Losing interest :-(

put on 2lb... Okay i totally went over my calorie goal nearly all week... Obv i cant do this, jst always gna be a fat failure.


  • aimeelynne756
    No dont give up! So what you had a rough week. All you have to do is refocus and get back on track, If the issue is hunger maybe look at your food intake and add more veggies and fiber to your diet and that should do the trick. But whatever you do please dont give up it takes time but you can do it :)
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    While I go down the road you are on right now about things (you know the fat failure comment) it never really helps. You had a bad week. Redetermine your goals Set a very reachable mini goal ie great week eating and working out and you get a pedicure...take it one day at a time and you can do it.
  • myrbg
    myrbg Posts: 93
    impossible! what inspired you to do this in the beginning? family? a pair of cute jeans? health? constantly remind yourself why you are doing this and believe that you can. it's SO hard, we are going through it, so let's continue to encourage each other and never give up! =] feel free to add me for support or check out my blog.
  • josparkle
    josparkle Posts: 141 Member
    Come on - you don't mean it, well you do right now but that's cos it's raw.
    You CAN do this and you want to - just have to find your groove again. Don't wait til tomorrow, start now and make good choices for the rest of the day, get out for a walk or take a class/video - and you can turn it around.
    I've had another plateau-y week and I do sympathise but I cna remember why I'm doing this and bet that you can do.

    Can you look back at the week and find the triggers for going over and maybe tweak the coming day, 48hrs, week to avoid them?
  • traceysturn
    Oh gosh don't say that. Just jump back on - sit down, breathe & re-evaluate what you're doing & what you want. Remember slow & steady wins the race. Hang in there, it'll be OK:wink:
  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    DON'T GIVE UP!!!! You may need to adjust your food choices and exercise
  • JustAmy
    JustAmy Posts: 291
    Add in some exercise so you can have those extra calories!
  • nicjane113
    2lbs is not the end of the world so don't worry, we've all been there.
    You need to find something that works for you - food that is tasty but will help you keep within your calorie goals - that way it won't seem like a "diet"
    Even foods that we love that aren't great for us can be eaten in moderation so don't feel like you have to stick to super healthy options all of the time to lose weight.
    Good luck
  • 2bFitNTrim
    2bFitNTrim Posts: 1,209 Member
    This is why most people fail. They call themselves a "fat failure"...it becomes a self fulfililng prophecy. So you had a bad week. Let it go and be forgiving of yourself. Start new, right now. You can do it!:smile:
  • tawny7
    tawny7 Posts: 276 Member
    Hi there

    No doubt this is hard work and we all have setbacks. You aren't alone!!!

    Don't give up!!! Write down the reasons why you want to lose weight and be healthier and look at it everyday!! Every morning tell yourself you are worth it and you can do it!!! You may think you can't at the moment but you can!!

    It takes time and energy, but it is worth it!!!
  • DebbieDuffy09
    You can do it! You don't have to be fat! You can be healthy!! Don't give up!! Keep going!!
  • ShellyKay67
    ShellyKay67 Posts: 489 Member
    You are NOT a failure!! Everyone on here has had weeks like this! You don't give up, you just get more determined!
    I used to let my "mess ups" be the excuse for not continuing on..."already screwed up, no point in continuing" BUT that has NOT been my mentality this time. I say, I'm human, I ate something I shouldn't have, or didn't exercise enough but I get right back on track!! I have lost 62# since Jan. 4th, 2010.
    YOU CAN DO THIS and you are worth it! Don't give up!!
    Good luck!
  • Brat3073
    Brat3073 Posts: 160
    Aww that made me so sad to read. YOU ARE NOT A FAILURE!!!!!! just frustrated. If we all gave up because we had a gain....MFP would be useless because non of us would be here! I finally hit 20 pounds lost and had a 3 pound gain.....i have been losing those same 3 stupid pounds for about 3 weeks now. I will break it, you can too. You can do this, and you know you can or you would not have asked for help. Thats why we are here for you! Just take a breather, re-evaluate your menu and exercise regime.
  • maliabrooklyn
    Hey Tashie!

    Its just a matter of food choices, not being a failure! I have the same problem sometimes because I don't realize how unhealthy some foods really are. I use two of these programs simultaneously. MFP is my favorite but when I am questioning a food choice I use caloriecount.about.com. It grades your choices and gives you a school grade such as "A", "B", "C", etc. I started to have Manwich sloppy joes for dinner this week and learned it was a D+ so I went online and got a healthier version until it brought my grade up! I still got to eat sloppy joes and I also got a good grade! Win, win! Also, sometimes when I am trying to eat healthy, I don't eat enough calories. That can be just as devastating in the 'ole weight loss department. So I am very conscious of eating my fruits and veggies to add more calories. Once you get the hang of it it gets easier. Hopefully you are also exercising, even if it is just getting outside to walk. Just the simple act of walking will drop off the pounds. In fact, my sister lost 70 by eating clean and walking every day for 30 minutes. The added benefit is it lifts your mood and makes you feel like a success instead of a failure! Don't give up girl! It is NEVER NEVER NEVER too late! Check out Tosca Reno's Eat Clean books. She didn't start eating clean until she was 40 years old and now she is 51 and her body is AMAZING!
  • MissMaija
    MissMaija Posts: 4 Member
    In reference to your comment, where you reffered to yourself as a "fat failure"... I find that changing your state of mind helps. Try already thinking of yourself as slim... or at least with that state of mind. If that's where you want to be, you can already be that person in your mind... and soon your body will follow. If you know you're already over your calorie intake, invision that thinner person inside of you and don't give up. Set backs are normal & you'll get there...
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    I'm not sure how you expect us to respond to this. If this is truly how you feel, nothing we say is going to change your mind. Weight loss, like any personal improvement that you undertake, is an exercise that you have to want to do. If you joined MFP, somewhere deep down you want to become healthy. You need to tap that area and find the mental discipline to continue on, even through the bad weeks.

    Weight loss and becoming healthy isn't something that people can do part time, it must be a prime focus in your life at the beginning, embrace the change, embrace the good aspects of health, eventually the pendulum will swing back and you'll find a healthy middle, but at the beginning you have to work hard. If you're not willing to put in the hard work, you can't expect the results to show. It becomes easy, simple even, to eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly, without it dominating your life, but only after months (and sometimes years) of hard work and breaking bad habits.

    I hope you chose to continue and work hard, because we all deserve to be healthy, but that only means we CAN be, not that we MUST be.

  • AllietheLOSER
    AllietheLOSER Posts: 19 Member
    Hi Tashie :-)

    If I can do this, YOU can do this!! Believe me when I say, I have been the biggest diet failure and for the first time ever, I'm actually losing weight and loving it.
    I did go on your profile and looked at your food diary--if you will allow, I would like to offer some advice.
    1. You are not drinking enough water--you might be and just not logging it, but if you are only getting in1 glass of water a day, that could be a source of your problems. Not only do I feel healthier with all the water I drink, but it is also a filler. When I feel the munchies coming on, I'll drink water til they pass.
    2. You need to add more protein to your breakfast.
    3. Looks to me that you and I are a lot alike--both LOVE snacks--instead of pistachios, maybe try almonds or walnuts.?? Not sure if you have OAS, but snacking on fresh fruit would be better. I LOVE carbs--chips, crackers, breads and have found healthier alternatives.
    Are you exercising?
    One thing I noticed: You are eating an amazing amount of fish!--WTG!

    PLEASE do not give up. Like stated in an earlier post, what was the inspiration behind you joining MFP and wanting to have a "lifestyle change"? I have been stuck at one weight all week, was honestly down about it. Woke up this morning and BAM! Lost a pound overnight. SWEET! :-)

    YOU CAN DO THIS!!!! :-)
  • Mamoonie
    Mamoonie Posts: 328

    nobody is a fat failure until they "decide" they are.
    We don't want you to decide this for yourself. You're on here to be a skinny success! But you have to work for it. It just doesn't turn around without any effort.
    If you can't stay within your calorie goal ( I can't... I admit), just do some exercise... or maybe some more exercise. This will help to raise the number of calories you're allowed that day.... and you can still eat what you eat now.
    You only need to find the right balance of calories you burn vs calories you consume.... burn more calories that you eat, and the weight will go down!

    Go for it! Give it another try! We're here for support!!!

  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Most importantly, you aren't even fat! Your bmi is only 24? Maybe you are losing interest because you don't feel losing those few pounds are important enough to deprive yourself of what you feel like eating. If that's the case, that's fine. As long as you exercise and make healthy food choices, your health will improve regardless of if the scale moves. Maybe take some time to eat at maintenance for a while and decide whether this is really something you want to do. If so, follow the advice above :flowerforyou:
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    I agree with what everyone else is saying, but let me add the question..."How badly do you want to lose the weight?" If you really want to you can.

    I too am 4'11" and if you'd like to check out my profile and friend me you can.

    Hoping you choose to stick with it:flowerforyou:
