I'm a 38DD at 5ft 6in and around 172 pounds and have completed 1 marathon, 4 half marathons, 1 10-mile race and numerous shorter races - plus the training involved in all of those. I'm not fast, but I get it done. It's called finding the correct sports bra, and there are no issues whatsoever. Personally I use Moving…
What the heck is a gift opening party?? Isn't that what a pre-wedding shower is for? Sounds like a stupid thing designed to make everyone give even better gifts since they'll be opened in "public".
Out and proud! Add away!
The father's comfort and well-being was why I initially wondered why if it's so stressful for everyone to have them visit they aren't staying in a hotel. Stress only exacerbates everything around cancer, and it just sounds from what the OP said herself about when her father visits that the less stressful setting might be…
:drinker: Bingo! (and FWIW, those pounds lost in my ticker? all lost while eating my exercise calories back. BAM! on flawed logic!)
I don't think you're being unreasonable. However - and I fully expect people to think I'm ridiculous for suggesting this, but I'd be suggesting it based on what you've written about your father's visit regardless of the bromance situation - if your father staying with you causes such stress, why do he and your stepmother…
I think my favorite part of this is that these "top fitness addicts" (please note the word ADDICT) "plus physiologists" are apparently so famous, we should all know them by their names Paul ONE MAN OTHER MAN Bob
I'm still trying to figure out how bacon qualifies as a paleo food.
Do some investigation - many cities have community gardens around where there is public composting and anyone can take stuff for composting. Yes, you might have to travel a little to get there (and keep the food in the fridge or freezer), but if you could build that into even a once-a-week trip you'd be helping yourself,…
Chobani Apple Cinnamon. Best. Stuff. EVER.
Am I the only person in the world who couldn't care less about zombies??? I just don't get it.
Also, this!!
Fish. I'm not allergic in the proper sense, but I literally gag when the taste hits my mouth and cannot choke it down. Even the smell will do it to me, which is why I eat in my classroom a lot now. At my old school there was a rule that you were not allowed to microwave fish. We have no such rule at this place and not only…
While I'm all in favor of zig-zagging my calories, as has been said, it's not healthy to go below 1200 net calories for too long. If you're consistently eating *just* 1200 and then you exercise on top of that, you're asking your body to subsist on those 1200 calories minus whatever you expended. Example: You eat 1200…
The initial post I quoted said 167 last week and 167 this week. That's where I got 167-167.
Flavored seltzer water. Though you do realize what the leading cause of death is, right? LIFE.
No one is saying celiac is a fad. What we're saying is there are people jumping on gluten-free for absolutely no reason. In that case then yes it is a fad as those people (NOT the ones who have celiac disease) have no medical reason to go gluten free. Those with celiac and allergies, not a fad.
There is also a case to be made that we set ourselves and our children up for allergies (more environmental than food) by the completely sterile, anti-bac environment. Once upon a time, people were outdoors and in the dirt from an early age - even babies. And therefore they developed the necessary stuff to combat allergic…
"It was all started by a Mouse." To remind me that everything starts small. :)
THIS! To up the calories to 1200 and add exercise without eating back at least most of those calories you're just in the same cycle. Aim for a net of AT LEAST 1200.
I'm going with a combination I like... A small bale of hay, a bald eagle, and a guinea pig. :)
This! For those who have celiac or a legitimately diagnosed gluten allergy, it is a necessity. For the rest of the population who have no legitimate medical reason to avoid it, it's a fad.
See my post above with the problem with shakes. Unless you're planning on drinking shakes for the rest of your life, they're not going to work for lifelong weight loss.
When you say "meal replacement" I'm assuming you mean they're using something like SlimFast shakes (or whatever the equivalent is). The problem will come when they start eating real food again. Trust me...I've been there and done that. And the weight came back on and then some. Meal replacement diets like that simply are…
If he's eating less than 1200 calories, his body will go into starvation mode and start to cannibalize the muscle he's working so hard to build. He's also not said if those less than 1200 calories are before or after he takes the calories burned during his "2 hours of exercise per day" into account. If it's after and…
See my advice above about water. If you need flavor, flavored seltzer water has no calories and will work. :)
Also? Get a big glass of water. I find that a majority of the time I think I'm hungry it's just "mouth hungry" and not stomach hungry. And drinking a big glass of water usually convinces my body of that.
While I generally agree with "listen to the body", I've encountered far too many people who will say "Oh, I'm tired..." or "Oh, this hurts..." but follow that with "...but I HAVE to work out. I get grumpy/frustrated/depressed/insert your own word if I can't!!!" These are people who very potentially could be classified as…
Many if not most of the people who run twice a day are elite athletes who are in training for specific races. Their calorie intake reflects the amount of exercise they do. By and large they aren't trying to lose weight - but they have to maintain so as not to lose muscle to body cannibalism. In that same vein, you'll need…