 now instead of 160 like i have been for the last 3 weeks. Summer school for me too! I'm in week 4 already, and perpetually behind. back to the homeowrk! Have a great week, everyone!!!!!!!! :bigsmile:
  • that is some impressive will power!!! i might not have been able to do it. :flowerforyou: Also, I just weighed myself ( I know we're not weighing this week, but I check a few times a week just to see what's up) and I'm at the lowest I've been since I started MFP! The last few weeks I've been fluctuating by a few pounds…
  • While I was on my adding "binge" for friends, MFP popped up with a warning "you can only add 5 friends every ten minutes." That seems like a silly limit for a site that's trying to encourage social networking and support! :tongue: Just Kidding. Anyway, though, I left it and got distracted so I don't think I've gotten…
  • that is a fantastic site. you can make a whole list of the ingredients you want to use and then it will give you recipes that contain those. AND you can say "not" to some things. that might help keep the really unhealthy but really tempting reciped off the suggested list! also, you can freeze bananas for later use. that…
  • I am ok with this, but I would rather just make it viewable to friends, not the whole world. :) I'm only friends with one of you guys, so far so... expect requests! :bigsmile: -Jo
  • OMG. I just had desert. 100 calorie fat free Jello pudding chocolate and vanilla. My hubby brought it back from the store (I think he was reading my mind b/c I had just read an article in Women's HEalth about craving busters for under 100 calories). It was soooooooooooooooooooo gooooooooooooooooood. Hunts make a 70 calorie…
  • Happy Wednesday! I've done ok. I didn't eat at ALL after dinner yesterday (which is huge for me, as I ate at 5 and went to bed at 11). I worked until 9 last night, so that halped get thorugh some of the hours, but it's hard to not grab a snack when I come home at night. I didn't exercise above my usual, but I did walk the…
  • THANK YOU! I definitely need a kick in the butt this week. I've been sitting on my couch this morning feeling sorry for myself and stressing about everyhting that has to get done. We just got back from a wonderful vacation, and I am ready to start again. No more whining! Now off to work! Have a great week, ladies!
  • Sorry I've been pretty much MIA for a couple days. I started my summer semester of classes on Wednesday night and I've been freaking out ever since then about how I will have no time to do anything but eat, sleep, go to work, and do homework! :sad: I also hit bottom about my ability to add exercise into my lifestyle. I've…
  • everytime you exercise, you earn the calories from that extra workout. you've burned the calories from your original allotment, so you get to eat a little more. if you do a really hardcore workout and burn several hundred calories in a day, you probably NEED to eat more to replenish your body. Plus, a lot of us see it as a…
  • Good luck on the tryout, Hurley!! :frown: I hope the sick kitty feels better soon. As a fellow pet lover, I must say I adore all the animal profile pics. Except that it makes me want to drive to the Humane Society and pick up some more furry friends of my own!!! I still haven't nailed the 8 cups a day of water thing, but I…
  • I eat instant oatmeal and a hard boiled egg for breakfast or a smoothie with a piece of toast. I try to keep breakfast at less than 200 cals (I never have much of an appetite in the morning), but the oatmeal seems to really suppress my hunger until lunch. Lunch is usually something prepackaged and microwaveable, like lean…
  • no change for me this week...159
  • I finished a great book this weekend. Some of you may have already heard of the Amazing Adventures of Diet Girl blog. It's been around for about 8 years, apparently. They recently published a book of Shauna (the author's) blog posts. She started at 350 and her goal was to reach a BMI of "healthy" (165 lbs). I'm not dealing…
  • Ah, it's nice to be back home! We surprised my mother in law for mother's day weekend, and my hubby is still out of town for business. He'll be back tomorrow. In the meantime, I need to get another workout in tonight! I went over in my calories every day this weekend! :blushing: Plus (being the crazy girl that I am), my…
  • Hi all! I hope you have a successful weekend! I'm out of town until Sunday night, so I just popped on for a minute to do my online flight check in & food diary and say I hope you are all doing ok. I'm visiting fmaily, so I'm having some real challenges, cuz BOY do we all love to eat! :bigsmile: Later! Jo
  • I think it's just like 5 more calories to change to 2%. (per serving) thanks! she likes to show off for the camera... Created by - Free Food Diary
  • "Belly-Trimming Tropical Smoothie" 1/2 c 1% milk 2 Tbsp low-fat yogurt 1/4 c. frozen orange juice concentrate 1/2 banana 1/4 cup whole strawberries (i use frozen ones) 1/2 c. cubed mango (i use frozen ones) 2 tsp vanilla whey protein powder 3 ice cubes -makes 2 servings -153 cals per serving (i entered it in the food…
  • OMG, Ladies! I can see I'm going to have to check this several times a day to keep up with you all! I'm glad to see so many members, though! Yay red team!!! -I'm doing terrible on my water intake. I don't think I drink 8 cups a day of ANY liquid! So it's really hard to do with water... :sad: -I try hard every day to be a…
  • oh dear. you nailed my big weakness on the first challenge. well,no time like the present! good luck, red team! Created by - Free Food Diary
  • I'm in! 159.4 lbs :drinker: Jo Created by - Free Food Diary
  • I am the exact same way when it comes to studying. The only solution I found was to go to the university library on a floor where food is not allowed. the effort required to pack up my laptop and other study materials just to grab a snack was totally not worth it! Also, I chewed gum and always had a drink handy. Now, I…
  • Me too! I'm glad to see the request. I definitely need a group to follow up with so I make a point to keep up on the message boards. I did really well for a couple weeks, then I totally dropped off! Eep! :ohwell: Jo
  • i tried that calaculator tonight, too, and it put me at 8 lbs below my goal weight (which was what I weighed in high school when I played sports and, you know, was younger with a better metabolism). 8 lbs lighter seems INSANE! When I made my original goal weight, I thought I was being a bit of a dreamer. Either my goal…