I understand why it would be irritating, but to rule someone's advice out (in general) because of their looks or ability is shortsighted. Do you think Phil Jackson would have won all the championship rings he did as a coach if he had been playing instead?
This is a really stupid argument, as it implies that anytime you don't eat out, you are eating healthy. Of course you CAN eat unhealthy at Subway. You can ALSO eat unhealthy by cooking your own food. Since you mentioned Wendy's, you CAN also eat perfectly healthy there too. Grilled chicken sandwich and apples as a…
Subway isn't "fast food" by the definition that people are using it on a fitness site. Also - don't beat yourself up if you do have some fast food from time to time. It is perfectly ok to indulge occasionally, and/or to eat fast food if it fits within your calorie and macro goals.
I like 50/25/25 personally.
Someone else mentioned macros - what are yours set to? 50/25/25?
Kettlebells CAN be considered heavy lifting, depending on how you use them. Plenty of KB exercises out there that would qualify as heavy lifting.
Banana is helpful. A spoonful of peanut butter also works. Others have already suggested both of these here, so I am just here to confirm.
Drink some Whey Protein - it's a decent quick way to get quality protein. It's very hard to get enough protein in your without supplementing somehow. Not saying it cannot be done, but it's hard.
Well summed up - Sam. I understand the "heart" behind the people who merely say "NO", but in reality their answer is wrong. They say "NO", because some people treat fat burners (endothermics) like they are magic diet pills, which they are NOT. They are supplements, by true definition of the word....they are made to…
Thanks for the feedback Chris - all very good points. I am not trying to get big or huge or anything - mostly just general fitness, and trying not to get "skinny fat". I am 10-15 pounds from my goal weight right now. Currently I am 6'-0" - 185lbs. I would like to be around 175 and fairly toned. A real life friend pointed…
Yea, I was worried about that as well, but it takes me about 45 minutes to do that routine. Anywhere from 5-7 minutes per exercise, depending on which it is.
Just keep the penis tucked between your legs, and you won't look manly at all.
Eat your calories back
I don't think the comment was off base at all. There are plenty of good people here, but there are also PLENTY of really elitist and mean people here too. 1% is way off base. 50:50 at best.
At the level you are eating at (2000+) I would say you do not need to. People who are eating closer to the 1200 mark should eat their calories back. For your height and size, anything over 1600 should be fine/safe for you.
You should bring your gym payment statement to the gym next time and show them that you pay more for the gym than they do, and then let them know how you want them to spend their time there.
Doesn't matter - just do it the same each time. Same time of day, same clothes, etc. And if you're a woman, be aware of where you are in your cycle as you can greatly vary during that time.
If you don't "believe" in cheat days (or whatever you want to call them), then your metabolism wont "believe" in working well either. Enjoy that.
Cheat days are considered bad merely because of the connotation associated with the word. In reality, holding a 1200-1600 diet intake for many days (weeks) straight is not good in the long term. Occasionally you need to up your intake just to let your metabolism know it is not ok to just go into hibernation.
Archer Farms - Lemon Dill Seafood Sauce Any kind of salsa Capers Olive Oil + garlic + green olive slices
Sounds like it was a fun party last weekend!
What a *kitten*!!! Find someone who loves you for you.
Any of the females who are dense enough to answer "yes" to the question would be a good start...
To anyone who would be offended, answer this.... Do you like yourself better now that you have lost weight? (I think the obvious answer here is yes for most people who aren't lying) If you're allowed to like yourself better, then why can't other people like you better as well?
A magic show!!!
I'm 32 and my 21 year old granddaughter and I had a very nice lunch together today! You guys stop being so mean to this poor child!
Sounds to me like you just don't know yourself yet, let alone know guys. My advice: Date casually for the next few years until your upper 20s. Enjoy your 20s and your life. Spend the time getting to know who you are and being comfortable with yourself.
I'm from Tulsa. New York to Tulsa is quite a change! Good luck getting used to the town. You'll find that most people around here are very friendly and helpful.
I think we have seen machines like this before.....
Not sure what you mean by maximal lifting. I am doing medium range reps (10) and by the time I get to my last rep on my last set, I am nearing failure on most exercises. Also, I should never have said "sprinting" - as someone pointed out, that is anaerobic, which I am definitely not doing. I'd say I have been going around…