low carbs high protein



  • SmartWhatever
    SmartWhatever Posts: 718 Member
    when you go into your food settings choose the 'custom' one and set your macros yourself.
    And of course you should count the carbs in fruit. Personally I don't eat much fruit at all because of the high carb content.
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    i eat around 20 grams a day.

    3 years ago i lost 40 pounds in about 6 months.. but then i got lazy and overate my way close to 200 pounds, yuck.
    doing it again now :D

    feel free to add me!
  • tosmoothash
    tosmoothash Posts: 187 Member
    BUMP--to read later because I am actually thinking of doing the CKD!!!
  • orishp
    orishp Posts: 214 Member
    I didn't have time to read through all the responses, but I'll tell you how I have lost 14 lbs in 3 months, which to me its a healthy and acceptable weight lost rate:

    - Cut out breads, pasta, rice, oats, wheat, anything that has "obvious" carbs
    - ate lean meats: turkey, fish, chicken, low fat ground beef, etc
    - ate lots and lots of veggies, pretty much anything although some veggies have more carbs than others. Green stuff is awesome! you can pretty much have as many veggies as you want.
    - ate 1 piece of fruit a day, not any fruit: apples, berries, or grapefruit, and only after the 3rd day when I was sure I was in ketosis.
    - obviously no sugar, I use truvia.

    the most difficult part was breakfast, which was either eggs with veggies and protein, a protein bar, or a protein shake.

    At the beginning I was using ketostrips to check if I was in ketosis, the tricky part is that is really easy to get "kicked out" of ketosis, and then you sort of have to start again. I read that you have to be below 50 g of carbs/day to be in ketosis, or even lower ....
    I did this for 8 weeks, but at the end, I was sick and tired of the stupid ketostick, and being kicked out, so I just took it a bit easier, still eating low carb but not obsessing about ketosis.

    Calories, my target was net 1000-1100 calories/day

    While in this stage I lost 12 lbs: 10 lbs of fat and 2 lbs of muscle.

    After 8 weeks, I started reintroducing dairy, 1 serving a day, and adding 1 more serving of fruit and more variety: oranges, kiwi, grapes, etc. That was 4 weeks ago, I have lost 2 lbs of fat, and pretty much no muscle in this second stage.
    I have slowly increased my net cal goal to 1200-1300 cals/day and about 100 g of carbs/day.
    So it is not true that as soon as you start eating more carbs you gain weight, in the last few weeks I havent been as strict and I have eaten the ocassional bread here and there, and I am still losing weight.

    I am also exercising a lot, 5-6 times a day, about 30 min on weekdays, 1-2 hours on the weekends.

    I have lots of energy, I don't crave the carb stuff, I feel great, I have lost a lot of weight, and I haven't lost a whole lot of muscle, so this has worked great for me.

    I can easily maintain what I am doing right now for the long run, so although technically next week I can start adding grains, I'll probably just limit them to seldom ocassions, and in moderation.

    Good luck!