Why am I standing in my own way....????

thinsky Posts: 81
edited September 2024 in Motivation and Support
:cry: I just do not understand what I am doing or thinking. I will be doing very well and then all of a sudden I let go and binge. On food that I would never even think of eating normally and I will eat it until my stomach hurts and then I feel so low and so bad about myself I dont know what to do.
I am struggling and I feel alone and lost and so very disapointed in who I am and what I can not seem to do.:cry:


  • I have been in your spot a million times over! It is a horrible feeling to let yourself down....ugh! I just recently started praying to God to help me stay focused and it is working. If at first you dont succeed, try and try again!!!!:glasses:
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    You're not alone in this, I have been binging most of my life, and it's a terrible, hard habit to break. You need to learn to deal with the stressful feelings that you have when you don't eat when, really, eating is all you can think about. You're going to be uncomfortable, but you have to learn to deal with those feelings without giving in. Find ways to distract yourself. I find coming on here helps. I watch tv, clean the house, sit outside and enjoy the fresh air...It gets a bit easier, but there are going to be days when you give in. Don't beat yourself up. Forgive yourself, and try again the next day.

    I have, by no means, beaten it, but I'm learning, and I've been doing pretty well. I will have a slip up every now and then, but most days I do pretty well. I also find that if I do have a binge, and I exercise afterwards, I feel a lot better, and it gets me back in the mindset of being healthy.

    Another thing that helps me when I'm in the mood to eat everything in the house is fixing a snack with a few different things- fruit, toast w/ PB, a bowl of cereal, etc....Sometimes it may put me over my calories by a couple of hundred for the day, but it saves me from going crazy and eating everything in sight.
  • thinsky
    thinsky Posts: 81
    Thank you, I know I should get up and do excercise. I just get that sick feeling in the bottom of my stomach and I feel like I am going to explode because i binged and I know....I know that this is the reason that I am not losing the weight that I need to.

    Ok I will pick myself up and start again. I will start to count the binge free days and I will not give in to that terrible food binge. It only makes me feel worse about myself when i am done.

    I dont know how I let it get ahold of me?
    But thank you for your words of encouregment they mean a lot to me.
  • SaraAnne
    SaraAnne Posts: 53
    I was asking myself the exact same thing. It's hard to understand how you can want to and try to be healthy yet some part of you just wants to EAT... and with me, I sometimes go into full out binges. It always helps me to clean, watch tv, get outside if I can muster up the willpower to exercise...
    It's just a tough battle and I try to be constantly on guard of what my behavior might lead to.

    Good luck, you're not alone!! I hope youfind something that works for you, and as for today: Just pick yourself back up, go for a walk, give yourself a manicure or something... Just concentrate on feeling better and doing better tomorrow. Without the bad days there wouldn't be any good days.

    And Brenda Lee- thanks for that post. It was actually exactly what I needed to hear. it's nice to know you aren't alone on the days that are hard. <3
  • *hugs* We don't know each other, but so what. Hugs are needed here. =]

    Here is some advise from me to you (because I know how you feel):

    -Everytime you feel like you absolutely HAVE to have something that might not be the best thing for you, have a little bit. The more you deny yourself something, the more the cravings for it will grow.

    - Bring someone with you when you go out to eat/buy something sweet/etc. That way you can ask them to share it with you. Less the cals and more the conversation.

    -Promise yourself 1 day out of the week where you can have whatever you want. I make mine on the weekend, whether it be Friday, Saturday, or Sunday, because those are the days I'm usually going out somewhere. As long as you arn't eating the entire restaurant, you can have whatever you want on the menu. By doing this, you will have something to look forward to, and be more inclined to eat healthy the rest of the week knowing you will be rewarded for your healthy choices.

    -Before you eat ANYTHING, look at the nutrition label. Many ppl will just open a can of soda, or rip open that bag of chips without even a glance at the nutritional facts. I guarantee that if you take a look, you'll be less inclined to stuff your face with whatever it is, or at least eat less of it.

    -Look at ppl's before and after pics. Maybe it's weird, but this is a huge motivator for me. I see other everyday ppl doing it and think, "I can do that too."

    -Start looking for healthy foods that you actually ENJOY eating. If you don't like what your eating, of course you won't want to keep it up! Try experimenting with cooking your own meals. I've noticed that when I cook my own healthy meal from scratch, I'm excited to eat it; it boosts my confidence, as well as my taste buds.

    -Spend time with friends, especially people who are trying to get towards the same goal as yourself, and talk about healthy habits. The more fun you make this journey towards good health, the more willing you'll be to continue it.

    Overall, don't give up. Try not to get too down on yourself because all that will do will hurt you. Depression often leads to overeating, because it can be a form of comfort. Everyone falls off the wagon now and again. As long as you get back up and try harder the next time, there's no sense in beating yourself up over it. =]

    Good luck! And don't give up!!

  • thinsky
    thinsky Posts: 81
    Thank you so much, you are right hugs were needed. Thank you. I like the idea of looking at the nutritional label. I did look at it, but it wasn't until after i was done and then I couldn't belive it and I had to put it into my food log. It looks so awful sitting their and I dont want to do that anymore. I am picking up the pieces of me that I have kicked all over the floor and I will stand back up and get my life going again. you are right their is no sense in beating myself up over this. It is over and done and I will move on.
    Thank you for being here for me and for all of us.
    Thank you.
  • No worries!! That's the spirit! :happy: If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. And if something didn't work the first time, do it different the next time. Learn from those simple mistakes as they will help you to grow into a stronger individual.

    Good luck on your journey towards good health!

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