orishp Member


  • You had me at cake batter.... Yum! I'll give it a try
  • Why do women always get the short end of the stick??????? Oh, well, whatever I am doing is working, so I will continue to do it :)
  • Ratatouille, In a big pan, with a bit of oil, just put onions, bell peppers, egg plants, zuccini, and tomato sauce, YUM!
  • well, if you look at my net calories, they are pretty consistent, I have been upping a bit to my BMR level, but other than that I have been pretty consistent since may. I don't do the same workout every day, so the amount of calories I consume needs to be adjusted accordingly.
  • The key is to transition slowly. I start on may 7th, steadily lose about 1.5 lbs/week. Did it for 8 weeks, at the end i was tired of the ketostix and getting kicked out over the skighlest thing so i was just doing low carbs no dairy w/o stressing too much about it. Then I reintroduced dairy and now i am starting to…
  • Eggs with ham and cheese (I use cottage cheese, or goat cheese) a bit of salt and pepper, mix it all together and pop it in the oven for 30 min at 350 F, you can add veggies as well. Its like a crustless quiche, yum!!!!! How about having a snack mid way between breakfast and lunch, thats what I do. A piece of fruit, some…
  • I think I am going to try it tomorrow ..... we'll see how it goes. Must admit that the bars and the heavy equipment make me a bit intimidated
  • I am here too, got almost to my initial goal if 17 lbs lost (150 lbs), but if i can lose 10 more that would be even better!!!! My diary is open, feel free to add me
  • I havent noticed this, i thought it was just a mere calorie deficit thing, so the less calories you eat , the lower the prediction. Thanks for all the feedback, nice to know that it overestimates for some lucky people. I too try to be as accurate as possible, cals burned are from an HRM, etc... Still it is far off and like…
  • oh, this makes me sad :(
  • nuts are also good fats, and are low carb. For when the hungry strikes, but be careful because they are very calorie dense
  • first of all you cannot possibly go 100% carb free how about lean protein: chicken, fish, lean meat, those are all great sources of protein and have pretty much no carbs what about protein shakes/bars. When I was limiting carbs to 50 g/day, and couldn't have dairy, those were my alternate options for breakfast
  • I have been using a HRM for the last couple of weeks. I weigh 153 lbs and burn 310-360 calories in a 45 min class. The class is not extremely intense, though
  • I started at 167, 85 days ago and have lost 14 lbs. so to me your goal is a bit ambicious. It gets harder the closer you are to goal But hey, even 15 lbs down have made a huge difference on the way I feel about my body. I am eating healthy, exercising lots and feel great. I did it doing a ketogenic diet, eating lots of…
  • Your diary looks pretty good to me. I started about the same time, I have lost twice as much but I have also cut my calories a whole lot more. I started netting 1000 calories/day, and I have slowly increased it to 1200 net right now. I am not advocating lowering your calories, though, its something that has worked for me…
  • then, why in the world would you want to lose it????????
  • I don't think one week will set you back too badly. Try to make healthy choices when eating out, try to go for a walk/run, or something like that. It is OK to take a break, have fun in your vacation!!!!
  • This If it were a once in a blue moon thing, or not family, I wouldn't do it, but she is supposed to be part of your family and as such I am sure that if you explain to her what you are doing, and why you are doing it, she would understand. Maybe you'll inspire the rest of the family to eat better ;) I once contemplated…
  • Your diary is closed, so there is not much we can suggest if we don't really know what you are eating. The problem I see with EM2WL is that you have to be aboslutely accurate with what you log, there is not a whole lot of room for error. MAybe you are eating more than you think you are eating, above your TDEE, otherwise…
  • 2 lbs/week is difficult even with exercise. I wouldn't quit exercising, just because its so much better for your health, and you don't want to be skinny fat, you want tone and healthy body, right? Take your time, is a marathon, not a sprint, think about life style changes, not quick fixes
  • Do whatever works for you, but for me they go hand in hand. Cannot tell you how many times I have tried to lose weight just by dieting and failed, this time around I got the two finally going for me, I started slowly by walking, then added the bike and zumba, and weight lifting, and I feel awesome! Yes, losing weight is…
  • I do think that hormonal BC has some effect on your weight. I had the opposite effect, was on implanon after my first child, was able to lose all the baby weight (not because of it, but while on it) but didn't like it so I had it removed, just like that, in a matter of over a month, I gained 10 lbs weight that were…
  • I am close to my first goal, but i would love to lose even more.... I think i can keep doing what I am doing and see if the scale cooperates....
  • I didn't have time to read through all the responses, but I'll tell you how I have lost 14 lbs in 3 months, which to me its a healthy and acceptable weight lost rate: - Cut out breads, pasta, rice, oats, wheat, anything that has "obvious" carbs - ate lean meats: turkey, fish, chicken, low fat ground beef, etc - ate lots…
  • YES When i go into maintenance i may "diet" during the week and just relax on weekends, we'll see how it goes....
  • Great job, you look amazing!!!!! congrats on all your accomplishments
  • I think both, a lot of people on here say it doesn't matter, calories in vs cal out. From my experience, it does matter. I am doing low carb so I manually changed the default settings on MFP and try to hit those targets Too much protein is not bad, and I have read a lot that the default protein target is not high enough on…
  • me too, and on exercise days I cannot eat them all, so i guess somehow it all balances out!!!! Just don't stress too much about that number, I mean, what is your calorie deficit, 500? 750?, its not like if your calorie deficit is not exactly those numbers you'll stop losing weight, you are probably still at a deficit,…