


  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    "Are you tripping Agent Dunham?"
    ~Walter Bishop
  • justjenn1977
    justjenn1977 Posts: 437 Member
    “In a clutch or a corner, I tend to make a weapon out of what is near at hand. That can be anything from a crowbar to a cat, though if I had a choice, I would prefer an angry cat, which I have found to be more effective than a crowbar.

    Although weaponless, I left the house by the back door, with two chocolate-pumpkin cookies. It's a tough world out there, and a man has to armor himself against it however he can. ~Odd Thomas”
    ― Dean Koontz, Odd Hours
  • dg5155
    dg5155 Posts: 13 Member
    "What... me worry ?" Alfred E. Newman
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    "So long as government set the example of killing their enemies, private individuals will occasionally kill theirs also"
    Elbert Hubbard

    "When the last tree is cut, the last river poisoned, and the last fish dead, we will discover that we can't eat money."

    "We the people means everyone, regardless of race, sex, religion, sexual orientation, sexual identity, or social class."

    "Never fight with an idiot in public, people watching may not be able to tell the difference"

    "I just thought if you invited me over, you knew it was me showing up" - If These Walls Could Talk 2 - Chloe Sevigny

    "My manner of thinking, so you say, cannot be approved. Do you suppose I care? A poor fool indeed is he who adopts a manner of thinking for others"!
    Marquis de Sade
  • PittShkr
    PittShkr Posts: 1,000 Member
    If someday they say of me that in my work I have contributed something to the welfare and happiness of my fellow man, I shall be satisfied.

    George Westinghouse
  • chatipati1
    chatipati1 Posts: 211 Member
    "It's just as easy to marry a rich man as it is a poor one"...my mother LOL
  • WingMan380
    WingMan380 Posts: 2,139 Member
    "Where you currently are in life; physically, mentally, and financially is the sum total of all thoughts and decisions you have made up to the present. Therefore all of your thoughts and decisions today will impact the course and direction of your life for the rest of your life."
    - C.M.Casteel

    "Great Spirit, Maker of All Life. A warrior goes to you swift and straight as an arrow shot into the sun. Welcome him and let him take his place at the council fire of my people. He is Uncas, my son. Tell them to be patient and ask death for speed; for they are all there but one - I, Chingachgook - Last of the Mohicans."
  • sho3girl
    sho3girl Posts: 10,799 Member
    "That's part of your problem: you haven't seen enough movies. All of life's riddles are answered in the movies." i used to live by this and

    "If only there were a button somewhere that I could push. To force me to stop talking" Angela MY so called life

    This year "Knowing who you are is confidence. Confidence not cockiness. Cockiness is knowing who you are and pushing it down everyone's throat" Milo Kunis
  • Allie_71
    Allie_71 Posts: 1,063 Member
    Not exactly words to live by, but two Tom Waits quotes that I particularly love:

    “I like beautiful melodies telling me terrible things.”


    "she was sharp as a razor and soft as a prayer"
  • JanetLM73
    JanetLM73 Posts: 1,277 Member
    “I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.”
    Marilyn Monroe
  • SmallMimi
    SmallMimi Posts: 541 Member
    "I see my path, but don't know where it leads. Not knowing where I'm going is what inspires me to travel it."~Rosalie de Castro
  • IronPlayground
    IronPlayground Posts: 1,594 Member
    Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings, they did it by killing all those who opposed them.

  • sheybass
    sheybass Posts: 9
    This is something my boot camp instructor said one time:
    "You can train long or you can train hard, but you can't do both"

    Wise words.
  • xuashe
    xuashe Posts: 46
    "Have I gone mad?"
    "I am afraid so. You're entirely bonkers."
    Well let me tell you a secret: all the best people are."

    "If abortion is murder, then *kitten* are cannibelism."
  • jcpmoore
    jcpmoore Posts: 796 Member
    “Physical training is good, but training for godliness is much better, promising benefits in this life and in the life to come.” Apostle Paul
  • DefConJen
    DefConJen Posts: 20
    We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams.

    - Arthur O'Shaughnessy

    (also quoted by Willy Wonka (Gene Wilder) in Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory, LOL!)
  • tdm2592
    tdm2592 Posts: 30
    "Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son." ~ Dean Vernon Wormer
  • daisyhougan
    "If ever there is tomorrow when we're not together... there is something you must always remember. you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we're apart... I'll always be with you.”--A.A. Milne
  • jcriscuolo
    jcriscuolo Posts: 319 Member
    "Luck is the residue of design" - Branch Rickey

    "It is better to ask for forgiveness than permission" - unknown

    "Carpe diem" (seize the day) - Horace
  • terri0527
    terri0527 Posts: 678 Member
    Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. :happy:
    ~ Dr. Seuss