My Routine (feedback pls)

Hey forum -
Background: I am a 33 y/o male. Some experience with weight lifting, but never been a regular.

I am looking to workout 2-3 days a week, doing a full body workout each time. I have chosen full body over a push/pull/legs style because of my schedule. There is a high chance I will miss a workout here or there, which is easier to manage with a full body each time.

Here is what I created, please let me know what you think. I am planning on 1 minute rest between each set, with a couple minutes between exercises. For ease (and my own benefit), I listed the primary muscle group in parentheses.

Workout A
Squat (legs overall) - 3x10
Dumbbell Bench Press(chest) - 3x10
Seated Cable Row (back) - 3x10
Standing Curl (bicep) - 3x10
Overhead Cable Extension (tricep) - 3x10
Seated Calf Raise (calf) - 3x10
Overhead Shoulder Press (shoulder) - 3x10
Hanging Leg Raise (abs) - 3x15

Workout B
45-deg Leg Press (quad) - 3x10
Dumbbell Fly (chest) - 3x10
Lat Pull Down (lat/back) - 3x10
EZ Bar Curl (bicep) - 3x10
Standing Dumbbell Extension (tricep) - 3x10
Standing Dead Lift (hamstring) - 3x10
Back Extension (mid/lower back) - 3x10
Decline Sit up (abs) - 3x15

Workout C
Squat (legs overall) - 3x10
Decline Dumbbell Bench Press (chest) - 3x10
Assisted Pull Up (back) - 3x failure
Hammer Curls (bicep) - 3x10
Dips (tricep) - 3x10
Thigh Abductor (abductor) - 3x10
Reverse Fly (shoulder) - 3x10
Crunches (abs) - 3x30

Let me know what you think - the good, bad, ugly, improvement, etc.



  • Showcase_Brodown
    Showcase_Brodown Posts: 919 Member
    It looks like you have your bases covered as far as muscles go, but the part that concerns me is that you might be trying to do too many things in one workout. If I tried to do that many things in one workout, I'd be completely obliterated. I usually try to do about 3 lifts per workout and focus my efforts on the main compound lifts.

    That's not to say you couldn't get results with your routine. I just find that I hit diminishing returns in the gym after being there for about an hour.
  • toddx318
    toddx318 Posts: 51 Member
    Yea, I was worried about that as well, but it takes me about 45 minutes to do that routine. Anywhere from 5-7 minutes per exercise, depending on which it is.
  • ChrisLindsay9
    ChrisLindsay9 Posts: 837 Member
    Hey Todd, this program isn't that bad. I would consider it a pretty decent starter program. Do you have a specific goal in mind, such as are you building strength (such as increasing your 1 Max Reps), or building size (endurance and muscle mass), or just increasing personal fitness? This program would probably help you with the third.

    Regarding rest. Play around with it, because everyone's a bit different. But consider slightly longer rests between second and third sets of your exercises, especially on the big compound exercises.

    A few nitpicks. Not big deals, just something to consider.
    -- Swap out the thigh abductor with Smith Machine/Standing Calf Raises (or Seated Calf Raises again). This machine will do very little for you.
    -- Regarding back work, your Work A has one "row" and Work B and Work C have one "pulldown/pullup" ... these are both back exercises but they hit the back differently. You mentioned that you may only get 2 workouts in on any given week. I would try and make sure that you do both a row and a pulldown/pullup in a week. And if you only get one workout in, swap this in for an ab or calves workout.
    -- I'm trying to see where you can fit in some shrugs. Maybe you can do a dumbbell shrug dropset between your second to last and last exercise.

    Good luck to you. Remember to take progress pictures of your chest, shoulders, and guns ... you should see some great progress there initially (less bodyfat). Progression is the key. And don't be timid about having someone spot you in particular free weight exercises where you want to go up in weight. Hope you find success!
  • toddx318
    toddx318 Posts: 51 Member
    Thanks for the feedback Chris - all very good points. I am not trying to get big or huge or anything - mostly just general fitness, and trying not to get "skinny fat". I am 10-15 pounds from my goal weight right now. Currently I am 6'-0" - 185lbs. I would like to be around 175 and fairly toned.

    A real life friend pointed out that he thought I didn't have enough shoulders in there. So, on the B workout, I am dropping biceps and adding in a standing cable raise for more shoulders.

    Good point about the row and pull up/down. I will make sure to get them both in any given week.

    Also a good point about the thigh abductor. I wasn't sure how useful it was, I was just trying to hit that minor muscle group once in the week. I can add back in calves, I like doing calves anyways.

    For Shrugs, maybe I can superset them in on one of the days? Maybe superset them with another dumbbell exercise like bicep curls?
  • Showcase_Brodown
    Showcase_Brodown Posts: 919 Member
    Yea, I was worried about that as well, but it takes me about 45 minutes to do that routine. Anywhere from 5-7 minutes per exercise, depending on which it is.

    If you can get through it and still have something left for the last exercises, it would probably work fine. I guess try it and cut back if you need to. I was just thinking, "Oh my gosh, that would wear me out."
  • Pnuke77
    Pnuke77 Posts: 23
    Have you checked out StrongLifts? Some good info in there and a great routine.