McDonalds VS Subway



  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    Pick up a copy of Tom Naughton's "Fat Head" and enjoy. The man lost 12lb in 28 days of eating fast food for three meals a day -- excluded full sugar drinks, kept his carbs to 100g or less per day, and ate roughly 2000 calories per day. His blood panels/body composition came out better after eating the fast food than it was going into the experiment. And no, it wasn't all salads -- it was stuff most people would scream over as being the source of the obesity epidemic (

    i have never seen 'fat head', but i already love it!

    i love eating out! i love subway, i love jimmy john's, i love mcdonald's, i love burger king, i love kfc, i love taco bell. it is all about personal choice when you get there. i can eat healthy or i can eat crappy. all restaurants have both. i am not going to give up going out to eat at mcdonald's in the name of 'being healthy'. i can be just as healthy at mcdonald's as subway, sometimes moreso.

    the 'fresh' veggies at subway come from the same place as the veggies for mcdonald's. the lettuce is bought packaged and vac-sealed at both places. the tomatoes are slice fresh daily or every other day and refrigerated. same with the cucumbers and the broccoli. the pickles are generic. you may have a few more options (shredded carrots, pickled banana peppers, pickled jalapenos, black olives) at subway, but they are in no way 'better' choices.

    of course, i also like making my own food and eating at too. :) but it's silly to have an all-or-nothing mentality and assume you can't do both on a healthy lifestyle.
  • elainecroft
    elainecroft Posts: 595 Member
    The problem is more the people going than the food itself, IMO. People go to Subway and assume it will be healthy, then get the meatball sub with extra cheese, or slather a crap-ton of mayo on. Its true that even McDs has healthy options, but the problem with America isn't the food itself, its people's attitude toward it (demonstrated, I think, by the Fat Head example - haven't seen it though).

    You can get fat off of any food if you eat enough of it. Personally, I'll take roasted chicken breast, sans cheese at Subway any day before I go to McDs.

    That is, of course, why I take issue with people trying to sue restaurant chains for "making" them fat.

    This. It's not where you go, it's what you eat. You can eat something relatively healthy at McDonalds or Chilis or Chipotle, or whereever, or something terrible at Subway or other 'light' lunch places. Pick out something healthy before you get to the restaurant so that you don't end up eating a footlong meatball sub!
  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
    I would rather go to Subway than McDonalds even if the calories are higher. Nothing will take my veggie delite away from me. :bigsmile:
  • i love eating out! i love subway, i love jimmy john's, i love mcdonald's, i love burger king, i love kfc, i love taco bell. it is all about personal choice when you get there. i can eat healthy or i can eat crappy. all restaurants have both. i am not going to give up going out to eat at mcdonald's in the name of 'being healthy'. i can be just as healthy at mcdonald's as subway, sometimes moreso.

    the 'fresh' veggies at subway come from the same place as the veggies for mcdonald's. the lettuce is bought packaged and vac-sealed at both places. the tomatoes are slice fresh daily or every other day and refrigerated. same with the cucumbers and the broccoli. the pickles are generic. you may have a few more options (shredded carrots, pickled banana peppers, pickled jalapenos, black olives) at subway, but they are in no way 'better' choices.

    of course, i also like making my own food and eating at too. :) but it's silly to have an all-or-nothing mentality and assume you can't do both on a healthy lifestyle.

    Exactly! I work at McD's (I know, I know, cue the groaning) and we can (and will) do pretty much ANYTHING you want as far as food goes. Don't want the beef patty? We'll leave it off (or serve it on the side). And for that matter, we can leave the bun off, too, and you can have your food 'protein style'. :p You have nearly exactly the same sort of flexibility as at Subway, it's just not as highly advertised. Heck, you can swap out the bun for something more nutritionally dense (like the wheat roll or salad) or have extra veggies added to your sandwich. It's still fast food, but there are ways to make it work to your advantage.... All of this "omg mcdonaldz so evul!!!" is just silly, divisive, and harmful to your mental wellbeing and body image.
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    Due to my old job for 6 1/2 years I consumed 99% of all my food out of fast food resturants.With next to "0" exercise I ganed 120lbs.
    I think it made me a addict:mad:
    I'm Trying hard to recover...One day at a time
  • Pick up a copy of Tom Naughton's "Fat Head" and enjoy. The man lost 12lb in 28 days of eating fast food for three meals a day -- excluded full sugar drinks, kept his carbs to 100g or less per day, and ate roughly 2000 calories per day. His blood panels/body composition came out better after eating the fast food than it was going into the experiment. And no, it wasn't all salads -- it was stuff most people would scream over as being the source of the obesity epidemic (

    Cool, Thanks. Sometimes I just don't have time (or energy) to cook.
  • I personally believe in everything in moderation. If you shun 'fast food' and get caught one day and have to eat, its gonna make you sick... trust me I went through basic training, the first thing you want after 6.5(or more) weeks is a big burger and some candy... then you spend the next day or two on the toilet... Not good. Anywho, I like both places for food, just depends on what I'm hungry for and how much time I have to wait for it, lets face it McDonnalds is faster most of the time. Its all about being consious of what you are putting in your body, when, and how much.. and how your body handles it.
  • willimh
    willimh Posts: 227 Member
    I agree with Kimberly, It's about the choices you make at any fast food restaurant that makes the difference.
  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member
    i love eating out! i love subway, i love jimmy john's, i love mcdonald's, i love burger king, i love kfc, i love taco bell. it is all about personal choice when you get there. i can eat healthy or i can eat crappy. all restaurants have both. i am not going to give up going out to eat at mcdonald's in the name of 'being healthy'. i can be just as healthy at mcdonald's as subway, sometimes moreso.

    the 'fresh' veggies at subway come from the same place as the veggies for mcdonald's. the lettuce is bought packaged and vac-sealed at both places. the tomatoes are slice fresh daily or every other day and refrigerated. same with the cucumbers and the broccoli. the pickles are generic. you may have a few more options (shredded carrots, pickled banana peppers, pickled jalapenos, black olives) at subway, but they are in no way 'better' choices.

    of course, i also like making my own food and eating at too. :) but it's silly to have an all-or-nothing mentality and assume you can't do both on a healthy lifestyle.

    Exactly! I work at McD's (I know, I know, cue the groaning) and we can (and will) do pretty much ANYTHING you want as far as food goes. Don't want the beef patty? We'll leave it off (or serve it on the side). And for that matter, we can leave the bun off, too, and you can have your food 'protein style'. :p You have nearly exactly the same sort of flexibility as at Subway, it's just not as highly advertised. Heck, you can swap out the bun for something more nutritionally dense (like the wheat roll or salad) or have extra veggies added to your sandwich. It's still fast food, but there are ways to make it work to your advantage.... All of this "omg mcdonaldz so evul!!!" is just silly, divisive, and harmful to your mental wellbeing and body image.

    I work at Mcd's to and eat there during my break since it is free and we can fix things the same way you stated...THough after 3 years I'm pretty tired of everything they have there.
    I lost a ton of weight after my youngest was born, by drinking and instant breakfast and eating a double cheeseburger, everyday for month b/c she wouldn't sleep and my oldest was well crazy..So at home it was either eat or sleep once the kids went to bed...Its not a diet I would recommend at all to anyone but yes you can lose weight with fast food, just not the healthy way.
  • MegzyAngel
    MegzyAngel Posts: 2 Member
    I dont eat either....McDonalds has wayyyyyyyy to much fat and i just cant stand the smell anyway...And Subway is all processed meats which i stay away from now anyway.
    If i wanted a salad sandwhich i would make my own..At least i know whats in it.
    Home Cooked is best and more satisfying and makes you feel less guilty. Its not hard to prepare a few veggies and some cook a bit of meat...Cheaper in the long run and healthier and in my case quicker anyway.(Closest fast food to me is at least half hour drive i can have a whole meal cooked in that time)
  • FitJoani
    FitJoani Posts: 2,173 Member
    Although both are rather processed...its a matter of the lesser of evils..basically like the whole eat this not that philosophy
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    Although both are rather processed...its a matter of the lesser of evils..basically like the whole eat this not that philosophy

    if that's the case, then choose chick-fil-a (not mcdonald's OR subway). :)
  • eveunderground
    eveunderground Posts: 236 Member
    I'd choose Subway over McDonald's regardless of the calories. I know Subway is closer to whole food than McD (comparing sandwich to sandwich). Whenever I eat McDonalds I have difficulty digesting stomach starts making a lot of noise. However, when I first started my weight loss journey I ate the cheeseburger happy meal probably once a, you CAN lose weight and eat fast food. But eventually you'll probably want to make the switch to healthier foods, the days I would eat a happy meal it always put a huge dent in my calorie count and I had to be pretty strict with my cals for the rest of the day to avoid too much damage, it ended up not being worth it.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I haven't eaten a McDonalds "burger" in a long time as I just get a seared chicken wrap. Wrap (not wholemeal, I know not the best :P), lettuce, mayonnaise (I assume not fat free) and about 60grams chicken. Pretty much can't go wrong with that I reckon. I was stuck for choice last night and had 2 for dinner which was 416cals, 42g carbs, 15g fat and 25g protein, 610mg sodium. Not a bad choice for dinner for $5 I reckon :P

    Fresh is better but if you are stuck for choice then just have a "go to" option that isn't too bad :)
  • txmomma0889
    txmomma0889 Posts: 179 Member

    that is a site you can put your city in and find restuarants in your area and find healthy choices and see the breakdown of fat and everything else.... should help some and you can pick what you want from it so you know ahead of time... hope this helps
  • bethly
    bethly Posts: 15 Member
    How is either of them even considered an option?

    Call me old fashioned, along with an ex-Pat American, but the fact that you are considering these as your only viable options, is well, disturbing.

    I agree that, yes, Subway is probably the lesser evil, but the I seem to remember seeing the veggies being dumped out of a plastic bag like dog food. How old are the veggies that you are eating from there? My bet is that they are at least a few months old, if not longer.

    That is as far away as "whole food" as McDonald's.
    What's wrong with cooking?
  • lee112780
    lee112780 Posts: 419 Member
    I dont understand how a subway sandwich...even an italian combo, has more calories than a value meal...
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    What I have came to realize in the last litte while is calorie counting can be confusing. I would normally assume that Subway would be better choice for calorie counting VS McDonalds.

    and when i sat down and looked that the options, I was incorrect...

    Subway meals may claim to have more nutritional value but also more calories. if you have a mcdonalds meal generally, they are lower in calories!!!!

    I just wanted to bring it to your attention that these places that claim they are healthy,or low fat, do not claim they are low in calories.

    Its tricky marketing to get people to eat fast food guilt free,and think they are eating healthy.

    I realized the "jared" diet was bullsh"t. I ate more mcdonalds and lost weigh than i did subway. It was almost impossible to lose weight eating subway (well anything good at least). Jared worked out and ate like veggie subs with no cheese, and jared isnt 120 lbs, he is thinner than he was, but i wouldnt say he is in great shape (i would say im in better shape, and im still on here)

    This is about the most mis-informed post(er). I eat a full footlong flat bread everyday and I have dropped 22lbs in just over a month. My bf % has dropped 7% and each 6" I eat is 370 calories. My diet requires 220grams of protein, 140 grams of carbs and 50 grams of fat and I can eat 6 meals a day and a small treat at night and I am doing fine.

    McDonalds is all fried and or processed foods which are about the worst thing for you. Bleached whites. Injected fats and soys. Salt. Sugar even.....????!!!!! I can go on and on. I am sorry but I just have to prove you wrong on this.

    Here is my comparison....A McDonalds Premium Grilled Chicken Sandwich

    alone here are some ingredients: Honey Wheat Roll
    Enriched flour (wheat flour, malted barley flour, niacin, reduced iron, thiamin mononitrate, riboflavin, folic acid), water, whole wheat flour, dry honey blend (honey, high fructose corn syrup, sugar, corn syrup, wheat starch), sugar, yeast, contains 2% or less of the following: soybean oil and/or canola oil, salt, wheat gluten, dough conditioners (sodium stearoyl lactylate, datem, ascorbic acid, azodicarbonamide, mono- and diglycerides, monocalcium phosphate, enzymes, calcium peroxide), calcium propionate (preservative), soy lecithin.


    Grilled Chicken Breast Filet
    Chicken breast filets with rib meat, water, seasoning (salt, sugar, food starch-modified, maltodextrin, spices, dextrose, autolyzed yeast extract, hydrolyzed [corn gluten, soy, wheat gluten] proteins, garlic powder, paprika, chicken fat, chicken broth, natural flavors (plant and animal source), caramel color, polysorbate 80, xanthan gum, onion powder, extractives of paprika), modified potato starch, and sodium phosphates.
    Prepared with Liquid Margarine:
    Liquid soybean oil, water, partially hydrogenated cottonseed and soybean oils, salt, hydrogenated cottonseed oil, soy lecithin, mono- and diglycerides, sodium benzoate and potassium sorbate (preservative), artificial flavor, citric acid, vitamin A palmitate, beta carotene (color).


    Mayonnaise Dressing
    Water, soybean oil, distilled vinegar, maltodextrin, food starch-modified, enzyme modified egg yolk, salt, sugar, xanthan gum, mustard flour, potassium sorbate (preservative), lemon juice concentrate, polysorbate 80, natural flavor (animal source), calcium disodium EDTA to protect flavor, beta carotene (color).


    Leaf Lettuce

    Tomato Slice

    NOW PLEASE EXPLAIN TO ME WTF half of these ingredients are please.

    Secondly here are the Macro nutrient specs for this MCD sandwich with:Honey Wheat Roll, Chicken Breast, Mayo, Lettuce & Tomato
    Calories from fat:90
    Total fat grams:10
    sat fat:2
    sodium:1190(half your daily dose)
    Dietary Fiber:3

    Now the same parameters for a 6" Oven roasted chicken breast that weights 6oz and the MCD sandwich weighs 8oz.
    Calories from fat:40

    Now this sandwich is $5 bucks at Subway......oh and look the MCD sandwich is THE SAME PRICE!!!!!
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    i love eating out! i love subway, i love jimmy john's, i love mcdonald's, i love burger king, i love kfc, i love taco bell. it is all about personal choice when you get there. i can eat healthy or i can eat crappy. all restaurants have both. i am not going to give up going out to eat at mcdonald's in the name of 'being healthy'. i can be just as healthy at mcdonald's as subway, sometimes moreso.

    the 'fresh' veggies at subway come from the same place as the veggies for mcdonald's. the lettuce is bought packaged and vac-sealed at both places. the tomatoes are slice fresh daily or every other day and refrigerated. same with the cucumbers and the broccoli. the pickles are generic. you may have a few more options (shredded carrots, pickled banana peppers, pickled jalapenos, black olives) at subway, but they are in no way 'better' choices.

    of course, i also like making my own food and eating at too. :) but it's silly to have an all-or-nothing mentality and assume you can't do both on a healthy lifestyle.

    Exactly! I work at McD's (I know, I know, cue the groaning) and we can (and will) do pretty much ANYTHING you want as far as food goes. Don't want the beef patty? We'll leave it off (or serve it on the side). And for that matter, we can leave the bun off, too, and you can have your food 'protein style'. :p You have nearly exactly the same sort of flexibility as at Subway, it's just not as highly advertised. Heck, you can swap out the bun for something more nutritionally dense (like the wheat roll or salad) or have extra veggies added to your sandwich. It's still fast food, but there are ways to make it work to your advantage.... All of this "omg mcdonaldz so evul!!!" is just silly, divisive, and harmful to your mental wellbeing and body image.

    So next time I go to McD I can ask them to hold the injected soy biproduct and fat out of my burger patty?
  • I like both Mcdonalds and Subway and other fast food/takeaways. Lets face it, some of the tastiest food is bad for us but it's all about moderation.
    I count my calories monday to friday and try and have the weekend to myself. That's not to say I stuff myself with junk food on a weekend but if I want to have a few glasses of wine and a takeaway I will and I won't feel guilty about it. Life is for living not getting obsessed about calorie counting. I also find the more I tell myself I can't have something, the more I want it, so what's the harm in a little treat every now and again.
    I also cook meals for me and my partner. I must admit my partner is the fussiest guy you'll meet and trying to get him to eat veg and healthier options is a mission in itself! At 22 we've never really been brought up learning to cook so I am trying to buy cook books and learn healthier meals from scratch instead of frozen things.
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