Yes, they have helped a lot of people. But shows like my 600 lb life and there is another one I has seen a few times, but can't think of the name (Extreme Weight Loss, maybe?) have also helped people. I think this is the sign of the ending of Biggest Loser because of the liability that could come after Rachel. Dolvett…
One thing I was thinking about today watching the clips from last night is did TBL actually give her real weight at the final weigh in? Those numbers bounce all over the place and I am sure a weigh in probably took place earlier in the day. Do you think that she could actually weigh less than 105 and TBL is covering itself…
Melissa- Dr. H tells her this if you look at the intro before she comes out in the finale. (Find the finale and fast forward to the into package before they introduce her to come out around 1 hour 30 minutes). She is still at the ranch when this meeting was taking place and she left the ranch at 151 lbs. He says " you are…
DjinnMarie- Those were her stats at 150 and 19%. Prior to gaining the weight she was training to swim at the olympics and was a competitive athlete Those were her numbers last show.
I am the one that started this topic and it was not set up to bash anyone thin or fat. I do think that this episode is going to raise the concern that a lot of people have had with the show as far as health. Do I think that someone can be underweight and be healthy? YES! Do I think that some can be overweight and healthy?…
I honestly think that this is the end of Biggest Loser tonight. There is no way to hide the unhealthy nature of the show anymore.
She looked healthy before the finale. She looked athletic. Now...I don't know, I am usuallythe first to say way to go to weight loss, especially for that magnitude of a loss...but she looked sickly..You are right she lost all her muscle.
I love Planet Fitness, but each facility is a little different, so I would check it out and maybe talk to some of the people going there. I have been stopped before when people are touring the place to ask me what I think of the place. Some Planet Fitness are different than others. I have only heard the lunk alarm one day…
I tried this yesterday and it didn't go so well. I ended up eating 2x my allowed calories for the day when the night was done. Guess who is heading to the gym today? :) MEEEE!! I have realized I do best eating a moderate to heavy breakfast, then a small lunch (usually because I am still full from breakfast), then a…
I would look at either cod chowder or fish tacos. You can google recipes and tweak them for your eating goals.
Mine looks horrible. I have marks from almost my breasts all the way down the pubic bone. On top of that because I am losing weight, now I am getting the skin flab on top of the stretch marks. I have made it loud and clear that a tummy tuck will be in my future. I want to have another child though so tummy tuck will have…
I didn't see it so much as a food addict being locked in a room, but rather a test on the food choices. A food addict wouldn't care if the room was filled with junk food or healthy food. Had the contestants been locked in their with a bunch of fruit and a salad bar, would you have thought differently? My husband and I were…
Columbian Fair Trade Select is buy far the best coffee. Donut Shop is one of the better ones too.
One of my favorite sleep overs growing up was a make your own pizza night. Get some personal size pizza shells or a bag of pitas and set the toppings, sauce, cheese out. Everyone can build their own and then just pop them in the oven for a few.
I would write a note back to the school and and find out if they are like most schools and eliminating P.E. out of their curriculum. I wouldn't worry about it too much. You know your kid and how active she is. Does she run around a lot or is she a couch potato, etc. Perhaps she is getting ready for a growth spurt. It is…
Ok thanks. I did it before, but my approach was wrong. Lost weight but leveled off because I ate the minimum veggies and all the lean meat I wanted. Finally caught up with me so now I want a veggie emphasis approach. Thanks for the info!!
I have used both. I prefer the cheaper one because as long as I know when I went to bed and when I wake up I can manually plug it in to track sleep. The tracking floors feature is ok, but it can get messed up when driving. Plus the cheaper one holds up a little better with water, so I don't have to worry about sweat or…