Talk about a slap in the face. Motivation depleted.

alleycat88 Posts: 756 Member
Been on my weight-loss journey since May 25th. Almost 2 months in I am bout 6lbs lighter, the difference in inches is minimal and it's hardly noticeable. My boyfriend and I are living 5000 miles away and I am moving back to where he lives at the end of september. My goal was to be down 15-20lbs by September 25th. So about 5 lbs a month. Not too crazy of a goal huh?

Well the BF was here at the beginning of July for 10 days. We were just on the phone and he goes "You have great features, and while I don't find myself attracted to you because of your weight, I do see potential in you and when I see old pictures of you and where you have been, I see that you can be smaller than you are"

I am sorry, but WHAT THE EFF!! I was 17 in those pictures, and while yes I may be a few pounds on the heavy side (I am about 145lbs, ex swimmer so my legs are all muscle, and I carry my weight well.) I am busting a$s, and have been frustrated with my current plateau, but not stressing it too much.

I'm just very upset at the moment. I work out 4-5 days a week, eat relatively healthy (the main change I have done in my diet is to cut out sugary drinks. All I drink is water, green tea and black coffee and also cut down on portion sizes) so I am hoping giving it some more time and upping the intensity of my workouts, I'll bust through this plateau.. but at the same time, what if I'm not able to lose the weight? I don't want to be with someone that no longer finds me attractive because he saw old pictures of me and now "realizes" how "hot" I can be compared to what I look like now.

Sorry it's so long.


  • mtaylor33557
    mtaylor33557 Posts: 542 Member
    I hope he's now your ex boyfriend. What a mean thing to say to someone!
  • toddx318
    toddx318 Posts: 51 Member
    What a *kitten*!!! Find someone who loves you for you.
  • Berto0391
    Berto0391 Posts: 273 Member
    Wow drop the guy.
  • onikonor
    onikonor Posts: 473 Member
    That's very rude.
  • ktbug1186
    ktbug1186 Posts: 266
    ^this. Even if you hit your goal weight, he will always want you smaller. Trust me, I was with a guy like that who wanted me to be a certain weight and would make little digs when I wasn't. It only gets worse. You very pretty, you can do better! Find a man who appreciates your beauty!!
  • Naomipal
    Naomipal Posts: 25 Member
    I wouldn't be moving anywhere for him!
  • Witchmoo
    Witchmoo Posts: 261 Member
    Yep if this had happened to me I would now be single and looking for someone less shallow and worthy of my time and effort....what a douche!
  • AJ_Pete
    AJ_Pete Posts: 863 Member
    Been on my weight-loss journey since May 25th. Almost 2 months in I am bout 6lbs lighter, the difference in inches is minimal and it's hardly noticeable. My boyfriend and I are living 5000 miles away and I am moving back to where he lives at the end of september. My goal was to be down 15-20lbs by September 25th. So about 5 lbs a month. Not too crazy of a goal huh?

    Well the BF was here at the beginning of July for 10 days. We were just on the phone and he goes "You have great features, and while I don't find myself attracted to you because of your weight, I do see potential in you and when I see old pictures of you and where you have been, I see that you can be smaller than you are"

    I am sorry, but WHAT THE EFF!! I was 17 in those pictures, and while yes I may be a few pounds on the heavy side (I am about 145lbs, ex swimmer so my legs are all muscle, and I carry my weight well.) I am busting a$s, and have been frustrated with my current plateau, but not stressing it too much.

    I'm just very upset at the moment. I work out 4-5 days a week, eat relatively healthy (the main change I have done in my diet is to cut out sugary drinks. All I drink is water, green tea and black coffee and also cut down on portion sizes) so I am hoping giving it some more time and upping the intensity of my workouts, I'll bust through this plateau.. but at the same time, what if I'm not able to lose the weight? I don't want to be with someone that no longer finds me attractive because he saw old pictures of me and now "realizes" how "hot" I can be compared to what I look like now.

    Sorry it's so long.

    MOTHER F*CKER! You deserve someone who loves you for WHO YOU ARE, not what you could be. You seem awesome and gorgeous! Screw that fuzz......
  • Sharyn913
    Sharyn913 Posts: 777 Member
    5,000 miles apart makes it easier to not miss him when he is your ex. Give him points for being honest, but seriously???? BYEBYE!!!!
  • funsteps
    funsteps Posts: 74 Member
    He sounds like a jerk. You can drop a few pounds by getting rid of a sandbag like him.
  • Dark_Roast
    Dark_Roast Posts: 17,689 Member
    And you are moving back why? Hopefully not for him!
  • MelStren
    MelStren Posts: 457 Member
    I hope he's now your ex boyfriend. What a mean thing to say to someone!

  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    RUN, don't walk. He will never treat you as you deserve to be treated.
  • mkbledsoe
    mkbledsoe Posts: 132
    Please don't give up eating better and exercising, but definetely get rid of the guy.
  • MegdKel
    MegdKel Posts: 96 Member
    Just. Say. No. :) You should be treated with more respect than that. There is something to be said for honesty, but that guy is a butthead
  • confettibetti
    confettibetti Posts: 405 Member
    I hope he's now your ex boyfriend. What a mean thing to say to someone!

    I sort of agree with this and I say sort of because I dont know him at all but based on this he's an *kitten*. You don't deserve that, and I think you should tell him to F off!
  • tangal88
    tangal88 Posts: 689
    sorry, but I would be rethinking the "move" if its to be with him only- seriously.
  • JewelsinBigD
    JewelsinBigD Posts: 661 Member
    What a jerk! You are taking care of you - if he doesn't find you attractive- run away.
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    could understand if he had said it and you were 300lbs, but 140.... get rid! x
  • robinhardysmall
    robinhardysmall Posts: 246 Member
    You need to find someone that is attracted to all of you- personality and body- not just body!

    Please take a second look at this relationship and make sure it is what you want.