

  • Bunnies_Revenge
    Is a milk of glass consider a late night snack? I usually have one about an hour to two hours before I got to be to keep my sugar level steady
  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    Is a milk of glass consider a late night snack? I usually have one about an hour to two hours before I got to be to keep my sugar level steady

    I would not consider a glass of milk a late night snack. But perhaps that's just me... I'm curious to see what others say...

    Today I started new meds (to make a long story short, I need a kidney transplant. But since no donor is available and I want to wait as long as possible before I must go on dialysis, I am starting medication that is supposed to keep my kidneys functioning how they are and not cause further failure... at least for several months. it buys me more time). My team of doctors goes, "Um, one more thing. Ninety-five percent of patients that have taken these medications together gain about 30 pounds immediately. So do not be surprised".

    UGH! Here I am trying to LOSE weight and the stupid meds are going to make me put on weight? NO! I NEED to take them - there are no other options, but this is very, very, very depressing news.

    I WILL NOT let this happen. I've worked too hard to lose a little and maintain and I've been working too hard to lose the rest. I will not let it all go to waste!!!!!! :mad:
  • jlhcrh3
    jlhcrh3 Posts: 314
    Insaneness---No, I would not consider that a late night snack, especially because you have legititmate reasons! lol.

    Nevermore--Oh, I am so sorry to hear that! I can't imagine what you are going through right now, but know that we're always here for you :flowerforyou: Stay strong and just do the best you can!
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    Welcome to the team toots!:flowerforyou:

    Nevermore I'll send up a prayer for you and keep you in my thoughts. :flowerforyou: :heart:

    Insaneness I would think of milk more as a supplement for you rather than a snack. As long as you don't have chocolate chip cookies with it I think your good.:wink:

    I have made it 2 days with no eating after dinner.:drinker: I even stayed up til 11 to watch the BL finale and didn't touch a thing. I was going to go get a glass of tea(unsweetened) but decided against it because the fridge would have to open to get it!:laugh:
  • jlhcrh3
    jlhcrh3 Posts: 314
    I have made it 2 days with no eating after dinner.:drinker: I even stayed up til 11 to watch the BL finale and didn't touch a thing. I was going to go get a glass of tea(unsweetened) but decided against it because the fridge would have to open to get it!:laugh:
    Awesome, Amy!

    As for me...well, the day started off good..but now I feel like I have eaten way too much. I haven't put dinner in but I am pretty sure I haven't gone over. But I just feel like I've gained today. I don't know, guess it's one of those "fat" days, lol!! I don't know what the scale is gonna look like this monday...:ohwell:
  • Bunnies_Revenge
    Good luck hurley!!! You will do great!

    Brushing the teeth thing sounds like an awesome idea. In fact I am going to go and try it now. LOL!

    Oh my old old kitty. We have to take her to Seattle tonight. 2 hour drive uggg.... She can get good care there from a really good friend who is an Emergancy vet. She is only 15 and I am totally not ready to let her go. Although she might be ready. I do wish animals could tell you how they are feeling.

    On another note, have any of you that are taking insulin felt not very hungry once starting taking it? I am on glucophage and I am finding it really hard to eat. It might be that I am stressed and worried about my kitty, but I made a sandwich for lunch and the dang thing totally looked gross! :sick: I bet it is because I am worried and stressed. :ohwell:

    Gluccophage will make you lose some weight, but after your body gets use to it, you won't lose anymore.

    The important thing is to control your sugar level. With a normal sugar level, you won't feel 'hungry' however, when you're sugar level is too high, one of the side effects is the feeling of hunger (although, you're really not). Once your sugar level is under control, then you actually will find yourself eating less.

    With me, if my sugar level gets too low, I get extremely tired and want to sleep at odd hours. I make sure to monitor it, since I've readjusted my calories, that way it doesn't go below 70.
  • Bunnies_Revenge
    Is a milk of glass consider a late night snack? I usually have one about an hour to two hours before I got to be to keep my sugar level steady

    I would not consider a glass of milk a late night snack. But perhaps that's just me... I'm curious to see what others say...

    Today I started new meds (to make a long story short, I need a kidney transplant. But since no donor is available and I want to wait as long as possible before I must go on dialysis, I am starting medication that is supposed to keep my kidneys functioning how they are and not cause further failure... at least for several months. it buys me more time). My team of doctors goes, "Um, one more thing. Ninety-five percent of patients that have taken these medications together gain about 30 pounds immediately. So do not be surprised".

    UGH! Here I am trying to LOSE weight and the stupid meds are going to make me put on weight? NO! I NEED to take them - there are no other options, but this is very, very, very depressing news.

    I WILL NOT let this happen. I've worked too hard to lose a little and maintain and I've been working too hard to lose the rest. I will not let it all go to waste!!!!!! :mad:

    Sorry to hear about your kidneys. I'd asked if I could donate one of mine, but I had chemo when I was six years old and therefore am not allowed to donate. Or so the doctor says. Hope things start looking up for you and I will keep you in my prays and thoughts.

    As far as the medication, as long as you're exercising every day, then you shouldn't gain to much weight if any. Usually, when medication makes you gain weight its because it slows the metabolism down. However, with the constant movement and the low calories, your metabolism is boosted up.
  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    jlhcrh3 and Amy, thanks for the support. :)

    and great job on not snacking at night, Amy. :smile:
  • andrea09
    andrea09 Posts: 124
    Good luck hurley!!! You will do great!

    Brushing the teeth thing sounds like an awesome idea. In fact I am going to go and try it now. LOL!

    Oh my old old kitty. We have to take her to Seattle tonight. 2 hour drive uggg.... She can get good care there from a really good friend who is an Emergancy vet. She is only 15 and I am totally not ready to let her go. Although she might be ready. I do wish animals could tell you how they are feeling.

    On another note, have any of you that are taking insulin felt not very hungry once starting taking it? I am on glucophage and I am finding it really hard to eat. It might be that I am stressed and worried about my kitty, but I made a sandwich for lunch and the dang thing totally looked gross! :sick: I bet it is because I am worried and stressed. :ohwell:

    Gluccophage will make you lose some weight, but after your body gets use to it, you won't lose anymore.

    The important thing is to control your sugar level. With a normal sugar level, you won't feel 'hungry' however, when you're sugar level is too high, one of the side effects is the feeling of hunger (although, you're really not). Once your sugar level is under control, then you actually will find yourself eating less.

    With me, if my sugar level gets too low, I get extremely tired and want to sleep at odd hours. I make sure to monitor it, since I've readjusted my calories, that way it doesn't go below 70.

    I have noticed that when my sugar level gets low I am tired. So I have started to eat "little" snacks during the day and staying within my calorie level. It has helped. Gluccophage sure does make your tummy a bit upset if you dont eat it with a good size meal. :ohwell:
  • andrea09
    andrea09 Posts: 124
    Happy Thursday everyone! It is rainy and cold here today..ugg where is summer already!
    Have an awesome day everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • JustAnotherGirl
    Good Morning (or Afternoon for some) Fellow Red Teamers,
    I hope everyone has a fabulous day today!! I on the other hand will not have such a fab day....I have to go to the dentist this afternoon to replace a filling that came out!!:frown: But on the bright side I took a half day!!

    Anywoo...I had about 11 glasses of water yesterday. I ran for about 55 min and drank a whole (24oz) bottle of water. I have a Camelbak water bottle that I :heart: :heart: I did not eat past 7pm either!! But I had to have my favorite dessert....a 100 cal. Sugar Free Slim-a-Bear. Yum!! Ok, enough babbling....have a good day all!
  • jlhcrh3
    jlhcrh3 Posts: 314
    Ugh, what a day....I just got back from the dentist, had to have my permanent put on, and they numbed here I am, numb and feeling like I have the fattest cheek and tongue in the world:grumble: and I am trying to plan what I'm doing today, but no one seems to want to answer their phones :grumble: I also didn't get to walk this morning because my stomach was all kinds of upset :grumble: it is just one of those days, lol. I hope y'all are having a better thursday than I am so far!! :laugh:
  • deb03
    deb03 Posts: 30
    sorry I am dork. andrea told me that there was a new thread Ididn't know I was sitting there thinking where is everyone... LOL...
    So my weigh for Monday was 204.
    sorry for the delay, and it doesn't help that i have no internet at home right now...
    I am sure that you are all doing awesome....
  • deb03
    deb03 Posts: 30
    Question has anyone been reading Jillians master your metabolism... oh my gosh it is a book that i can't put down right now. I am not a reader... go figure... I guess because this will help me help myself and those around me to help them lose weight...
    So here is tip for you.. If you are not getting enough sleep you will not lose weight. My friend told me this and I was like what you have got to be kidding... Well, so this last week, I was going to bed earlier and so I am not sure if its all part of what I lost this week, but I lost 3 lbs plus I have been watching very closely as to what I have been eating. And sure enough getting enough sleep is very important. And Jillian says that too... I never really thought about it, but its very true. So ladies its important to get enough sleep in order for you to help lose weight.... We need our "beauty Sleep"...... so to speak...

    Have a good afternoon....:flowerforyou:
  • Bunnies_Revenge
    I went for a check up with the doctor today and to get a referal. YAY! I have two new doctors and two on the way. That makes for a total of...let me count...9 doctors about to be!

    Although the last two I might not get, it depends on how my test results come back in June. Oh please come back good...I don't want any more doctors lol.

    Well, I was talking about my weight and since I started seeing my GP in April, I've lost a total of 10 pounds. I was like way to go me! WOOT!!!

    Monday I get to get Diabetic shoes for exercising and work, so that way I won't have serve blisters on my feet. Right now the blisters aren't bad and have not popped. If they do pop, I'll be washing my feet twice a day and applying with anti-bacteria and then bandaging them up. But lets hope that doesn't happen. I can't wait to get my new shoes though, I bet they're going to feel way more comfortable on my feet then the cheapo walmart shoes I have now. And good news, my insurance covers the shoes!!!

    Well, off to do some house work ttyl.
  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    I went for a check up with the doctor today and to get a referal. YAY! I have two new doctors and two on the way. That makes for a total of...let me count...9 doctors about to be!

    Although the last two I might not get, it depends on how my test results come back in June. Oh please come back good...I don't want any more doctors lol.

    Well, I was talking about my weight and since I started seeing my GP in April, I've lost a total of 10 pounds. I was like way to go me! WOOT!!!

    Monday I get to get Diabetic shoes for exercising and work, so that way I won't have serve blisters on my feet. Right now the blisters aren't bad and have not popped. If they do pop, I'll be washing my feet twice a day and applying with anti-bacteria and then bandaging them up. But lets hope that doesn't happen. I can't wait to get my new shoes though, I bet they're going to feel way more comfortable on my feet then the cheapo walmart shoes I have now. And good news, my insurance covers the shoes!!!

    Well, off to do some house work ttyl.

    I have a lot of doctors as well. haha.
    Congrats on the 10 pounds. :smile:

    Also, thanks for the supportive post from before. :smile:
  • Bunnies_Revenge
    I went for a check up with the doctor today and to get a referal. YAY! I have two new doctors and two on the way. That makes for a total of...let me count...9 doctors about to be!

    Although the last two I might not get, it depends on how my test results come back in June. Oh please come back good...I don't want any more doctors lol.

    Well, I was talking about my weight and since I started seeing my GP in April, I've lost a total of 10 pounds. I was like way to go me! WOOT!!!

    Monday I get to get Diabetic shoes for exercising and work, so that way I won't have serve blisters on my feet. Right now the blisters aren't bad and have not popped. If they do pop, I'll be washing my feet twice a day and applying with anti-bacteria and then bandaging them up. But lets hope that doesn't happen. I can't wait to get my new shoes though, I bet they're going to feel way more comfortable on my feet then the cheapo walmart shoes I have now. And good news, my insurance covers the shoes!!!

    Well, off to do some house work ttyl.

    I have a lot of doctors as well. haha.
    Congrats on the 10 pounds. :smile:

    Also, thanks for the supportive post from before. :smile:

    Thank you. I even required about it today with my doctor and she said that the reason they don't use people who have been treated by chemo is because if someone like you where to receive a kidney from me, your body would most likely rejected it. Which is far worse having your body reject it then it is for you to wait for a more suitable donor.
  • jlhcrh3
    jlhcrh3 Posts: 314
    Well I'm back from dentist visit number 2 today:grumble: ....and i am trying to eat lunch through all the pain in my mouth...but anyway, the weather is nice at the moment here, and hopefully it will keep up so I can walk this evening.

    Well, I drank my water yesterday, but I did have a snack :embarassed: it was an edy's all natural grape fruit bar. i will do better tonight!

    Deb, glad to see you back! :laugh:

    Insaneness--yay, i bet the shoes will help a whole lot! and MAN that is a LOT of doctors! lol
  • Bunnies_Revenge
    Well I'm back from dentist visit number 2 today:grumble: ....and i am trying to eat lunch through all the pain in my mouth...but anyway, the weather is nice at the moment here, and hopefully it will keep up so I can walk this evening.

    Well, I drank my water yesterday, but I did have a snack :embarassed: it was an edy's all natural grape fruit bar. i will do better tonight!

    Deb, glad to see you back! :laugh:

    Insaneness--yay, i bet the shoes will help a whole lot! and MAN that is a LOT of doctors! lol

    Hey look at the bright side, you didn't have pint of ice cream :happy:

    Sorry to hear about the dentist though lol, That has got to suck :grumble:

    By the way you can call me Jenn
  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    Thank you. I even required about it today with my doctor and she said that the reason they don't use people who have been treated by chemo is because if someone like you where to receive a kidney from me, your body would most likely rejected it. Which is far worse having your body reject it then it is for you to wait for a more suitable donor.

    Yeah... I've actually been waiting for a suitable donor for a while now. I just felt like mentioning it when I got my new meds (which I hate). But I'm trying not to let that bring me down. These new meds are killing me though. I have no energy whatsoever. I felt like a bum all day today. I did nothing! :ohwell: This is going to affect Monday's weigh-in in a negative way. oh well. There's always next week when hopefully I'm adjusted.