

  • I have weight watchers soup for lunch and there are quite alot of different ones so I don't find it getting boring. They are all under 100 calories per tin. I then have 2 ryvitas with light philadelphia spread. That comes to around 200 calories or just over so you would still have a little left over to fill up on fruit…
  • I use the "10 minute solution" DVD's. There are loads of different ones and they contain 5 10 minute workouts which are great for me working full time. I have the "blast off belly fat" one which focuses on toning your stomach but there is another one for more general toning. They're cheap too and I definately felt them…
  • I also have a naval piercing but think my friend who swears by it has too so don't think it's a problem. I thought it might be useful to use while I'm at work too as my job is very inactive! I love how people put "no offence" when they are about to offend someone. No I haven't admitted to being lazy, I admitted that I…
  • thanks guys, I've come to a bit of a stand still so just wanted a quick fix to get some motivation back!
  • It depends when you have your biggest meal. If you are having a big lunch you might not need as much for your dinner. I have 30g of cereal with a little milk for breakfast - 160 calories A tin of weight watchers soup and 2 ryvita crackers with phyladelphia spread - max. 230 calories I am aiming towards 1240 per day so that…
  • It's great to see everyone's replies! I love Christmas and love the food that comes with it lol. I don't have much to lose and find it hard getting these few lbs off but they go back on so easily! I don't usually count my calories on a weekend and christmas is a weekend this year! I'm gonna exercise during the week to help…
  • Hi there, I think you are quite similar to myself. I am 5ft 5 and started off on this site at 140lbs. You look good in your pictures but clothes can be deceiving. Some outfits make me look slim but when I am infront of the mirror in my underwear I don't look as good and I noticed my fatty areas (for me its my tummy). I…
  • I was using my wii fit to monitor my weight and was really pleased that I was in the 9 and a half stone region. The next day it shot up to 10st! I was using it on carpet so I think that might have affected it but I bought some Salter bathroom scales and have them on a hard surface. My actual weight was 10st (140lbs) which…
  • Yea I weigh when I get up in the morning. I'm glad I bought the bathroom scales so that it's more accurate. No point thinking I'm lighter than I am even if it felt good! Gonna start doing a 10 minute workout every morning before work and hopefully by Christmas I'll be well on my way to where I want to be
  • Hi, I recently bought "10 minute solution - blast off belly fat" from amazon (in the UK) - it cost me £3.99 so can't really go wrong for that price! There was also lots of different 10 minute solution DVDs focussing on different body parts. It has 5 10 minute workouts focussing on the stomach and I find it really good.…
  • My friend is 22 like me so not a teenage girl but does act like it alot lol! I do think you're right - she's saying she looks fat etc. so that I'll so "what! you're soo skinny!!" etc. but I ignore it. We've been friends for years do it's not a case of finding a more mature friend - I just know how to handle her :) I…
  • This is a hazy subject. It's not as simple as eating under 1200 calories will stop you losing weight. We can see the effects of anorexia sufferers, they obviously deprive their bodies of calories and end up skin and bone so that hasn't stopped them losing weight. However, the medical problems that come with anorexia and…
  • I'm looking to lose about 10lbs because I don't have much to lose, just my tummy that is my problem area so I'm eating better and trying to add some exercise in too. I hope to get to where I want to be by Christmas. I still go out with friends some weekends and try not to think about calories then - if we want to have a…
  • I'm not sure whether eating after a certain time can stop you losing weight etc. but I try not to eat after I have had my tea which is 6.30pm at the latest. If I feel a little hungry later on I would maybe have a small yoghurt or something else pretty light. I used to snack quite alot around 8/9pm because I thought I was…
  • 2lbs is not the end of the world so don't worry, we've all been there. You need to find something that works for you - food that is tasty but will help you keep within your calorie goals - that way it won't seem like a "diet" Even foods that we love that aren't great for us can be eaten in moderation so don't feel like you…
  • thanks for all the feedback, I think it might be to do with having it on the carpet. I think I might get a board or something to set it on and see if this helps and if not, resort to scales then.
  • I struggle to drink about 2 or 3 glasses per day!
  • Thanks everyone, Whenever my friend says something like that I try to let it go over my head and not worry too much about it. I'm trying to lose a few lbs now and it's gradually coming off as I manage what I eat alot more. My aim is to be where I want by Christmas. I have been with my boyfriend for 6 years now, we both…
  • I try and plan my meals while I'm in the supermarket. That way I know I have enough meals for the week so if I got a takeaway I'd be wasting good food. I also only buy enough crisps (chips) for my boyfriend to take to work for his lunch. That way I know there is only enough for him and I can't have any. I have been…
  • In my opinion there is probably something "bad" in more foods than we can think of but McDonalds and other fast food places get the most criticism. McDonalds obviously isn't the healthiest choice but I see nothing wrong with it as a treat every few weeks/months. I like the taste of McDonalds so it doesn't really bother me…
  • I budget myself £200 per month (£50 per week) for two of us. I try to make as many meals from scratch as I can and try not to buy things we don't need. It helps save our money and stop us snacking!
  • Yes there are people who are obese etc. etc. etc. but these people chose what to put in their mouths. I agree that junk food is bad for you if you are eating alot of it, but not a treat every now and again. It's all about portion size and moderation. Alot of people on MFP have proved that they can still enjoy junk food or…
  • I don't count my calories on a weekend - this doesn't mean I eat as much junk food as I want all weekend but if I want to have a takeaway or a glass of wine or go out etc. I do so without feeling guilty that I'm over my calories. I stick to my calories monday - friday so I allow myself to relax a little over the weekend.
  • Surely these diets that make you lose loads of weight quickly aren't good for you in the long run? Our bodies needs nutrients from all sorts of food groups in moderation to be healthy. Once you get to your goal and don't take the diet too strictly then the weight will just pile back on Slowly and surely is the best way to…
  • I've added sodium into my food diary and it is setting my goal at 2,500 per day (I assume this is mg?) What I am actually consuming is around 1,000. Is this normal that I'm not coming near the goal? I get my blood pressure checked every 6 months for my pill anyway so that is always being monitored and is always normal.
  • the pill doesn't necessarily mean you'll gain weight but it can give you a bigger appetite which in turn means you tend to eat more to be full and gain weight! I'm on the same pill and have put on a few lbs but for me its probably more to do with me working in an office behind a desk all day and not exercising enough Talk…
  • Sounds like I'll have to try it! I love pizza but put the amount of calories puts me right off. I've also tried making my own bases and also buying the ready made bases and making my own toppings. I buy quite alot of weight watchers products - most of all the soups. I have one for my lunch with some ryvita crackers and…
  • I like both Mcdonalds and Subway and other fast food/takeaways. Lets face it, some of the tastiest food is bad for us but it's all about moderation. I count my calories monday to friday and try and have the weekend to myself. That's not to say I stuff myself with junk food on a weekend but if I want to have a few glasses…
  • I'm 22 and also like to have a good time. For me, I don't usually count my calories on a weekend but I make sure I eat healthily during the week. The way I see it, I'm young and life is for living rather than letting a diet take over my social life. That being said I don't have much to lose so don't really have to be too…
  • It is tough balancing eating out and losing weight but for me I like to have a takeaway once in a while and I enjoy a night out having a few drinks. I don't have much weight to lose so for me I tend not to count calories on a weekend and if I want something a bit naughty I have it as long as I stick to being healthy during…