

  • andrea09
    andrea09 Posts: 124
    How is everyone doing on the challenge? I had a day full of meetings and about half of my water intake. So I am going to chug chug down the water tonight. Does that count?
    This is a great first challenge! Welcome to all the newbies that joined! The more the better! :bigsmile:

    lol ya it counts... water is water... just dont over hydrate... not good lol... for me today was good... i stayed home today i didnt go to school... which was a bad idea cause all i wanted to do was eat... so i forced myself to go to the gym where i got a good work out... and i have been peeing all day long... thanks water challenge lol

    Oh I totally know what you mean. When I work from home all I do is think of food. Then I snap out of it and go and go do the treadmill. I live in a very rural area so the gym is not an option. So I made my own gym.
    I think I might spend the rest of the night in the! How would you know if you have over hydrated? I see people drinking 3 liters per day and I think wow!
  • hurleycutie142
    hurleycutie142 Posts: 480 Member
    Under certain conditions, the body takes
    in more water than it can loose causing
    a decrease in sodium concentrations
    and an electrolyte imbalance. This is
    over-hydration. Sever over-hydration is
    called water intoxication. Both of these
    conditions require immediate medical
    To avoid over-hydration, carefully
    monitor fluid and sodium intake when
    perspiring heavily (such as with athletic
    training, strenuous work) or when ill.
    This article explores over-hydration
    and water intoxication.
  • hurleycutie142
    hurleycutie142 Posts: 480 Member
    i know i wish i could take that much water... i hate the boring taste of water so over drinking it will never be a problem... but south beach diet has pouches that u pour into ur water bottle that makes it taste much better!
  • andrea09
    andrea09 Posts: 124
    That is a great tid bit of info on over hydration.
    I like the south beach pouches I also like the crystal light pouches. The more I drink water the colder I get during the day. I think I am the only on that still have their space heaters right at my legs. lol! Thankfully I work from home most days so I bundle like a snowman. Its kinda funny.
    Is it true that if you drink coffee that you have to drink more water because coffee dehydrates you? I heard that but did not know if it was true.

    The weather is so icky here! I am sick of the rain already. I guess that is what I get for living near Seattle.
  • hurleycutie142
    hurleycutie142 Posts: 480 Member
    ill trade u... im in cali and its hot all the time! i miss the snow! and the rain! i think im going to do some laps in the pool a little bit later but the pool is like 50 degrees lol... maybe ill turn on the heater
  • andrea09
    andrea09 Posts: 124
    In the summer it is wonderful down here. Right around 100! I love the heat! So yep we can switch. You can have all the snow...rain..and I can have all the heat! Oh 50 degrees is a bit too cold for me! Brrrrr...What is really pathetic is that I had where my winter jacket this morning driving into work. 39 degrees here this morning. Is spring ever going to make it??

    So are you in college down there?
  • hurleycutie142
    hurleycutie142 Posts: 480 Member
    ya i currently go to san bernardino valley college and im transfering to azusa pacific univerisity.. im going to be on a softball scholarship... which is another reason why im over eating... STRESS...
  • jlhcrh3
    jlhcrh3 Posts: 314
    Haha, I didn't even know what the challenge was yet, and I had already told myself I was going to get down at least 8 glasses of water today! And I have successfully done so! In fact, the day is not over yet so I still have time to drink more....but I've started peeing a lot lately so I think I may opt for some Soy Milk instead....So what day is the next weigh-in?
  • jlhcrh3
    jlhcrh3 Posts: 314
    ya i currently go to san bernardino valley college and im transfering to azusa pacific univerisity.. im going to be on a softball scholarship... which is another reason why im over eating... STRESS...

    I go to college, too, and finals were this week! I can't believe I chose this week to start! But if I didn't, I never would!!
  • hurleycutie142
    hurleycutie142 Posts: 480 Member
    Haha, I didn't even know what the challenge was yet, and I had already told myself I was going to get down at least 8 glasses of water today! And I have successfully done so! In fact, the day is not over yet so I still have time to drink more....but I've started peeing a lot lately so I think I may opt for some Soy Milk instead....So what day is the next weigh-in?

    wow thats great!! now u can treat ur self to some soy milk :] lol... i was thinking every Monday... or Sunday... which day works for everyone... well i should say what day is usually the start of ur week?
  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    ya i currently go to san bernardino valley college and im transfering to azusa pacific univerisity.. im going to be on a softball scholarship... which is another reason why im over eating... STRESS...

    I go to college, too, and finals were this week! I can't believe I chose this week to start! But if I didn't, I never would!!

    i have finals this week too!! :frown: only one more left [tomorrow]

    8 glasses of water. hooray!
  • hurleycutie142
    hurleycutie142 Posts: 480 Member
    ya i currently go to san bernardino valley college and im transfering to azusa pacific univerisity.. im going to be on a softball scholarship... which is another reason why im over eating... STRESS...

    I go to college, too, and finals were this week! I can't believe I chose this week to start! But if I didn't, I never would!!

    i have finals this week too!! :frown: only one more left [tomorrow]

    8 glasses of water. hooray!

    just think if u can diet during finals u diet anytime!!! dieting while finals time is the worst... im used to studying next to my bowl of potato chips and soda to keep me awake... but my water and rice cakes are a good replacement lol
  • jlhcrh3
    jlhcrh3 Posts: 314

    wow thats great!! now u can treat ur self to some soy milk :] lol... i was thinking every Monday... or Sunday... which day works for everyone... well i should say what day is usually the start of ur week?

    I vote Monday. But it'll be fine if you choose Sunday.
  • andrea09
    andrea09 Posts: 124
    boy do I remember the days of finals! Seems like yesterday I was cramming for a state test I had to take for my work. Ugg...I have tons of sympathy for all you test takers! Good luck on all of your finals.
    awesome job on the water! :drinker:
  • andrea09
    andrea09 Posts: 124
    Monday weigh in sounds good to me too.
  • hurleycutie142
    hurleycutie142 Posts: 480 Member

    wow thats great!! now u can treat ur self to some soy milk :] lol... i was thinking every Monday... or Sunday... which day works for everyone... well i should say what day is usually the start of ur week?

    I vote Monday. But it'll be fine if you choose Sunday.

    ya i was thinking monday is better...
  • hurleycutie142
    hurleycutie142 Posts: 480 Member
    Monday weigh in sounds good to me too.

    here is something that i got online about our weeks challenge

    Drink at least nine 8-ounce glasses of water a day.

    I consider this a critical step because when you don't drink enough, your body goes into maintenance mode. It starts to think it's stranded on a desert island with only a tiny water supply, so it holds on to whatever moisture is currently in its system. As a result, you begin to bloat. You can see the puff in your face and feel it in your hands and feet. So drink up. If you're bored by the stuff from the tap, then try some sparkling water with lemon or lime. Other drinks (coffee, tea, diet soda and juice) count toward your water balance, but they may contain calories, and that reduces their benefits. Nothing is as effective or as healthy as good old H2O.
  • jlhcrh3
    jlhcrh3 Posts: 314
    boy do I remember the days of finals! Seems like yesterday I was cramming for a state test I had to take for my work. Ugg...I have tons of sympathy for all you test takers! Good luck on all of your finals.
    awesome job on the water! :drinker:

    Thanks! Now excuse me while I go to the bathroom...AGAIN. haha

    My last final was tonight! Just got home from it! It went great, except that that was right when all the water drinking starting affecting my bladder:ohwell:
  • hurleycutie142
    hurleycutie142 Posts: 480 Member
    boy do I remember the days of finals! Seems like yesterday I was cramming for a state test I had to take for my work. Ugg...I have tons of sympathy for all you test takers! Good luck on all of your finals.
    awesome job on the water! :drinker:

    Thanks! Now excuse me while I go to the bathroom...AGAIN. haha

    My last final was tonight! Just got home from it! It went great, except that that was right when all the water drinking starting affecting my bladder:ohwell:

    same here i left class 4 times cause of it lol... lol but think how much healthier we are now with all this water in our bellys lol
  • andrea09
    andrea09 Posts: 124
    boy do I remember the days of finals! Seems like yesterday I was cramming for a state test I had to take for my work. Ugg...I have tons of sympathy for all you test takers! Good luck on all of your finals.
    awesome job on the water! :drinker:

    Thanks! Now excuse me while I go to the bathroom...AGAIN. haha

    My last final was tonight! Just got home from it! It went great, except that that was right when all the water drinking starting affecting my bladder:ohwell:

    same here i left class 4 times cause of it lol... lol but think how much healthier we are now with all this water in our bellys lol

    I know I feel better when I drink water. I dont feel so sluggish. Probably because I am getting up to pee every 5 min. Oh the joys of water drinking!