

  • Ooh, I was having exactly this debate with myself the other day. I have a friend (not on MFP) who is on a "diet" but when we go out, she's always the one who eats the meals that are about 1,000 calories. And she is aware of the calories! I'd say that she's over calories about 4 days a week. Sigh. And I go back and forth…
  • I'd feel worried too, both about taking his ex out to dinner and his comment. Maybe he just meant it to be flippant but really? In your sitaution, I hope I'd revisit the conversation and say, "Well, is that the only reason you're not having sex with her?" Ugh. Good luck.
  • I'm a huge Disney fan too! We've gone many times but usually only for a day or two. When I started my weight loss journey, I decided that my incentive for losing 50 pounds would be to treat myself and DD to a trip to DisneyWorld. I'm hoping to treat us to maybe a better hotel room and/or longer trip than I'd have done…
  • Thanks, I'm super excited! I mean I keep having to remind myself that this is good, unexpected news and supposed to be a positive for both of us, not a stressful situation. Our current place is smaller than I'd like (it's a townhouse), in dire need of routine maintanence that I'm unlikely to make since I'm the renter, and…
  • Thanks again for the encouragement....it's good to remember that there are other houses out there if this one doesn't work out (although I'll be disappointed, of course). And I'm glad I'm not the only one who has made offers on houses that didn't work out. I mean, I don't want to have to live in a house that I can't afford…
  • Thanks for the encouragement! I'm glad I'm not the only one whose had to look at a number of houses (and having made more than one offer) to get the house they wanted. Buying a house seems so serious and I don't really want to screw it up, you know? I know there aren't any perfect houses though and they all have pros and…
  • Mine was a gift for Christmas since family knew I was trying to exercise more. I'm not sure I would have bought it on my own then (I had similar experiences with previous "pedometers"---they'd break, fall off, whatever, I'd lose interest) but I love my Fitbit. Initially, I loved the fact that I could track my exercise on…
  • Feel free to add me! I log daily and could definitely use some more supportive (and active) friends. Diary's open to friends. Definitely not perfect but fairly accurate with what I log so maybe it'll make you feel better when you hit a bump in the road. Goodness knows I feel better when I know I'm not the only one!
  • "If ever there is tomorrow when we're not together... there is something you must always remember. you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we're apart... I'll always be with you.”--A.A. Milne
    in Quotes Comment by daisyhougan June 2012
  • Me too! I'm almost 40 and also have about 50 pounds to lose. And you know, I'd have explained it in almost the exact same way: yes, it'd be healthier to be thinner but I finally just got tired of being fat!
  • I'm a teacher at the school my daughter attends and it's a struggle. Ours is probably middle of the road in terms of nutrition---we don't have a salad bar sadly but they do make nutritional information easily available, don't allow bags of chips, offer a premade salad and yogurt as options, and three hot lunches. But…
  • I don't think you're selfish but I do think you're in a difficult situation. I completley sympathize with the idea that you're not ready to be a mom. I wasn't ready at 25 either and I think it's good that you know it. Having said that, your wonderful BFcomes with a kid and I have to say that I feel sympathetic to all…
  • Is there any way you could comfortably broach the subject with your dad? Sounds like you all have some good memories of going to amuseument parks and going on the roller coasters together. I imagine he wants to go there to enjoy the experience with you, not to make you feel uncomfortable. Maybe you can explain to him how…
  • My was a Christmas gift from my dad and I'm not sure I would've bought one on my own. But I can't imagine not having it. I hate leaving the house without it. Can't help but feel like I'm repeating some of what people have said before but it makes me super aware of how much exercise I'm getting. It makes me want to get more…
    in Fit bit Comment by daisyhougan June 2012
  • I personally have the opposite problem but have a slightly different experience with this. My daughter has a health problem that has resulted in a fairly high metabolism so she's both growing and underweight and it was impacting her growth. (Plus, she looked frail.....and that wasn't just my perspective.) Try having that…
  • I think for me I settled with my weight until I was in a psychological spot where I could deal with it. And there are other areas of my life where I'm essentially "settling" (yeah, I'm looking at that mound of laundry) because I can put my major effort into one area at a time. Does that make sense? I'm looking back at the…
  • I've tried them twice. I used them once and lost a significant amount of weight working with a weight loss doctor....when I probably didn't have as much weight to lose as I do know! Second time used them for about a month and lost some weight but didn't feel as comfortable doing it so stopped. Here's what I noticed about…
  • Could always use more friends! Feel free to add me if you like!
  • Feel free to add me! I could use some new friends on here!
  • You know? I've tried not eating back my exercise calories at all and have found myself cranky, lethargic and on a plateau. (Actually, my mom always called it a "fateau" so I'm using it.) When I eat back most of my exercise calories, I see a drop in weight literally the next day so now I usually do. Plus as some people have…
  • I think 9 pounds over a month is awesome! Congratulations! You deserve to be proud of yourself. I also enjoy reading the amazing stories of weight loss on here and enjoy reading about those who have lost tremendous amounts of weight. But I also like reading stories such as yours where people have made a conscious step to…
  • I've completely feel the same way! Particularly with my family because they are all skinny fit bouncy runner type people whose idea of a good time is to run races including super-long distance ones and they run fast. Sigh, I apparently take after my grandparents who struggled with weight and health issues. But I decided to…
  • I'm a single parent.....when I was pregnant, I imagined a permanent relationship and possible marriage with her dad. He cheated on me right before she was born and looking back I can't imagine us in a serious long-term relationship. Dad has no contact with her, he has other problems. Looking back on it knowing that things…
  • Thank you! Needed this positive message.
  • You're doing awesome! End of school year teaching can be stressful and add on top of that a little baby (who is wonderful but a baby and they're kinda needy, in my experience, ya know?) and you've got a lot on your plate. The weight loss stuff? Sounds like you're successful already. Yay you! Now you can stop now the MFP…
  • Congratulations! You look awesome!
  • Feel free to add me! I'm a busy mom too with a 9 year old....I know how it's hard when you're looking after the kiddos. Good luck! :)
  • I'm kinda new to MFP as I've only been here a month or so. I love that I can go to Wegmans and look at the prepared food/deli section and they'll have the calorie counts for the meals and sides. Would I prefer to make my own dinners and lunches when I can? Yeah, of course, and then life happens and it helps having…
  • Feel free to add me! Overall, I'm looking to loose about 60 pounds. It's always good to have friends!
  • Actually, I agree with the above posters too. My doctor's stick thin and hasn't been as tactless as others might be. But I don't think he's ever struggled with his weight and while I feel comfortable talking about weight with him (more so than with my last doctor who wanted to recommend surgery for everything from acne to…