

  • jlhcrh3
    jlhcrh3 Posts: 314
    Oh I am ready for my walk in tonight, which is good, except that means it'll be harder in the morning :ohwell: Well just a bit ago I finished a strawberry pineapple banana smoothie, and I still have not even had 1200 calories today, so I think I'm gonna go in there and finding something else for a light snack, that will put me at at least 1200 calories for today.

    Yeah, the dentist does suck! lol. Hopefully by tomorrow or at least a couple of days my mouth will be adjusted and not hurting any more.

    Nevermore, sorry to hear you're feeling kinda bum-ish. but like you said, don't let it bring you down!! Just keep eating healthy and doing any exercise you *feel* like doing. You don't want to push yourself too hard!

    Man I can't believe tomorrow is Friday and Monday will be week number 3!!
    I was thinking, maybe our next challenge should be like, mild stretching for at least 10 minutes a day? Stretching is important. Plus I realized how much flexibility I lost after I stopped taking dance's crazy! What do y'all think?

    By the way, this goes to Jenn and everyone else, y'all can call me Jessica. or Jess. Either one. lol

    oh, and no Deb, haven't read Jillian's book. Haven't really read anything in
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    Think I will have to break the no after 7 rule tonight I just logged my food and since I was feeling crappy this morning and didn't eat much of a breakfast I am over 600 calories under my cals. Geez how did I let my cals get that low. I am going to eat a healthy snack maybe a protein shake with some frozen fruit and high fiber cereal to cover a few cals I could prob use the fiber. I am planning out tomorrow so this doesn't happen again. Have a great night!
  • hurleycutie142
    hurleycutie142 Posts: 480 Member
    man o man am i tired... so today i detailed my whole car... which took me like 3 hours to do... my car is always extra dirty and i lost my cup holders so my sodas used to always fall... but i shampooed my carpet and my floor making my shampooer not work... but ya thats all i did today... i barely ate like 500 calories today... so im going to hurry up before it becomes 9 and eat something... it is just so hot that food looks and tastes nasty...
  • andrea09
    andrea09 Posts: 124
    Happy Friday Everyone! :flowerforyou:
    Hope you are all doing good!
  • jlhcrh3
    jlhcrh3 Posts: 314
    Today I got a digital scale!! So on Monday I am going to have to weigh on the analog and the digital and then recalculate what my real starting weight was and my real current, because the digital is far off from the analog!

    Happy Friday!!
  • hurleycutie142
    hurleycutie142 Posts: 480 Member
    man o man ami tired... i have no energy today...but i really havent eaten anything today so thats probably why... man now that im on a diet i hardly have an appetite anymore... maybe cause its extra hot here and food sounds disgusting...
  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    Hello, Red Team!
    I hope everyone is doing well. :smile:

    Today I scrubbed and scrubbed and scrubbed the cement walkway around my big pool because it was filthy and I bought this stuff that was supposed to clean it "easily". HA! Definitely very far from easy... :grumble: I am SO tired from all that scrubbing. Essentially that is all I did today, besides eat. I ate too much, but just by a little, so I'll forgive myself.
  • jlhcrh3
    jlhcrh3 Posts: 314
    Ok, I have my updated starting weight and current (this past monday's) weight.

    Hurleycutie, please update in the weigh-in list!

    Starting Weight--284
    Week one weigh-in---279
    (still a 5 pound loss no matter what, of course! :wink: )

    I had a peek at what this monday's weigh-in is gonna look like...but i'm not gonna put it in or say what it is until then!

    Hope everyone has a great day tomorrow! I get to sleep in, whoo hoo, and exercise in the evening :drinker:

    oh, and hurley, you need to eat girl!! even though it's hard because it's so hot, you have to!

    nevermore, even though i am sure the cleaning sucked, i have to say i'm jealous. i wish i had a pool!! lol
  • Bunnies_Revenge
    I bought a bike so now going to work is going to be so much more gentle on my feet. No so much my legs though, but that's fine. I rode home yesterday but had to get off and walk up the hills, I could have rode up them, but I didn't want to strain my calf muscles out since I had worked a 9 hour shift standing on my feet. I need to put the reflectors on my bike today so that I can ride in the morning before sun up since I'm an opener and need to be at work at 5am.

    Which means I've sometimes broke the rule of not eating three hours before bed due to the fact that I'm so tired at the end of the day about two to and hour after I eat I need up falling asleep. Of course walking to work use to take me a hour and 18 minutes, so I'm wondering how my bike will effect my time. I use to have to wake up at 2am close to 3am just so I can leave before 4am to get to work on time.
  • deb03
    deb03 Posts: 30
    Oh I am ready for my walk in tonight, which is good, except that means it'll be harder in the morning :ohwell: Well just a bit ago I finished a strawberry pineapple banana smoothie, and I still have not even had 1200 calories today, so I think I'm gonna go in there and finding something else for a light snack, that will put me at at least 1200 calories for today.

    Yeah, the dentist does suck! lol. Hopefully by tomorrow or at least a couple of days my mouth will be adjusted and not hurting any more.

    Nevermore, sorry to hear you're feeling kinda bum-ish. but like you said, don't let it bring you down!! Just keep eating healthy and doing any exercise you *feel* like doing. You don't want to push yourself too hard!

    Man I can't believe tomorrow is Friday and Monday will be week number 3!!
    I was thinking, maybe our next challenge should be like, mild stretching for at least 10 minutes a day? Stretching is important. Plus I realized how much flexibility I lost after I stopped taking dance's crazy! What do y'all think?

    By the way, this goes to Jenn and everyone else, y'all can call me Jessica. or Jess. Either one. lol

    oh, and no Deb, haven't read Jillian's book. Haven't really read anything in

    Well I am not a reader either, but I have read 63 pages in one night of Jillian's book. It is very informative and can help you lose weight. I am just getting started on how to master your metabolism part of it... My mom bought my own book so I wouldn't be borrowing hers all the time. Its a reference book to go back to and it will help in the future...
  • deb03
    deb03 Posts: 30
    I hope that everyone is having a great weekend... and making good food choices. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • jlhcrh3
    jlhcrh3 Posts: 314
    Hello everyone!

    Well, I did get to sleep in this morning! :drinker: But it's thrown my eating off. Oh, and so did those cookies I had :embarassed: But, I feel like my chocolate craving has been satisfied (I haven't had chocolate in almost a week before today) and I logged it and I am just going to move on. ....and make sure I exercise hard today! Especially since tomorrow is the day I take a break from exercising. I also need to start chugging that water down..!!

    I hope everyone is having a good Saturday!!

  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    Woo Hoo! Just weighed in for my first week back with MFP and I lost 8.5 pounds this week. I know some was due tothe stomach flu last Sunday but a lot was also getting back on track and logging so I was more accountable. Hope you all have a great weekend!:flowerforyou:
  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    Woo Hoo! Just weighed in for my first week back with MFP and I lost 8.5 pounds this week. I know some was due tothe stomach flu last Sunday but a lot was also getting back on track and logging so I was more accountable. Hope you all have a great weekend!:flowerforyou:

    8.5 pounds???? Wow! That's amazing. Great job!!! :drinker:
  • jomane81
    jomane81 Posts: 41 Member
    Sorry I've been pretty much MIA for a couple days. I started my summer semester of classes on Wednesday night and I've been freaking out ever since then about how I will have no time to do anything but eat, sleep, go to work, and do homework! :sad: I also hit bottom about my ability to add exercise into my lifestyle. I've been slacking a little with my calorie counts, but I'm still logging it all and I'm very aware of my food intake. I've just been pretty willing this week to say the heck with this, i'm gonna eat those M&Ms anyway! :blushing:

    Anyway, I had a long talk with my hubby about it (he's a pretty decent fitness buddy, except he always wants to celebrate things with food b/c he knows how much I love to treat myself...). Tonight, I went shoppping for some clothes for vacation next weekend, and I realized I'm 2 sizes smaller than I was!!! I've been focusing on the scale too much for the last 3 weeks instead of the inches. I know my body type...I'm not planning to lose any more sizes, but I'm still reeeeeeeeeeeeally mushy around the middle, and my legs and arms needs serious toning. It's going to be tough, because I have so little free time, but strength training and toning need to be my focus now, since I've finally managed to control my calorie intake. YIkes.

    I like the idea of stretching everyday as the challenge. I am terrible about it and tend to always have sore legs at night when I'm trying to fall asleep and a stiff neck when I wake up.

    Hurley, I can't eat when it's hot outside either. Eat more fruit & veggies! There's no cooking and it's always cool and refreshing. I like to get the pre-made fresh fruit salads from the grocery store, or make fruit smoothies. Not eating b/c it's too hot won't give you any energy to exercise or get anything done! We need to keep you healthy! :happy:
  • jlhcrh3
    jlhcrh3 Posts: 314
    Glad to see you back jomane! (btw, did you see my profile pic? my kitty is black and white too!:smile: )
    I know I can relate to school stress, as well as hurley!! And don't worry, you can figure it out! There's always some time, even if it's 10 or 20 minutes. My $0.02 --> find a good workout dvd (or a few) of like 10-20 minute workouts, and plan out each day what time you will do it! also, i read somewhere, there is one girl who does her strength training while she studies! There are also all sorts of workouts you can do while you're at work, whether you sit all day or stand all day! just google it!
    I also am very bad about stretching...and I know it later!!!!

    Amy--great job on the 8.5 pounds! Maybe it will be a little bit more by Monday...?!?! :bigsmile:

    I feel like there was something else I was going to say.....:huh: oh well, maybe i'll think of it later!

  • jlhcrh3
    jlhcrh3 Posts: 314
    oh man, there is an ice cream social tonight. meaning, there will be TONS of store bought ice cream, homemade ice cream (my FAVORITE), and all sorts of other brownies, cookies, cakes, pies, etc.!

    ugggghhhh how will i survive???????????????
  • hurleycutie142
    hurleycutie142 Posts: 480 Member
    know ur limit!
  • hurleycutie142
    hurleycutie142 Posts: 480 Member
    know ur limit!
  • jlhcrh3
    jlhcrh3 Posts: 314
    ok, so i told myself i would only have a little bit of vanilla homemade ice cream. and that is just what i did! and then i left before i could get my hands on any brownies or cookies or anything!! and then i decided i needed to go walk that ice cream off, lol. so i went on a 2 mile walk, and it was good except it was chilly and the cool air was seriously killing my throat :sick: buuuuut i am feelin good! (for now, but tomorrow is weigh-in! lol!)

    btw, hurley---what did you think of the next challenge being stretching for at least 10 min. a day?