need some encouragement :(

I've been stressed all week and way beyond the point of sleep deprivation. I'm a senior in college, (at Purdue University for nursing), I work, I try to be involved in triathlon club, and try to keep up with my friends. Lately my house has been pretty much a bed and breakfast for friends on weekends (between parties and bars etc). I've had 2 midterms within the past week (3rd one actually is tmrw am), I work a lot of hours this week, I haven't made it to practice or the gym, and i'm SUPER behind on my paperwork.

All this stress is piling up so badly probably in part because I haven't worked out at all. I just haven't had the energy... i know, i know... not a great excuse. My eating has been horrible. I'm not sure if I've eaten a vegetable yet this week. I live off lean cuisine and lean pockets. Today I binged :( On top of a day of normal meals and eating... I decided to make angel food cake and ate a lot of it. Thank god I eventually came to my senses and threw the rest away. i went to taco bell about a half an hour ago and got 2 soft shell tacos. They were devoured. I wasn't hungry for any of this- Just stressed!

TOmorrow night i've got to drive to downtown indy to go to a fashion show work event with a relative. I'm excited to go but not to be around tiny little size 2 fashionable people and feel like the ugly duckling. Then on friday i have to get up early to go to a clinical in indy.

I'm sorry that this post is pretty much a straight up B**ch session, i needed to vent though. I'm not quite sure what it is I'm venting about, but i just needed to get this off my chest. UGH top it all of, i need to squeeze into a tiny halloween costume this weekend =( Party is at my place so no hope for sleep this weekend either.....

Wish me luck on tomorrows midterm please!! and if you read this, thanks for listening ;) You're the best!!


  • Edestiny7
    Edestiny7 Posts: 730 Member
    Good luck on your midterms tomorrow! :flowerforyou:
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    Sometimes we all need to get it off our chests, this is a great place to do it because lots of people here can relate to you.
    ai wish you luck on your midterm and hope things get better for you. I can relate to the over eating I made my hubby a cheesecake lastnight and I have eaten more than him. Oh well we all have those days just don't give up :drinker:
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    Your welcome! Thats what we are here for! We listen to one another. Don't you worry about this week. My week has been a helluva expensive one. And stressful to boot. But things like these happen in life. You just learn to cope. You should be graduating soon as you are a senior right? Well after that takes place then you can live however you want without all the extra hours dedicated to studying or partying ;). If you need some more venting just let it out and we will be there to listen.
  • sltb
    sltb Posts: 15
    Just want you to know that you are NOT alone. I work full time as a middle school special education teacher and I'm in school full time as well. I have two kids and find that I am often last on the list. I am making a valiant effort to work out before work so that I do something good for myself before I can make excuses not to. I am taking it one ay at a time and trying to find quiet moments in each day. Keep at it - little changes! And vent away!
  • NutritionDivaRD
    NutritionDivaRD Posts: 467 Member
    Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! You vent away, sista! You're burning the candle at both ends.....I've been there and I know EXACTLY what you are going through. Hang in there! Graduation will be here before you know it! You will be cutting FLIPS on that day! In the meantime, stay on top of things when you can........don't beat yourself up when you can't.......and try to get that REST! Come vent anytime you need to......MFP will be here to listen....HUGS! Good luck on that midterm tomorrow! :)
  • SaraAnne
    thanks everyone! ...and i did get that rest. Idk how that's going to effect my grade, but i've still got an 90 min to cram ;)
  • hotpickles
    hotpickles Posts: 639 Member
    I know that feeling all too well! I'm still in school, and I don't know how many times I've been in that situation. The only saving grace is that it does get hectic, papers and work piles up, but then you do get a little time in between to collect yourself.

    You can do it!
