

  • I'm a senior at Purdue University :)
  • It depends how intensely you use each. Running burns more cals than biking, but if you're a walker, a bike might be a better option. Have a good workout!!
  • How many more calories do you need when you're on your TOM? Anyone know?
  • WOW there's a lot of us haha. Good luck to everyone! I'm with you, 5'6 at 150. WOuld love to be 145 and just muscle, but it's been hard to stay below 150 for now. Can we make this a group somehow?
  • Great job!!! Congratulations!!
  • thanks everyone! ...and i did get that rest. Idk how that's going to effect my grade, but i've still got an 90 min to cram ;)
  • I'm on 20mg for PMDD (premenstrual dysphoric disorder)... The PMDD had actually cause me to have an eating disorder, so the prozac has done NOTHING but good things for me. Definitely have not gained weight because of it, if anything it's helped me lose weight.
    in Prozac Comment by SaraAnne October 2010
  • I'm here for ya!!! xoxox
  • i'm wondering the same thing. would love any thoughts ppl have :)
  • I've been reading a lot about the gylcemic index... Turns out eating low index foods looks like the thing to do... It's hard, and i LOVE kashi, but I've had to give that kind of stuff up and am hoping I'll have better luck losing weight that way too :/
  • I agree. I doubt it burned that much. I'd guess an hour of INTENSE cardio probably ranges from 500-700 calories depending on the individual and the workout.... HOWEVER... I'm a HUGE fan of Billy Blanks workouts- especially the Ultimate Bootcamp DVDs. I'd guess you're closer to the 700/hour end with his workouts.
  • wahooo! good job! soo I noticed you're running a 10K in june- I just started training for mine, which is memorial day weekend. Good luck with the training!!
  • i had that problem too. it's one of those things you just have to do. I had headaches from withdrawal from caffiene taht just about killed me, but you can get through it. It helps if you make sure you have time for some extra sleep at first!
  • i don't even know what to say to that. She needs some serious psychological help. That's not right. WHAT ABOUT HER KID????? ughghgh. sad.
  • I love yoplait original 99% fat free yogurt (you could probably do it with light too but I don't consuming artificial sweeteners...) after it's put in the freezer for 2 or 3 hours. It's AMAZING!!
  • contratulations!! That's so exciting. Way to stay on track and motivated! Your post made me smile and makes me want to keep working at this :)
  • I like the chicken cobb salad- I tell them to take off the cheese. It's AMAZING.
  • Ugh I've been there. In fact, I'm right there with you, right now. I've found that blogging each morning- Setting goals, writing how you feel, what you want to get done today etc helps me stay on track. When I do that, I tend to be more physically active, get more done, and eat/cheat less. Good luck, you're not alone :)
  • 94% fat free popcorn... LOVE IT...
  • Are these just the 1 in a million type of lawsuits or are a lot of people taking yaz having these problems... I take it and haven't heard of either of those things!! Now I'm definitely concerned though... :(
  • Crazy. I just went to my first yoga class today!! And it was AMAZING! I've been in sports pretty much every moment of my life since I was younger than 10... and therefore at the age of 20 pretty much every joint in my body hurts. Yoga seems like the cure to ALLL my injuries! Everything stays in the natural positioning that…
  • YOU CAN DO IT!! It's sometimes easiest to just take a day and tell yourself: NO sweets, only fruits, vegis, lean meats etc. It always helps me get back on track. Working out first thing in the morning can help too. It decreases my apetite and increases my energy levels. I also set MFP as my hope page so i have no excuses…
  • wow incredibly good to know! thanks for posting that!
  • I absolutely love billly blanks bootcamp dvds. I ALWAYS feel it and ALWAYS see results!! :)
    in Tae Bo? Comment by SaraAnne August 2009
  • Wow thanks guys. That made me feel a lot better :) You're the best!!
  • I'm 20.... but my goal is to get to the size I was when I was 18 haha. Good luck everyone.. Whatever your goal is: YOU CAN DO IT :)
  • I was asking myself the exact same thing. It's hard to understand how you can want to and try to be healthy yet some part of you just wants to EAT... and with me, I sometimes go into full out binges. It always helps me to clean, watch tv, get outside if I can muster up the willpower to exercise... It's just a tough battle…
  • I'll join you!!! Sounds pretty intense, i need it. I go back to school in about 3 weeks and it'd be nice to look good when I get back! haha Hopefully it'll be easier to do together and keep e/o on track. Good luck!!
  • YESSSS!!! I started it on thursday and thought I'd give myself a break on Sundays. BAD IDEA!! I learned that I am totally addicted to carbs. I'm going to get back at the SB again tomrrow. It's amazing how eating the things on SB make you feel 300 times more energized though. I'd definitely be interested on trying to keep…
  • I'm glad you asked, I've always wondered that too. I just finished cutting the lawn: it's hot, humid, and I'm waaaaay more tired than usual... It'd be great if heat did factor in and equaled more calories burned! (: