JanelleG0122 Member


  • Hi Nancy! I also just weighed in around the same weight as you. 205, almost to ONEderland! If you want some friends and motivation feel free to add me!
  • Hi! We have similar goal though you are much taller than me, i'm jealous ;) Anyway i'm 27 years old, at my largest I was 40, i'm now down to 205 with an ultimate goal at around 125 (I'm only 5'2). Feel free to add me if you would like!
  • 20 lbs in 10 weeks is a pretty impossible goal unless you're extremely overweight. If you're a runner and a dancer, I highly doubt that you are overweight enough to lose 20 lbs in 10 weeks healthy. Most people who are only slightly overweight should aim for about 1 lb a week. You don't want to set your goal too high or…
  • Getting help from MyFitnessPal is great! Commenting and get yourself involved in the discussion boards, it's a great way to meet people. I have found it extremely helpful, especially since I don't have that much support at home. I can post my successes and people on here understand how elated I am when I succeed! Good luck…
  • Boosting my self confidence is all about willpower. The more I work and move the better I feel. My motivation is just being able to move more than I could before. I had to climb 4 flights of stairs up and down tonight, in 40 lbs of gear, being one of only two people who were not out of breath ... that's my motivation!
  • If you're the one in the picture, you are already in shape from what I can see. But being in shape and being who you want to be are completely different and I am never one to judge. What are you looking to change? Muscle Mass? Body Fat Index? Losing some weight? There are a million things this site can help you with, you…
  • Hi Amanda! I also started with over 100 lbs to lose! I have lost 35 lbs and it feels great. I'm also in my late 20s and know what its like to want to do things that are hindered by your weight. I don't have any children, so that is definitely different, but losing weight is a lifetime journey! You need to be healthy for…
  • I know how that feels. Being a female on this site, sometimes has its downfalls as some people try and use it as a dating site. Ugh. Anyway if they have sent you messages, there is a button on the bottom of the message (on the site I don't know about the app) that just says block, by doing that it will add the user to your…
  • Hi Brittany! Welcome to MFP, the first step is realizing that you want to change, the second is actually doing it! Getting the motivation to join a gym and continue going is extremely hard, but just fit it into your calendar. It took me awhile, but now no matter what I push myself to go (or do some homeworkout) atleast 4…
  • Hi Mollie! Sometimes it takes a look at the scale to realize a change is needed! I'm not sure what the weight of 15 stones is, sorry from the US, but anything that makes you want to change is good! Tracking your calories is easy once you get the hang of it. If you have the app I strongly suggest you use the barcode scanner…
  • MFP is extremely useful, and I love that it connects with my fitbit! Counting calories to me is the only thing that worked and kept the weight off, since it's really not a diet. If you haven't really counted calories before the first 2 weeks or so can be extremely annoying, and if you have the app I suggest using the…
  • The fact that you want to chang is the first step! Remembering that you want to do more than just lose weight is important. When you want to just lose weight you restrict yourself significantly. Don't. Track what you normally eat for a few days and then see what you need to change. you think of it as a lifestyle change you…
  • Staying motivated is hard, but you are truly the only one that can motivate yourself. Yes, others can say to do something and others can give you praise when you do something well, but in reality, you are the person it affects. If you want to stay motivated you need to remember why you want to lose the weight. If you just…
  • Congratulations on the twins! Hope they are doing well! Anyway, i'm 5'2 and 207 so I do understand weight on a small frame seems to show way easier. It's hard getting motivation, much less finding time to do anything with 2 babies in the house, especially since in a few short weeks they will probably be walking and getting…
  • I also am a picky eater. It seems like everything I like is high in calories, but I've learned moderation is a big key. I've also learned to try and mix healthy organic vegetables that you may not like by themselves and mix it into casseroles that you do like. There are plenty ways to go about it. The internet has great…
  • If you know that you like to snack after dinner, than just leave yourself extra calories at night to do just that. I try and make that my goal, especially on days that I know i'm going to catch up on my TV shows. It is not a sin to eat after dinner, and in reality the clock should not control when you eat. I understand…
  • I understand wanting to be comfortable in your own skin! Everyone does, but most people don't take the initiative to reach those goals. When making goals, make them small and obtainable. That is the most important thing. People who come on here and wanting to lose 30 pounds in 2 weeks and they get frustrated when it…
  • I remember being 19 and in college. I knew I was on a track of gaining weight, but I felt invincible, like nothing I could eat would actually make me gain the weight. I would put it off, down a few drinks (yes I was underage, but it was college) and not realize that on top of healthy eating the alcohol I was consuming was…
  • I understand that calorie counting may seem restrictive, but that is why 99% of the people are on this site. Because calories in verse calories out is the only known way to lose weight. 19 is a great age. I'm now 27, and wish I would have decided to start this healthy lifestyle back then, but decided I was invincible.…
  • Each day will be a new challenge, and you're right your body won't change overnight. It's amazing though, in my situation it's like one day I was totally uncomfortable and than the next day I felt better about myself. It takes awhile for you to see the results, and some people say you are the first to notice any changes in…
  • Unfortunately your post makes no sense to me. Maybe try re writing it so others can better understand so we can better assist you.
  • Started with 115 pounds to lose, lost 36. So not quite 100 lbs but feel free to add me if you'd like.
  • I understand that you want to be out of the 200s. ONEderland feels amazing. I got to 200.9 and then gained 3 pounds, but the most important thing is to love how you feel. Start with eating healthy, slowly start working in exercising and you will be golden. Like others said, small goals are always great. My LTG is 125, but…
  • The fact that you understand it's going to take motivation and time is the number one important thing! I'm also petite at 5'2, so I understand even a few pounds looks like a lot more on a small frame. I'm looking to lose a total of 115 and have lost 36 so far. Keep up your goals and you will do great!
  • It's definitely hard to eat healthy while on the road, but not impossible. For snacks pack a bunch of non perishables. 90-100 calorie bars are great for some energy and not many calories. Cooking in the microwave in hotel rooms are really hard, but it is possible. If youre really dedicated after the first week or so it…
  • Good Luck! I started with 115 lbs to lose and have lost about 36! Its possible, but it takes a lot of work and weighing your food is the most accurate to losing weight! Keep up the great work! 7 lbs is a great start!
  • You can't lose 40 pounds quickly and be healthy. If you are looking for an easy way out, you won't find it here. If you are willing to be patient and lose it healthy, than you have a great support system here.
  • Congrats on taking control of your life. It is the most important thing to understand you need to take control of your life. Good luck on your journey.
  • Good Luck. Every pound is that much closer to your goal. Determination and Motivation is the formula for success!
  • I don't want to sound mean, because that's not the purpose of this site. The purpose of this site is motivation. The truth is it doesn't matter how much you love food. It matters if you are actually willing to make a change. You don't have to give up your favorite foods, you just have to eat those foods in moderation. As…