Single Parents!



  • rammsteinsoldier
    rammsteinsoldier Posts: 1,556 Member
    I love being a single parent. I wouldn't change it for the world. I would not marry the same guy but love the children I got from the marriage. It has been great raising them.
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    The only thing I would change...cannot be for I have no control of the choices made by others. So, nothing.
  • ishtar13
    ishtar13 Posts: 528 Member
    One of my fav people already replied on here (hi, sofaking6!)

    I've been a single parent from day 1.

    She's 16 now.

    She's a black belt in tae kwon do. She has about a 3.5 GPA (in the top 12% or so of her class). She is a great kid.

    But it has been very hard at times. I think planning for it is helpful. Having close friends and family around to help out is great if you can get it. (I have one amazing friend who has helped more than I can say.)

    Have a good support system and it's doable.
  • Tristis
    Tristis Posts: 288 Member
    I kicked my bf (or fiance...or whatever) out 2 months before our son was a year old. He wasn't helping financially, even though he had a job. He wasn't helping with raising our son and said it was because of his job. He wasn't even picking up after himself, which again, he blamed on his job. He just wasn't helping; so, I already felt like I was a single parent. Also, he started getting really emotionally/verbally abusive to me, again, the job's fault! After he left, my world actually became less stressful because I had one less person to pick up after and feed and no one constantly yelling or belittling me. Being in a relationship while having my son, I didn't think I would be a single mother, but I think it's the best thing for us because at least my son has a happy environment now. His father liked to yell (who the heck yells at a less than 1 yr old?), and now he isn't subjected to that every day.

    I don't regret a thing.

    ETA: Also, I had my son when I was 35...I'm 36 now. :)
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    If I had planned to be a single parent I would have done things much much differently.
    I had to move across country to keep my job when my ex decided to bail (I travel frequently for work so I needed to be close to family).
    Had I known I would be doing this alone I would have found a job in San Diego and simply moved in a nanny or au pair. My life would have been better I think.
    OP I think planning to be a single parent is perfectly ok. Even better if adotion is considered!
  • emmaholmes38
    I was a single parent for 13 years when my partner was killed in an accident. I never set out to have any children but I am glad I did as she is now 18 and my best friend. Its very hard being a single parent and I dont think I ever want to do it again. But women are stronger and more independent these days and I am now a better and different person for having to do it alone. I have only just met someone who I plan to settle down with but I still find it hard after being on my own so long!
  • daisyhougan
    daisyhougan Posts: 52
    I'm a single parent.....when I was pregnant, I imagined a permanent relationship and possible marriage with her dad. He cheated on me right before she was born and looking back I can't imagine us in a serious long-term relationship. Dad has no contact with her, he has other problems.
    Looking back on it knowing that things would not work out well between us and that he wouldn't support her in any way,would I still do it?
    Being a parent of any type isn't easy. Single parenthood brings a particular set of challenges but so does anything worthwhile.
  • coachblt
    coachblt Posts: 1,090
    Single Parent here as well. It is rewarding. It is difficult. There's never a dull moment, I'll tell you that. If you can't put your child first, I don't recommend it.

    Would I do it again? I wouldn't. I enjoyed being married. Heck, I enjoy being single too, but it would've been easier had we stayed together. I just couldn't, though; too many things to explain here as to why.

    No matter what choice you decide, do what is best for the child and you. You can't ever go wrong if you keep that in mind.

    I wish you well.
  • naomi8888
    naomi8888 Posts: 519 Member
    Hi Sheri,

    You haven't mentioned if you have much other support like family members nearby. I'm a single mum (separated when my child was two). I don't have parents but my MIL is fantastic and has always been such a great help. My daughter is 10 now and she is fantastic - well behaved, great in school, etc...

    Good luck to you.
  • LadyKatieBug
    LadyKatieBug Posts: 178 Member
    I am a single parent have been since 2003. Being a single parent is hard but my ex husband was abusive to me and my daughter and I felt Rylee and I would be better off without him in our life.
  • soccermoma11
    soccermoma11 Posts: 126
    It's not easy no bit totally a blessing, my lil one is still just a baby but I love being able to make choices for him and me without havIng conflict from another parent :p I love my son and it is totally a blessing to have him