What is it that people REALLY want?? A liar or a believer?



  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    What I have come to realize is that until someone is really ready to lose weight, nothing anyone says or does is going to make them start. I was this way. It's true. I am ready now, for today, for the last 4 months. In commenting on diaries, if I can say something positive, I do - with enthusiasm. Encouragement is great! Praise is great. But if someone is eating way below their calories or way above their calories, I will not comment. As a previous poster said, until you are ready it would just embarass that person and make them give up. Just my opinion.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    I know I ate 3 slices of pizza and 2 stuffed rolls, I don't need anyone to tell me that. I ate it, I logged it and I'm moving on.
  • elrickis1337
    elrickis1337 Posts: 117 Member
    i didnt really read alot of the other responses and maybe someone said this but the way i look at it is kinda like how i was taught to deal with employees

    praise in public, correct in private - when they are doing good and are under their goal or near it say something on there profile. if they have fallen off the wagon a little or havent logged thier food throw them a message and just ask whats up
  • fittertanme
    fittertanme Posts: 259 Member
    you should do what you think is best for you and the friend as if it was me and I have had a bad day and my weight has gon to high then its only right to say why and what can we do to help as this is what this site is to help support and motivate and feel free to ask
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    I agree that you shouldn't post empty praises about people's eating habits, especially if you don't really feel like that. On the other hand, I'm not sure it would help to point out that they're way over their goals and have been for several days/weeks whatever. Unless you know that person really well, you have no idea what might be going on in their life to make them eat like that. They may even be doing it on purpose. I've had times when I was calorie cycling, or experimenting with the calorie levels, where in my diary it probably looked really bad, but it was all under control. :smile:

    I wouldn't see an open diary as an invitation for constructive criticism either. People might have their diaries open just to share ideas, or because knowing that people can see it makes them more accountable. Mine is private now because I don't really benefit from someone saying "wtg" on my diary, but also because I don't need the negative feedback. If I've eaten over my calorie goal, I'm aware of it. "Hey, today isn't a great day" isn't the kind of thing that would ever help me. If someone has made comments that seem to indicate that they want a proverbial kick up the backside, then that's obviously ok. Bring on the constructive criticism! If you're really worried about someone, perhaps drop them a (private) note saying that you've noticed they've been going over quite a bit, and is there anything you can do to support them.

    Otherwise, maybe try not looking in people's diaries if it bothers you. There are other (and in my opinion better) ways to support people than just commenting on their diaries. Praise their weight loss, praise their continued logging onto MFP, praise the exercise they log, write on their wall showing an interest in what's going on in their life. Ultimately, although most of us are here for the same thing (weight loss and/or health & fitness), we all do it in different ways and sometimes, the fact that someone is even logging onto MFP is good enough for them, at that moment.
  • capriciousmoon
    capriciousmoon Posts: 1,263 Member
    I don't mind helpful advice and honesty, as long as it's understood that I have a very small food budget and sometimes just have to make due. I'm still learning how to shop and cook.

    I also wouldn't be offended by the occasional "are you trying to be the world's fattest man?" or "stop being lazy and exercise!" type comment. :tongue:
  • jonirobbins
    I usually stay out of people's diaries unless they specifically ask for feedback. Maybe that makes me a bad friend, but I know that by being here they are consciously reminding themselves of their goals and their efforts to meet them - I don't need to. I'm happy to congratulate them when they've done well or let them know where they could have done better when they ask me, but I don't feel that it's my place to intrude when I don't know why they made the choices they made.

    I couldn't agree more!!!! Going into diaries without being asked to feels too intrusive... I dont want to be judged and I am in no position to judge others.
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    I usually stay out of people's diaries unless they specifically ask for feedback. Maybe that makes me a bad friend, but I know that by being here they are consciously reminding themselves of their goals and their efforts to meet them - I don't need to. I'm happy to congratulate them when they've done well or let them know where they could have done better when they ask me, but I don't feel that it's my place to intrude when I don't know why they made the choices they made.

    I couldn't agree more!!!! Going into diaries without being asked to feels too intrusive... I dont want to be judged and I am in no position to judge others.
    People who fear accountability are not success oriented.
    And don't worry.
    People already judge what is reflected by this inner weakness.
    Fat people are judged anyway, so I'd rather be judged and held accountable by those on the same path than by the cruel uncaring world of people who see us fat, glare, snicker, point, laugh...reject!
    Right, don't worry about being judged.
  • daisyhougan
    Ooh, I was having exactly this debate with myself the other day. I have a friend (not on MFP) who is on a "diet" but when we go out, she's always the one who eats the meals that are about 1,000 calories. And she is aware of the calories! I'd say that she's over calories about 4 days a week. Sigh. And I go back and forth between saying, Yeah, maybe that's not the best choice, why don't we do X or Y or Z that would be better or biting my tongue and realizing that I can talk to her until I'm blue in the face and if she's not ready to take the plunge then nothing I say won't make a difference. I'm not sure what to do. I know for me that the idea that others could see my diary sometimes makes me feel more accountable---I know it's out there and knowing that other people can see it sometimes can encourage me to make better choices. Guess it depends upon the person and how it's said and whether you get the feeling that what you've said will make a difference.
  • bethgames
    bethgames Posts: 534 Member
    What Bobby said! I am an open book. I have reasons, not excuses. Success is a journey. And even though I still have weight to shed, I have already succeeded. Every day is it's own success. A person that is sensitive and makes people walk on eggshells only hurts himself.
  • tempest501
    tempest501 Posts: 329 Member
    I cant say for anyone else but I want people to be honest with me. I mean so long as people are doing it for the right reasons and not just to be nasty.

    Hell If i am doing bad day after day I invite you all to kick my *kitten* lol =D

    I always try to do the same for the few buddys I have picked up this past week.

    P.S Feel free to add me
  • ninelives58
    ninelives58 Posts: 160 Member
    Hmmm, I made a similar post about a month ago and it ended up being locked because people starting flaming each other over the topic.

    In answer to your question though, when I see someone not sticking with their goals, I don't post negative comments, but I don't post positive comments either. To me, that is meaningless, but offering unsolicited advice/criticism to MFP friends is overstepping boundaries.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    There is this thing called "grace," which is giving someone else the desire and ability to do the right thing. Desire and ability are very powerful! And then the way you word something can make a difference in how palatable it is to another person...you can come off wrong in the ears of another hearer...and then your message does not get through.

    What has helped you and made you stronger and happier is what you have to give!
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    Hmmm, I made a similar post about a month ago and it ended up being locked because people starting flaming each other over the topic.

    In answer to your question though, when I see someone not sticking with their goals, I don't post negative comments, but I don't post positive comments either. To me, that is meaningless, but offering unsolicited advice/criticism to MFP friends is overstepping boundaries.
    It was locked, because people turn fanatic when confronted by the notion of personal responsibility and life accountability.
    Fanaticism is the brother of doubt.
    And as was said...
    I think that folks that really want to succeed embrace the thought of being held accountable. Those that don't want it... well, if you already had it all figured out, then what the heck are you doing on this site anyway?
    Call me out. Ask me questions.
    If I'm getting something wrong, educate me.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Hmmm, I made a similar post about a month ago and it ended up being locked because people starting flaming each other over the topic.

    In answer to your question though, when I see someone not sticking with their goals, I don't post negative comments, but I don't post positive comments either. To me, that is meaningless, but offering unsolicited advice/criticism to MFP friends is overstepping boundaries.
    It was locked, because people turn fanatic when confronted by the notion of personal responsibility and life accountability.
    Fanaticism is the brother of doubt.
    And as was said...
    I think that folks that really want to succeed embrace the thought of being held accountable. Those that don't want it... well, if you already had it all figured out, then what the heck are you doing on this site anyway?
    Call me out. Ask me questions.
    If I'm getting something wrong, educate me.

    I'm accountable to myself, and that's working well enough for me. There are lots of other aspects to this site (not least the tracking function) than diary checking. I certainly don't have everything all figured out, but I'm still being successful. I guess everyone looks for different things from friends, whether in real life or online. Personally, I'm not looking for friends who will parent or police me. Each to their own.
  • shamrck44
    shamrck44 Posts: 91
    Why not just ask them? "Jane I want to support you in your journey do you want me to call you out on your bad days or just let them go?"

    Everyone is different and there can be more going on in their life than just their diet. A lot of people eat when stressed (guilty), so I already know I am eating poorly.

    I think continuing to log even when things are bad is a good thing and it will be something they can use later.
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    Hmmm, I made a similar post about a month ago and it ended up being locked because people starting flaming each other over the topic.

    In answer to your question though, when I see someone not sticking with their goals, I don't post negative comments, but I don't post positive comments either. To me, that is meaningless, but offering unsolicited advice/criticism to MFP friends is overstepping boundaries.
    It was locked, because people turn fanatic when confronted by the notion of personal responsibility and life accountability.
    Fanaticism is the brother of doubt.
    And as was said...
    I think that folks that really want to succeed embrace the thought of being held accountable. Those that don't want it... well, if you already had it all figured out, then what the heck are you doing on this site anyway?
    Call me out. Ask me questions.
    If I'm getting something wrong, educate me.

    I'm accountable to myself, and that's working well enough for me. There are lots of other aspects to this site (not least the tracking function) than diary checking. I certainly don't have everything all figured out, but I'm still being successful. I guess everyone looks for different things from friends, whether in real life or online. Personally, I'm not looking for friends who will parent or police me. Each to their own.
    Seriously, when a ticker says 69lbs lost, somebody is doing something right.
    Terrific Job...Keep Punching!
  • ingalynn
    ingalynn Posts: 136 Member
    I am 5'7 and 180 lbs. I started at 211. MFP set my goals to 1200 bc I said I would like to lose 2 lbs a week. I frequently go over the 1200 by 1-200 cals, sometimes 400. But I do it without worry bc I know that's still a reasonable deficit. Sometimes I even do it on purpose. I have been pretty consistent at losing 1-3 lbs a week doing it this way. I guess you could say it's like setting your clock 5 minutes fast. With my cals set at 1200 I know I have wiggle room. Unless they are going over by huge numbers, I wouldn't say anything.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Hmmm, I made a similar post about a month ago and it ended up being locked because people starting flaming each other over the topic.

    In answer to your question though, when I see someone not sticking with their goals, I don't post negative comments, but I don't post positive comments either. To me, that is meaningless, but offering unsolicited advice/criticism to MFP friends is overstepping boundaries.
    It was locked, because people turn fanatic when confronted by the notion of personal responsibility and life accountability.
    Fanaticism is the brother of doubt.
    And as was said...
    I think that folks that really want to succeed embrace the thought of being held accountable. Those that don't want it... well, if you already had it all figured out, then what the heck are you doing on this site anyway?
    Call me out. Ask me questions.
    If I'm getting something wrong, educate me.

    I'm accountable to myself, and that's working well enough for me. There are lots of other aspects to this site (not least the tracking function) than diary checking. I certainly don't have everything all figured out, but I'm still being successful. I guess everyone looks for different things from friends, whether in real life or online. Personally, I'm not looking for friends who will parent or police me. Each to their own.
    Seriously, when a ticker says 69lbs lost, somebody is doing something right.
    Terrific Job...Keep Punching!
    lol :flowerforyou:
  • AndiJoy812
    AndiJoy812 Posts: 236
    And this is why my diary is private. I am an almost 40 year-old woman, and I am the only one that is accountable for my actions. I do not need unsolicited criticism from people who are having trouble figuring out their own diets and/or exercise program. I stay under my goals on most days, but I do go over every once in a while, and I will usually write a statement when I close my diary as to why. Again...me being accountable to me. I also do not have a problem asking others for help if I need it. It would drive me crazy if someone made suggestions about my day...it's my day, dang it! But then, I have always been fiercely independent - so this is not a new thing for me. :laugh:

    Each person has to figure out what works for them. If they are lying, the only person they are hurting is themselves. You know it, I know it, they know it. We can't do it for them - it has to come from them. I feel that my "job" on here as an MFP friend is to encourage and support, and give my opinion when asked. If I see that one of my friends is having a hard time, I find that a quick, "Hey - are you doing OK? Anything I can do to help?" msg goes a long way. That gives them an opportunity to open up and talk about what is going on...which is more helpful than picking apart their day.