

  • hurleycutie142
    hurleycutie142 Posts: 480 Member
    WelcomeLaura021967 and jmanning to the red team!!!
    sorry if i forget anyone i finally got my laptop back so now i can save the list!
    here is our first week weigh in
    hurleycutie142 170.0
    andrea09 264.4
    deb03 207
    jomane81 159
    jlhcrh3 290
    crosstitcher0563 201
    nevermorex 180
    tofuheart 188
    Laura021967 247
    jmanning 151.5
    jrreynolds 220
    JustAnotherGirl 163

    wow the list keeps getting longer and longer
  • jlhcrh3
    jlhcrh3 Posts: 314
    well i am not usually up for breakfast...i am a night owl...i also go to school at night. but i want to start getting up earlier. Maybe even taking morning walks. it's going to be hard, because i am not a morning person! but i finally got off my butt today and did something! i just did the second disc of the one i did yesterday and it kicked my butt more than the other one did. i think i'm going to eat a snack and do the other one. since i have a day today that i don't have to do anything, i want to try to take advantage and get as much working out done as i can! lol.

    what are some good breakfast ideas? i don't do cereal. if i have cereal in the morning it makes me sick, don't ask me why. lol. i like shakes/smoothies...any good recipes?
  • hurleycutie142
    hurleycutie142 Posts: 480 Member
    well i am not usually up for breakfast...i am a night owl...i also go to school at night. but i want to start getting up earlier. Maybe even taking morning walks. it's going to be hard, because i am not a morning person! but i finally got off my butt today and did something! i just did the second disc of the one i did yesterday and it kicked my butt more than the other one did. i think i'm going to eat a snack and do the other one. since i have a day today that i don't have to do anything, i want to try to take advantage and get as much working out done as i can! lol.

    what are some good breakfast ideas? i don't do cereal. if i have cereal in the morning it makes me sick, don't ask me why. lol. i like shakes/smoothies...any good recipes?

    thats great! im the same way im up till 3 but dont wake up till like 11 12... need to start changing it up so i can work out in the morning instead of the afternoon...

    i have a smoothie every morning and it hasnt gotten boring because i can always change it up... what i usually put in my smoothie is...

    1 pouch of carnation protein pack which is chocolate flavor...
    5 strawberries
    1 banana or pineapple... whatever i feel like
    half cup of non fat milk... or yogurt...
    and a cup of ice...

    just mix in ur favorite fruits milk or yogurt and maybe some protein and ur set... its really good any way u decide...
  • JustAnotherGirl
    Usually for breakfast I would have a 1/2 cup (before it was cooked) of oatmeal with some brown sugar and a banana. Today, I switched it up and had a 2 hard boiled eggs, some toast and watermelon. It is very filling. Oh and I also have some FRS low cal orange drink too!
  • hurleycutie142
    hurleycutie142 Posts: 480 Member
    omg i feel like a crack addict... im addicted to soda and i havent had one in 3 days... and everytime i open the refrigerator its just looking at me saying drink me its okay its just one lol
  • hurleycutie142
    hurleycutie142 Posts: 480 Member
    Usually for breakfast I would have a 1/2 cup (before it was cooked) of oatmeal with some brown sugar and a banana. Today, I switched it up and had a 2 hard boiled eggs, some toast and watermelon. It is very filling. Oh and I also have some FRS low cal orange drink too!

    thats a great way to get ur day started... eventhough hard boiled eggs make ne nausious lol
  • jlhcrh3
    jlhcrh3 Posts: 314
    omg i feel like a crack addict... im addicted to soda and i havent had one in 3 days... and everytime i open the refrigerator its just looking at me saying drink me its okay its just one lol

    haha that's funny cause just a minute ago i opened up the fridge and there was a pepsi staring at me. lol! it was calling my name, so i shut the door and walked away! lol
    Usually for breakfast I would have a 1/2 cup (before it was cooked) of oatmeal with some brown sugar and a banana. Today, I switched it up and had a 2 hard boiled eggs, some toast and watermelon. It is very filling. Oh and I also have some FRS low cal orange drink too!
    sounds good minus the hard boiled eggs. what's FRS?
  • JustAnotherGirl
    Usually for breakfast I would have a 1/2 cup (before it was cooked) of oatmeal with some brown sugar and a banana. Today, I switched it up and had a 2 hard boiled eggs, some toast and watermelon. It is very filling. Oh and I also have some FRS low cal orange drink too!
    sounds good minus the hard boiled eggs. what's FRS?

    FRS is an antioxidant drink that is promoted as "healthy energy" some people use it to replace red bulls or rockstars in their diets. I use the concentrate version that is only 20 cal per serving. I really like it,because it has helped to make me not as tired in the middle of the day. It was recommend by hungry girl ( You can find out more from FRS' website ( but be careful if you sign up for their free trial....they will start sending you monthly shipments and charging your credit card!!
  • hurleycutie142
    hurleycutie142 Posts: 480 Member
    man o man i fill like giving up... me and my mom just got into it badly... me and he never got along for aslong as i remember... and for that is the reason i moved out at 15 1/2 to live with my gma... with all the beatings and telling me im never going to be anything is finally hitting me... all my life she has told me i was never going to amount to ****... i feel like binging and eating everything in sight but thats the reason why i am at this point in the first place... i think im just going to go to the gym when i calm down... im just happy for a couple of months she wont be apart of my life...
  • andrea09
    andrea09 Posts: 124
    You guys are making me hungry! lol! :bigsmile:

    My breakfast today was one of those mini bagels,light yogurt and a banana.
    That smoothie sounds really good. I might have to try that. I had hard boiled egg yesterday as I was running out the door. That darn egg keep me going in my meeting until about 10 and I ate it at 6:45.

    I have been off of pop since December and let me tell you the craving does not get any easier!
  • andrea09
    andrea09 Posts: 124
    man o man i fill like giving up... me and my mom just got into it badly... me and he never got along for aslong as i remember... and for that is the reason i moved out at 15 1/2 to live with my gma... with all the beatings and telling me im never going to be anything is finally hitting me... all my life she has told me i was never going to amount to ****... i feel like binging and eating everything in sight but thats the reason why i am at this point in the first place... i think im just going to go to the gym when i calm down... im just happy for a couple of months she wont be apart of my life...

    Dont give up! You can do this! Eating all that crap wont solv lifes poblems. I found that out the hard way. The gym will make you feel so much better. Go do some kickboxing and will drain all of that negative energy right out of you.
    I just found out today that I am diabetic and I do not know what to do. I love those doctors that just tell you that you have this diagnosis but dont tell you how to live with it or control it.
  • hurleycutie142
    hurleycutie142 Posts: 480 Member
    man o man i fill like giving up... me and my mom just got into it badly... me and he never got along for aslong as i remember... and for that is the reason i moved out at 15 1/2 to live with my gma... with all the beatings and telling me im never going to be anything is finally hitting me... all my life she has told me i was never going to amount to ****... i feel like binging and eating everything in sight but thats the reason why i am at this point in the first place... i think im just going to go to the gym when i calm down... im just happy for a couple of months she wont be apart of my life...

    Dont give up! You can do this! Eating all that crap wont solv lifes poblems. I found that out the hard way. The gym will make you feel so much better. Go do some kickboxing and will drain all of that negative energy right out of you.
    I just found out today that I am diabetic and I do not know what to do. I love those doctors that just tell you that you have this diagnosis but dont tell you how to live with it or control it.

    wow im sorry to hear that... now u have an extra push to start getting weight off you... we can do it... if we can get through this we can get through anything

    well there went my mothers day plans :/
  • andrea09
    andrea09 Posts: 124
    man o man i fill like giving up... me and my mom just got into it badly... me and he never got along for aslong as i remember... and for that is the reason i moved out at 15 1/2 to live with my gma... with all the beatings and telling me im never going to be anything is finally hitting me... all my life she has told me i was never going to amount to ****... i feel like binging and eating everything in sight but thats the reason why i am at this point in the first place... i think im just going to go to the gym when i calm down... im just happy for a couple of months she wont be apart of my life...

    Dont give up! You can do this! Eating all that crap wont solv lifes poblems. I found that out the hard way. The gym will make you feel so much better. Go do some kickboxing and will drain all of that negative energy right out of you.
    I just found out today that I am diabetic and I do not know what to do. I love those doctors that just tell you that you have this diagnosis but dont tell you how to live with it or control it.

    wow im sorry to hear that... now u have an extra push to start getting weight off you... we can do it... if we can get through this we can get through anything

    well there went my mothers day plans :/

    Yep more of a push to get rid of this once and for all. Just have to put the best foot forward.

    Today is only you never know plans can change..keep your chin up.
  • hurleycutie142
    hurleycutie142 Posts: 480 Member
    ya i am... i always do get through it...
  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    Dont give up! You can do this! Eating all that crap wont solv lifes poblems. I found that out the hard way. The gym will make you feel so much better. Go do some kickboxing and will drain all of that negative energy right out of you.
    I just found out today that I am diabetic and I do not know what to do. I love those doctors that just tell you that you have this diagnosis but dont tell you how to live with it or control it.

    I am sorry about your diagnosis. I have Type I diabetes. I was diagnosed in 6th grade when I was 11. If your doctors don't help you to tell you how to live with conditions like these and how to control them, it is time to get new doctors. Seriously. You just say, "Sorry, I need to do what is best for me" and go find yourself a new set of doctors who care about your ability to take care of yourself and will help you through it. It's not a fun transition, but sometimes it is necessary.
  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    man o man i fill like giving up... me and my mom just got into it badly... me and he never got along for aslong as i remember... and for that is the reason i moved out at 15 1/2 to live with my gma... with all the beatings and telling me im never going to be anything is finally hitting me... all my life she has told me i was never going to amount to ****... i feel like binging and eating everything in sight but thats the reason why i am at this point in the first place... i think im just going to go to the gym when i calm down... im just happy for a couple of months she wont be apart of my life...

    Aww. Don't give up! You'll be ok. Go to the gym - you will feel better. Today I got really upset and binged and now I truly regret it. Don't make my mistake! Hang in there <3
  • andrea09
    andrea09 Posts: 124
    Dont give up! You can do this! Eating all that crap wont solv lifes poblems. I found that out the hard way. The gym will make you feel so much better. Go do some kickboxing and will drain all of that negative energy right out of you.
    I just found out today that I am diabetic and I do not know what to do. I love those doctors that just tell you that you have this diagnosis but dont tell you how to live with it or control it.

    I am sorry about your diagnosis. I have Type I diabetes. I was diagnosed in 6th grade when I was 11. If your doctors don't help you to tell you how to live with conditions like these and how to control them, it is time to get new doctors. Seriously. You just say, "Sorry, I need to do what is best for me" and go find yourself a new set of doctors who care about your ability to take care of yourself and will help you through it. It's not a fun transition, but sometimes it is necessary.

    I have already called a new doctor. I was so upset. I found out more about it on the web than I did at the office. So I am going to make the best of what I have and figure out this all out. They did say that with diet and exercise I may be able to control it with out the medication. So there is hope.
  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    Dont give up! You can do this! Eating all that crap wont solv lifes poblems. I found that out the hard way. The gym will make you feel so much better. Go do some kickboxing and will drain all of that negative energy right out of you.
    I just found out today that I am diabetic and I do not know what to do. I love those doctors that just tell you that you have this diagnosis but dont tell you how to live with it or control it.

    I am sorry about your diagnosis. I have Type I diabetes. I was diagnosed in 6th grade when I was 11. If your doctors don't help you to tell you how to live with conditions like these and how to control them, it is time to get new doctors. Seriously. You just say, "Sorry, I need to do what is best for me" and go find yourself a new set of doctors who care about your ability to take care of yourself and will help you through it. It's not a fun transition, but sometimes it is necessary.

    I have already called a new doctor. I was so upset. I found out more about it on the web than I did at the office. So I am going to make the best of what I have and figure out this all out. They did say that with diet and exercise I may be able to control it with out the medication. So there is hope.

    You will be ok. If they think you can control it with diet and exercise, that's fabulous! I test my sugar about 4-6 times a day and have to inject insulin 2 or 3 times a day, on average. It's a pain in the *kitten*. I really should get a pump instead of stabbing myself all the time. I'm considering it. So, I'm happy for you that your probably will not need this. There's always hope. Hang in there...
  • jomane81
    jomane81 Posts: 41 Member
    OMG, Ladies! I can see I'm going to have to check this several times a day to keep up with you all! I'm glad to see so many members, though! Yay red team!!!

    -I'm doing terrible on my water intake. I don't think I drink 8 cups a day of ANY liquid! So it's really hard to do with water... :sad:

    -I try hard every day to be a morning person. it's helped me more that my hubby has to be at work way earlier than me so I try to get up and see him before he leaves, and now I really miss the extra time I have to myself in the mornings when I keep hitting that stupid snooze...
    Anyway, my breakfast WAS an oatmeal packet (of any flavor, they're only like 120 cals and pretty filling), and a hard boiled egg if I had any in the fridge.
    As of yesterday, I started making Smoothies. The one I make is a specific recipe I found in Women's health mag. I can post the recipe if you're interested, but I'm at work right now, so it's not in front of me! :) It is delicious & I can absolutely see the results as far as increased energy, but the milk/yogurt/fruit combo in the morning was a little much for me, so I added a piece of toast on the side to help settle the ol' tummy.

    -Next week's challenge...I noticed there's another group that exists each month just supporting each other on no late night snacking. (each member decides what "late night" means for her) is that a common problem for us?? I know I love a good snack right before bed... :blushing:
  • ever4green
    ever4green Posts: 5
    I'm late in... starting at 147.