Exercising+diet = not losing enough



  • Beth720
    Beth720 Posts: 661 Member
    Dude, you may not like my post on this, and normally I wouldn't respond to something along these lines. I'm a big believer in live and let live, allow people to do what they want, it's their life. However, the rapid weight loss you want to achieve is only possible for a short time. Your body will rebel. I don't think anybody needs to be a doctor or nutritionist to know that. I've lost 90lbs over a 5 year period. I may even lose another 10 this year, I haven't decided yet if that's what I want to do or not.

    This weight loss thing and getting healthier are wonderful goals for people, but its not a race. It's more of a tortoise thing. You said in one of your reply posts that you're 25. Well, it took 25 years to get to where you are in terms of body composition, do you think your body will let you change it more rapidly in the other direction? I'd stick the joke in here about the old bull, young bull, but it's a little blue for a message board. E-mail me if you want to hear it.....

    When you're 75 to 100 lbs overweight, like I and many others were, the first 25lbs comes of pretty rapidly anyway. Loose skin is an issue, but it will tighten up all on its own over time as it is very elastic. Make simple substitutions in your diet, change your food choices, exercise a little more, like walking or doing some push ups. Let your body adapt, let yourself adapt. Make this a new life, not a "diet". Educate yourself on nutrition and exercise, find something you personally like to do for movement and strength. Everybody finds something, eventually, that turns their crank.

    Personally, it took me from the ages of 25 to 38 to get really out of shape, so 13 years. It took me 5 to get back to where (actually a little beyond!) where I was at 25, approximately a 1/3 of the time. They way I looked at it was simply, "I have the rest of my life to live in a healthier way".

    A person a lot wiser than me once said, "Remember, the operative word in "Crash Diet" is CRASH."

    Best of luck young bull.

    Thanks Grant, its good to hear what you said. I guess, as much as the wait to weightloss can be quite tiring, it is the approach to a healthy and balance that is essential. Like you said, it's not a challenge for time but a journey through time for change. Perhaps one of the hardest thing I am facing is, the current group of friends I have who are currently with me in this weightloss journey. (several are over 100 lbs), but somehow the pounds just seem to drop off easy for them with minimal exercise but just through meal replacement. That got me thinking, here i am eating much lesser than them, with meal replacement & vigorous cardio (swimming 1 hour min), but I am not shedding as much as them. They are losing 8 lbs per week.

    But again, weightloss result varies on individuals. If my body is taking a longer time, but at better returns in the long run then it will be worth it.

    Thanks again grant!

    When you say "meal replacement" I'm assuming you mean they're using something like SlimFast shakes (or whatever the equivalent is). The problem will come when they start eating real food again. Trust me...I've been there and done that. And the weight came back on and then some. Meal replacement diets like that simply are not sustainable over the long-term.
  • amcglothlin
    amcglothlin Posts: 4 Member
    If you're using a meal replacement shake, use one that is more nutritious like shakeology or similar. Slim Fast shakes are full of sugar
  • queenpushycat
    queenpushycat Posts: 761 Member
    I had that kinda problem before, thinking if I eat only 800 calories and exercise, then I'll lose more. But that's just bull...

    i up my intake to 1350 and make sure I am eating more than at least 1200 calories... I am currently do a lot of weight lift and cardio. and I down from 75 kg to 73 now. within 2 weeks. But losing weight varies between individuals. don't set yourself too high of a lost.. I always tell myself, I am aiming for 72 kg not 52 kg. once I reached 72kg, i wanna aim for 71kg. so.... give yourself one step at a time. because if you don't give yourself one step at a time, you'll end up being frustrated and give up.

    And weight loss doesn't happen overnight. get that out of your head. I took 4 years to get to where i am. Slow I know, but it's trial and error and i Learned along the way.

    Thanks Carolinz, just wondering how did you derive that 1350 calories as a gauge? What kind of cardio are you doing as well?

    I always plan my meals the day before, google for recipes. And with my vegetarian diet, i need to plan my meals twice as hard. Ever since I signed up in a local gym, I get really active in doing their cardio classes and also using their gym. It's great and keep me going.
  • deadpoet87
    deadpoet87 Posts: 11
    If you're using a meal replacement shake, use one that is more nutritious like shakeology or similar. Slim Fast shakes are full of sugar

    I am using the herbalife Nutritional shake mix for breakfast and another for either dinner or lunch. Any thoughts on this shake?
  • Beth720
    Beth720 Posts: 661 Member
    If you're using a meal replacement shake, use one that is more nutritious like shakeology or similar. Slim Fast shakes are full of sugar

    I am using the herbalife Nutritional shake mix for breakfast and another for either dinner or lunch. Any thoughts on this shake?

    See my post above with the problem with shakes. Unless you're planning on drinking shakes for the rest of your life, they're not going to work for lifelong weight loss.
  • graciemom828
    I am not an expert but I recently saw a dietician and had a metabolism test and she determined the calories I was following at 1270 plus any extra gotten with cardio was not enough. She stated I s/b having at least 1400 per day. So, it seems possible you are on too few.
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    welcome to starvation mode... learn... low calories don't work well.

    Eat more food, minimum bodyweight * 10

    how does that work then? do I take the number of weight in pounds (132) or Kg (60)?

    Weight in pounds x 10. So 140 pounds x 10 = 1400 calories.
    some multiply their goal weight x 10 to get calorie amount probably best to multiply the weight you are.

    Thanks I'm only 3lbs off my goal weight anyway so shouldn't be that big of a difference... so 129 x 10 = 1,290 is that just my basic BMR or what I should be eating including exercise?
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    You're complaining that 4.4 lbs per week is too slow? Did I read that correctly?
  • Jess5825
    Jess5825 Posts: 228
    4 lbs a week is okay, but having to lose 160 lbs is so far away. I thought if i can lose 6-7 lbs a week can speed up the process. anyways, like u said, i think its better to correct bad behavior first which can lead to a long term healthy lifestyle than to lose alot and no maintenance. any ideas about loose skin? im 25 male btw.

    You cannot healthily lose 6-7 lbs per week. 1200 is the very bare minimum for a woman. A man should not eat less than 1500 calories. Plus if you really are working out 2 hours a day, that is basically you starving yourself.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Dude, you may not like my post on this, and normally I wouldn't respond to something along these lines. I'm a big believer in live and let live, allow people to do what they want, it's their life. However, the rapid weight loss you want to achieve is only possible for a short time. Your body will rebel. I don't think anybody needs to be a doctor or nutritionist to know that. I've lost 90lbs over a 5 year period. I may even lose another 10 this year, I haven't decided yet if that's what I want to do or not.

    This weight loss thing and getting healthier are wonderful goals for people, but its not a race. It's more of a tortoise thing. You said in one of your reply posts that you're 25. Well, it took 25 years to get to where you are in terms of body composition, do you think your body will let you change it more rapidly in the other direction? I'd stick the joke in here about the old bull, young bull, but it's a little blue for a message board. E-mail me if you want to hear it.....

    When you're 75 to 100 lbs overweight, like I and many others were, the first 25lbs comes of pretty rapidly anyway. Loose skin is an issue, but it will tighten up all on its own over time as it is very elastic. Make simple substitutions in your diet, change your food choices, exercise a little more, like walking or doing some push ups. Let your body adapt, let yourself adapt. Make this a new life, not a "diet". Educate yourself on nutrition and exercise, find something you personally like to do for movement and strength. Everybody finds something, eventually, that turns their crank.

    Personally, it took me from the ages of 25 to 38 to get really out of shape, so 13 years. It took me 5 to get back to where (actually a little beyond!) where I was at 25, approximately a 1/3 of the time. They way I looked at it was simply, "I have the rest of my life to live in a healthier way".

    A person a lot wiser than me once said, "Remember, the operative word in "Crash Diet" is CRASH."

    Best of luck young bull.

    Thanks Grant, its good to hear what you said. I guess, as much as the wait to weightloss can be quite tiring, it is the approach to a healthy and balance that is essential. Like you said, it's not a challenge for time but a journey through time for change. Perhaps one of the hardest thing I am facing is, the current group of friends I have who are currently with me in this weightloss journey. (several are over 100 lbs), but somehow the pounds just seem to drop off easy for them with minimal exercise but just through meal replacement. That got me thinking, here i am eating much lesser than them, with meal replacement & vigorous cardio (swimming 1 hour min), but I am not shedding as much as them. They are losing 8 lbs per week.

    But again, weightloss result varies on individuals. If my body is taking a longer time, but at better returns in the long run then it will be worth it.

    Thanks again grant!

    One of the hardest things to do is to watch others lose quicker than you are. However, it is far more important to do this in a healthy and sustainable way. If you go at a slower pace by eating more you will be getting more micronutrients, have more energy, the weight loss will be more sustainable and you will less likely have as many issues with loose skin.

    You are getting loads of great advice here - eat more, eat more nutritiously (real food, not shakes) and you will be the one who will have lost the most weight a year down the line.
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    This isn't a race. Stop being so concerned about losing it "fast enough". You are very unlikely to maintain weight loss that you practically starved yourself to achieve. If you have 160 pounds to lose there is no reason you should be eating 1200 calories or less, especially if you are a man.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member

    If he's eating less than 1200 calories, his body will go into starvation mode and start to cannibalize the muscle he's working so hard to build.

    That's not true and there have been numerous posts explaining why. Now, 1,200 may not be sustainable longterm for someone with a lot of weight to lose who's also working out vigorously. But that's a different issue entirely from claims about "starvation mode" and "cannibalization."
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member

    If he's eating less than 1200 calories, his body will go into starvation mode and start to cannibalize the muscle he's working so hard to build.

    That's not true and there have been numerous posts explaining why. Now, 1,200 may not be sustainable longterm for someone with a lot of weight to lose who's also working out vigorously. But that's a different issue entirely from claims about "starvation mode" and "cannibalization."

    And he is a big guy still has fat to be cannabilzed.
    If he is on a medically supervised fast they go quite low in calories.
    OP is on meal replacement shakes which can be good initially but he can then try to incorporate real foods into his diet. At the moment he has 2 meal replacement shakes for breakfast and lunch or dinner. He can then go to 1 replacement shake etc.