can i realistically lose 38 lbs in 5 months?

instead of starting new years, my goal is to be where i wana be by new years. I did the math, and right now I am 167....
by new years i want to be around 130-135. I am willing to make this happen! Just need any advice, tips, and motivation i can get!


  • BrianaRenee21
    Since starting I've lost 20 pounds, so I'm sure you can do it!!! To took me I think a little over 2 months to lose the 20 pounds. Just stay focused and log those calories. It helps you become aware of what you're eatin. If you want go ahead and add me for support
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Don't stress about whether it's possible, just get started!
    Exercise regularly (but not obsessively), eat at a moderate deficit (ie. not too little, not too much).

    If you keep doing those two things you'll see a really significant difference by the end of the year. Whether or not you lose exactly 38lb won't matter if you have great eating and exercise habits, you'll be in a much better place than you are now.
  • jvhall83
    jvhall83 Posts: 35
    You can definitely do it. Its just a matter of doing the math or really letting my fitness pal do the math for you. Figuring out how many calories you should eat to lose the necessary amount a week and staying disciplined will allow you to achieve this goal. I'm kinda in a similar situation where i'd love to lose 40 pounds by the end of december. So its really just a matter of having the necessary calorie deficit and shedding the extra calories daily to attain that goal to burn roughly 2 pounds a week.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    instead of starting new years, my goal is to be where i wana be by new years. I did the math, and right now I am 167....
    by new years i want to be around 130-135. I am willing to make this happen! Just need any advice, tips, and motivation i can get!
    I lost 42 in 6 months, which is near enough the same. I was starting at 31.7 BMI though. Exercise wasn't a large part of it.
  • markhudson1968

    I went from 189 lbs down to 150 in about 4 and a half months so am sure you definitely can if you want it enough.

    Fel free to look at my diary if that helps.

    Good luck !!!
  • Kipperdog123
    Yes you can, with the Atkins plan.
  • Weatherford102
    It's all about the caloric math and creating your system. Then you just have to follow it. You have about 24 weeks between now and then and about 40 lbs to lose. that averages 1.67 lbs per week. That is definately doable. I would use the tools on this site to find your basal metabolic caloric rate. Then I would select a caloric deficit that would equal about 1.5 to 2 lbs per week. Now that could be just from diet or a combination of diet and exercise. Set you goals and then figure out how you are going to do the food. Either a meal plan from nutrisystem, weight watchers, etc or use the calorie counter on the foods you will make yourself. I recommend a weekly menu with daily meals and snacks scheduled out. I also recommend using as much whole foods as possbile, like fuits and veggie and meats that are as natural as possible. If you have failed at diets in the past, take time to trouble shoot your weaknesses and address them in your system, ie, using friends as support systems, losing weight with a buddy, etc.
    Last year I went from 195 to 163 in 6 weeks. It was super low cal and I wouldn't do it again, but your timeframe is completely healthy.
  • Jewelforyou
    Yes you can!

    14 years ago I was your weight (165) and lost 30 pounds in 4 months and it has not come back. In fact I lost 5 more pounds naturally when I was done 'dieting' from the good habits I picked up.
  • josesbride
    You def can!! I lost 30 in eight weeks, not the norm.. but was really into cardio, and watching my calories you will do it :)
  • orishp
    orishp Posts: 214 Member
    I started at 167, 85 days ago and have lost 14 lbs. so to me your goal is a bit ambicious. It gets harder the closer you are to goal

    But hey, even 15 lbs down have made a huge difference on the way I feel about my body. I am eating healthy, exercising lots and feel great.

    I did it doing a ketogenic diet, eating lots of veggies and lean protein. At the beginning i cut out dairy, now i have brought it back and still losing. Grains (breads, pasta, etc) are still out and only plan to eat them in rare ocassions, i dont really miss them

    For exercise, try at least 4xweek, i do 5 sometimes 6, a mix of zumba, biking and weight lifting.

    Dont focus in that end goal, maybe break it into two or three smaller goals. Dont focus on an end date, its too much pressure! Just make better lifestyle changes and you'll see the results. Good luck!
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    I've lost 32lb in 4 months, its acheiveable if you work hard. I had weeks with no losses plus a few cheat days.
  • ash012
    ash012 Posts: 34 Member
    You and I are at almost the same place with the same goal. It can be done. 1 lb a week. You can do it.
  • douglerner
    douglerner Posts: 237 Member
    It depends on your starting weight. If you are extremely overweight to begin with it's easier to lose that in 5 months. If you are 38 lb from the middle range of a normal BMI I would say it's very difficult.

    I am very overweight, and have been on my diet for a little over 2 months and have lost 29 lb so far. This is with sticking well within my calorie limit and doing daily exercise. My weight loss at first was rapid (as it is with most people) and it seems to have settled in to about 3 kg (7 lb) per month.

    I figure I might lose 35 more lb over the next 5 months. But... even then I'll still be very overweight.

    Your weight loss will naturally start lowing down into a curve as you approach your ideal weight.

  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Absolutely so. As far as tips, use myfitnesspal all the time, regardless, and be honest with. You'll only hurt yourself by leaving stuff out or underestimating. Drink plenty of water and exercise.
  • HelenDootson
    HelenDootson Posts: 443 Member
    Don't stress about whether it's possible, just get started!
    Exercise regularly (but not obsessively), eat at a moderate deficit (ie. not too little, not too much).

    If you keep doing those two things you'll see a really significant difference by the end of the year. Whether or not you lose exactly 38lb won't matter if you have great eating and exercise habits, you'll be in a much better place than you are now.

    I agree with this whole heartedly
  • obeserat
    obeserat Posts: 218 Member
    I've lost 40lb since March , I still have a lot to lose though
  • gailashton
    gailashton Posts: 292
    Hell yeah. I started my weight loss journey this time around with a biggest loser program locally and in the 10 week program I dropped 26.7 pounds, 6 inches from my waist, and lost 4% body fat. It's possible but you have to work for it!
  • SeasideOasis
    SeasideOasis Posts: 1,057 Member
    Mathematically, it is very possible. That is only about 1.9 pounds a week.

    However, keep in mind thats a very dedicated 1.9 pounds. Really stick to clean eating, eat back your workout calories (as to not let your body lose what it NEEDS to have still - vitamins and nutrition) and dont get discouraged by a plateau! Good Luck to your during your journey!
  • jonwv
    jonwv Posts: 362 Member
    Oh yeah it is def possible. At one time in my life I lost 50lbs in 2 months...will say i cut my calories way back
  • AmyS1975
    AmyS1975 Posts: 143
    4 months, 28 pounds for me. Don't obsess over the numbers. It takes 21 days to change a habit. Eat right, track your food and definitely exercise. Oh and drink your water! Remember, it has to be a lifestyle change or you will be back at square one this time next year. And yes, I am talking from experience ... I lost 80 pounds in 10 months in 2007/2008 but sadly gained 55 back. I have been back on track since April 2012.