can i realistically lose 38 lbs in 5 months?



  • 5pmsomewherenow
    5pmsomewherenow Posts: 163 Member
    A GOAL is just that -- it's a place you want to be at some point in the future. You've mentioned wanting to lose 38 lbs in roughly 22 weeks - which 1.75 pounds lost per week. You can do it, but in order to make the change everlasting to a healthlier lifestyle including a balanced varied diet and a more fit, toned body -- you've got to have a serious plan. I suggest professional help in the way of a nutritional consultation to get you calorie range and nutrients right and manageable - also someone to check in with because you'll hit at least one plateau along the way.

    The other pro to consult is a personal trainer -- it's best to be building and firming lean muscle while losing fat. Best way to change the body image to what you're looking for: lean, toned, firm muscles lending to better shape and better bone health and muscle strength. Even if you're already "working out" or doing some strength training - to get the type of results you have in mind, you'll have to work every day to combine your diet and fitness routine to make the changes. If you're on the right path, with this combination -- you'll start to see the results you want in better body structure and more overall energy, etc -- all the great benefits of changing to a healthy, fit lifestyle -- that even if you don't meet the scale challenge you're setting as a goal, you'll be happy enough with the results that you'll be able to make the long lasting changes to stay in the weight range around 130-135 that you crave. Good luck, and use MFP to it's fullest extent to support your journey. YOU CAN DO IT!
  • marlopaterson
    It's definitely possible. I started out at a higher weight than you (sometimes the bigger you are, the more you lose at first), but in my first 5 months, I lost 49 pounds. Just take it day by day, and don't give up! Keep your eye on the prize and you'll do just fine!

  • RondaK1
    RondaK1 Posts: 53 Member
    It's all about the caloric math and creating your system. Then you just have to follow it. You have about 24 weeks between now and then and about 40 lbs to lose. that averages 1.67 lbs per week. That is definately doable. I would use the tools on this site to find your basal metabolic caloric rate. Then I would select a caloric deficit that would equal about 1.5 to 2 lbs per week. Now that could be just from diet or a combination of diet and exercise. Set you goals and then figure out how you are going to do the food. Either a meal plan from nutrisystem, weight watchers, etc or use the calorie counter on the foods you will make yourself. I recommend a weekly menu with daily meals and snacks scheduled out. I also recommend using as much whole foods as possbile, like fuits and veggie and meats that are as natural as possible. If you have failed at diets in the past, take time to trouble shoot your weaknesses and address them in your system, ie, using friends as support systems, losing weight with a buddy, etc.
    Last year I went from 195 to 163 in 6 weeks. It was super low cal and I wouldn't do it again, but your timeframe is completely healthy.
  • RondaK1
    RondaK1 Posts: 53 Member
    how do you come up with a daily figure my bmr is 1411 and i would like to lose 2-2.5 lbs a week @ an 8750 cal deficit for the week that would be shaving 1250 cals daily of.f how does that work?
  • Cassaaaaandra
    Cassaaaaandra Posts: 184 Member
    I've lost 7 lbs this month so I don't see any reason why you couldn't lose 40 lbs by the New Year. Expect some ups and downs and keep the overall goal in mind! Best of luck!
  • NobleSpirit11
    It is very possible to lose 38 pounds in five months. Focus on losing a pound and a half each week, and follow the guidelines for eating well and exercise.
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member

    i lost 40 pounds (with cheating quite a bit! and zero exercise)

    so you can easily lose it. i did low carb and it was surprisingly simple.
  • lowry12
    lowry12 Posts: 74 Member
    sure you can ive lost 25 lbs in 3 months anything is possible if u put ur mind to it
  • OfficiallySexyVal
    OfficiallySexyVal Posts: 492 Member
    Definitely can do it, I have lost 46 pounds in 5 months! I have been averaging almost a 10lb loss each month!

    I have increased my protein, reduced my carbs and I do about an hour of cardio a day!
  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,167 Member
    instead of starting new years, my goal is to be where i wana be by new years. I did the math, and right now I am 167....
    by new years i want to be around 130-135. I am willing to make this happen! Just need any advice, tips, and motivation i can get!
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    how do you come up with a daily figure my bmr is 1411 and i would like to lose 2-2.5 lbs a week @ an 8750 cal deficit for the week that would be shaving 1250 cals daily of.f how does that work?

    BMR 1400, daily sedentary expenditure 20% higher = 1680

    subtract deficit from that. 2-2.5 lbs/week is probably going to land you with a very low calorie allowance - are you sure ? 1 lbs/weeek is a better goal for which you would subtract 500 from the 1680 and have a target of 1180.
  • Spice_4_Life
    Spice_4_Life Posts: 225
    There is no doubt in my mind that it IS possible! It's all up to YOU. Do you have the will power? If you do...You Got it!! I wish you the best on your healthy journey!! :flowerforyou:
  • ipiddock
    ipiddock Posts: 97 Member
    I concur with everyone else on here. I've lost 35 lbs in 3 months. Just chose the right foods and the right exercise with a positive attitude and you'll do it.
  • cyclingben
    cyclingben Posts: 346 Member
    Down 93 in 8 months without surgery or anything to crazy just alot of hard work and dedication.
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    I had the same starting weight and end goal and I achieved it between March and beginning of July. I stuck for the most part around 1450 plus exercise calories, did cardio workouts about 3x/week, and tried to not eat out or drink much alcohol.
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,376 Member
    Hi!! I just sent you a PM b/c we are very similar in weight and goals....

    I am 5'2" and weigh 168lbs....My goal is to lose 38lbs by New Years as well!! Maybe we can do this together!!! :flowerforyou:

    Best of luck to you...
  • Janetlabori
    You can if you set your mind to eat. You have to work hard and eat right. I lost 50 in 17 weeks without going crazy or becoming weak.
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    Don't stress about whether it's possible, just get started!
    Exercise regularly (but not obsessively), eat at a moderate deficit (ie. not too little, not too much).

    If you keep doing those two things you'll see a really significant difference by the end of the year. Whether or not you lose exactly 38lb won't matter if you have great eating and exercise habits, you'll be in a much better place than you are now.

    ^^Great advice -- The closer to your ideal weight that you are... the slower the loss, usually. Best wishes on a safe and rewarding journey.
  • vfnmoody
    vfnmoody Posts: 271 Member
    If you start you can lose that weight.
    If you do not start you will not.
  • FitForeverAgain
    FitForeverAgain Posts: 330 Member
    It's important to look at how you view goals. If you miss goals, do you feel defeated and spiral downward? Or does it inspire you to work harder? No need to answer that here - just do so honestly with yourself. Then look at your past behavior. If you've struggled to lose 5 pounds over the past 6 months - do you think you can lose that much steadily month-in month-out?

    After my rambling - it comes down to this - YES, it is possible. You will need an average of an 863 calorie per day DEFICIT to get there. It would require strong dedication, drive and the ability to get up after you stumble - because you will. We all do. You decide how you deal with the ups and downs - I like BIG GOALS like this one and say plan and go for it. If you are off track, re-set your goals, understand why you missed, correct those mistakes and head in the new direction. Just DO NOT QUIT.