okay so i have been going through our last thread and i see that the red team is not doing very good... so im putting my foot down to remind everyone why we joined this website... i know that everyone feels the same way when i look in the mirror (wow i let myself go!) we all need to get back on track and remember that its JUST FOOD! food tastes good for the ten minutes but what is it doing for u in the long run... so i dont want any more excuses on why we dont have a good weigh in...

so this weeks weigh in is canceled and we are all going to communicate during the week on our progress...

and this weeks challenges are going to be the following...
- 8 glasses of water a day from week 1
- no late night snacking which is anything after dinner from week 2
30 minute work out a 5 times a week... which can include walking at the store and etc...

i want serious ladies on my team and im willing to comitt to losing weight!!!

whos with me?


  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    Sounds good to me! :smile:

    Today is the start of my [third] new beginning. This time, I will stick with it despite everything trying to hold me back. I just stuck a note on the doorway leading out of my bedroom that says "Make wise decisions!". Just one extra little reminder...

    I probably will not be posting frequently because I will be in and out of the hospital for a multitude of tests [stupid kidneys and other stuff that's wrong with me] this week starting right after I get out of work today. So, best of luck to all of you. I'll check back when I can.
  • andrea09
    andrea09 Posts: 124
    Sounds good to me too! Hope everyone has a healthy day! :flowerforyou:
  • jlhcrh3
    jlhcrh3 Posts: 314
    Amen sister!

    Just what I needed to read today!!

    Now I think it's time for me to go put on my workout clothes and pop in my bob and jillian disc...!!!!

    We can do this!

    and Mel, good luck with your tests! :flowerforyou:

  • jomane81
    jomane81 Posts: 41 Member
    THANK YOU! I definitely need a kick in the butt this week. I've been sitting on my couch this morning feeling sorry for myself and stressing about everyhting that has to get done. We just got back from a wonderful vacation, and I am ready to start again. No more whining! Now off to work!

    Have a great week, ladies!
  • jlhcrh3
    jlhcrh3 Posts: 314
    I have an idea...What if we all make our food and exercise diaries public? I know I have been keeping mine private because I don't want someone to know if I ate something I feel guilty about, so this way we are even a little more accountable??
  • andrea09
    andrea09 Posts: 124
    I have an idea...What if we all make our food and exercise diaries public? I know I have been keeping mine private because I don't want someone to know if I ate something I feel guilty about, so this way we are even a little more accountable??

    That sounds good to me! That will definitley keep me accountable!
  • Bunnies_Revenge
    I have an idea...What if we all make our food and exercise diaries public? I know I have been keeping mine private because I don't want someone to know if I ate something I feel guilty about, so this way we are even a little more accountable??

    Sure, as long as when people look at it they don't talk about people on the board. Like, if you have advice to someone, send it through message and keep it between those two people.

    I get weird out when lots of people talk about me when I'm not on to read it. Lol, I use to have groups of people congratz me at my school when I played field hockey and use to talk about how good I was when I wasn't around, and even though it was good praise, it made me feel awkward. My husband says I'm el weirdo. xD
  • jlhcrh3
    jlhcrh3 Posts: 314
    I have an idea...What if we all make our food and exercise diaries public? I know I have been keeping mine private because I don't want someone to know if I ate something I feel guilty about, so this way we are even a little more accountable??

    Sure, as long as when people look at it they don't talk about people on the board. Like, if you have advice to someone, send it through message and keep it between those two people.

    I get weird out when lots of people talk about me when I'm not on to read it. Lol, I use to have groups of people congratz me at my school when I played field hockey and use to talk about how good I was when I wasn't around, and even though it was good praise, it made me feel awkward. My husband says I'm el weirdo. xD

    Yeah, thats cool. I was thinking just the fact of us knowing that people are looking at it would maybe help us, you know? lol
  • deb03
    deb03 Posts: 30
    Oh thank goodness. I am glad that we aren't weighing in. I kind of have an excuse, but I am going to try to make it to the gym. I have a hair line fracture in my hip area that is very painful. So this is why its hard to workout. Here I have been working out faithfully in the morning and at night and now its bare to none. So I am going to seriously watch what I eat and then try to do some sort of workout. I hope not to die too much in pain from it.
    I don't want to gain back the pounds that I have worked so hard to get rid of. Since I can't work out as much or as vigarous (sp) then I need to seriously watch what i eat.
    Thanks sis for kicking my in the butt and telling me to get my head of the bucket. LOL!!!
    Red Team we are taking charge and we are back on track. HERE WE GO.. NO more excuses and that goes for me.
    Have a great day everyone.. and make clean healthy choices and workout hard.. Burn those calories burn them hard.:sad: ... :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • JustAnotherGirl
    I hope everyone has a good week!
  • Laura021967
    Laura021967 Posts: 42
    I"m telling you I had a horrible weekend food wise BUT I still managed to 'maintain' which was great but now the weekend is over and I still had a horrible day.....I don't think the scale will be so nice to me this next time.

    So come on RED TEAM LETS KICK SOME BUTT!!!!!!!!

    Created by - Free Food Diary
  • jlhcrh3
    jlhcrh3 Posts: 314
    well I started the week off well! I have done pretty good with water, and I got in 25 minutes of aerobics and 1 hour of walking (3 miles)!!!


    I hope everyone has a great day tomorrow, filled with healthy decisions!! :wink:

  • andrea09
    andrea09 Posts: 124
    well I started the week off well! I have done pretty good with water, and I got in 25 minutes of aerobics and 1 hour of walking (3 miles)!!!


    I hope everyone has a great day tomorrow, filled with healthy decisions!! :wink:


    Awesome job! Sounds like you had a great day!
  • andrea09
    andrea09 Posts: 124
    Hope everyone has a fantastic day today! :flowerforyou:
  • jlhcrh3
    jlhcrh3 Posts: 314
    Hey ladies!!!

    Well, I feel great about yesterday! I am rather proud of myself! I only wish everyday could be like that!!

    Today: Started off by sleeping in just a little bit. Had a good breakfast of oatmeal with some peanut butter and honey! (yum!! even though the pb was a hunk of cals) But now I am trying to decide what to do about exercise...I need to. I just have a ton of things I need to do for school, I start tonight!! but I'm going to exercise one way or another..!

    I hope y'all are having a great day filled with healthy choices!

    oh, I just remembered I need to start chugging water now so maybe I can pee it all out before class, lol!!!

    later, girls! :wink:

    p.s. thanks andrea!
  • Bunnies_Revenge
    I have had a good week. Haven't exercised yet though, but that's because I usually bike to work and since they moved me shifts ad I had all my doctors appointments in the afternoon for when I usually get off work, now they're like exactly before I get to work so I end up having to drive.

    Although I'm getting dropped off today and going to bike back, its a hour and a half bike ride. And tomorrow I'm biking to and from, so I'll have four and a half hours this week. Friday I might add in more, but Saturday is my day of rest lol.

    Hm, if my money goes through, I might go swim for two hours on Friday and its a half hour bike ride to the pool, so that would be 7 hours this week, which is my goal lol.
  • JustAnotherGirl
    Happy Wednesday everyone!! I had a good day yesterday! I was able to walk and Shred and drink all of my water! Today I plan on running for 75 minutes, so hopefully I will burn my 500 cals for the day. :smile: I hope that everyone has a great day today!!
  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    Hello everyone. I am home for the night, then it's back for more tests tomorrow. BTW, Jess, thanks for the encouragement. :smile:
    I hope everyone is doing well.

    I had a pretty good day yesterday - ate well and worked out a bit. I really should join a gym because I do not have any good means of exercising at home. I have two options for a gym: the one my dad goes to at 5:30 every morning during the week. Or a different one that is open 24/7 (not that I would go at some ungodly hour anyway). I don't think I have the willpower to go at 5:30am during the week with my father. But I don't want to go alone. I have no friends in the area, so I have nobody to go with. Thus, even if I pay for a membership, I will not be able to force myself to go. :frown:

    In the beginning of May I had set a goal that I wanted to either weigh 160lbs by August 25th (start of Fall classes) and/or drop 2 pants sizes. At the time, it seemed reasonable. Considering that I started May 20 pounds away from my goal, and now at the end of May I am nearly 25 pounds away from my goal, I am rather discouraged. I really wanted people to notice a change when I went back to school. :ohwell:
    I know I still have close to 3 months, but things are not going well. I seem to have lost all motivation to succeed at this. Perhaps because physically my body is giving up on me, I see no reason to continue. I do really, really, really want to lose this weight, but part of me just doesn't care. :ohwell:

    Perhaps tomorrow I will not be so bummed. Sorry to put a damper on anyone's chipper mood with my depressed-I'm-going-to-die-soon-anyway-so-what's-the-point disposition.

    Wow this is long. Sorry.
  • hurleycutie142
    hurleycutie142 Posts: 480 Member
    i knew that i would kick some sense into u guys... well im doing well... the only problem is that i have is i have the flu... so anything i eat is going into the toilet... my fiance thinks i have swine flu (lol jerk) but ya so i havent been working out but i am eating well since im not really eating... and ive been drinking a lot of juices and water... so i should hopefully lose some weight this week..
  • hurleycutie142
    hurleycutie142 Posts: 480 Member
    i knew that i would kick some sense into u guys... well im doing well... the only problem is that i have is i have the flu... so anything i eat is going into the toilet... my fiance thinks i have swine flu (lol jerk) but ya so i havent been working out but i am eating well since im not really eating... and ive been drinking a lot of juices and water... so i should hopefully lose some weight this week..