Biggest Loser Finale...what is going on??



  • loconnor466
    loconnor466 Posts: 215 Member
    I would LOVE to know Rachel's diet and workout plan---AFTER she left the ranch before she came back for the grand finale/reveal. She was dancing around that, but did say AT THE RANCH, she was given 1600 calorie budget. Not sure what she did after that, but hey, she looks great to me and that is how I would like to look. I am bothered because it took me 2 years to take off 103 pounds, it took her 7 months to take off 155 pounds. Makes little sense to me because I am doing everything I can, eating healthy and exercising most days. I am 43, though; she is only 24. I am also hypothyroid, but…I take medication for that. So, it still makes no sense to me. I want to take off 40 more, but now I feel discouraged, like there is a 'key' to doing this that I am missing. Any takers on this?

    Wait a minute, you have lost 103 pounds already and you think you are doing something wrong? You are doing amazing, and don't ever forget that and don't let anyone, especially a game show take that away from you. This is my biggest problem with the biggest loser. It sets unrealistic expectations and goals for people trying to lose weight.
    Do not forget that this is a GAMESHOW that awards the winner with 250K! Obviously, some people, like Rachel will do anything to win, even if it means doing it in an unhealthy way. :angry: You keep going with your healthy lifestyle changes, hold your head high and be damn proud of what you have accomplished so far. :drinker:
  • JamesRustler
    JamesRustler Posts: 45 Member
    I think she looks hot. Her face looks 1000x better at 105 lbs than it did at 260 lbs.
  • LBNOakland
    LBNOakland Posts: 379 Member
    I would LOVE to know Rachel's diet and workout plan---AFTER she left the ranch before she came back for the grand finale/reveal. She was dancing around that, but did say AT THE RANCH, she was given 1600 calorie budget. Not sure what she did after that, but hey, she looks great to me and that is how I would like to look. I am bothered because it took me 2 years to take off 103 pounds, it took her 7 months to take off 155 pounds. Makes little sense to me because I am doing everything I can, eating healthy and exercising most days. I am 43, though; she is only 24. I am also hypothyroid, but…I take medication for that. So, it still makes no sense to me. I want to take off 40 more, but now I feel discouraged, like there is a 'key' to doing this that I am missing. Any takers on this?

    Wow! Great weight loss! You shouldn't be discouraged at all!!! If you were able to live, eat and sleep only being concerned about your weight for 4 months, you would have lost it much quicker.

    For those of us who still have to deal with real life, it is much harder. TBL started to prove the morbidly obese could accomplish rapid weight loss and keep it off. There are a team of doc constantly supervising them. I think the trainers would tell you that rapid weight loss shouldn't be done at home without supervision. Even the at-home contestants are getting some guidelines IMO.

    Tumi looked better than anyone else. David was a close second. I didn't think Rachel looked healthy but so what. She chose to lose a lot of weight for the finale. If it was a conscious decision and she plans to gain up to a more healthy weight, I applaud her competitiveness.

    I was glad Jillian and Bob looked unhappy when they saw Rachel. That means they knew she went to far for the GAME! But that was one of the reasons for being there, to win. If TBL doesn't want the competition to be so aggressive, don't send them home before the finale. At home, the controls are not so set and the players can play the game more effectively, I they choose. It isn't called The Biggest Helathy Loser. Its called The Biggest Loser. That's what Rachel is.
  • carolina822
    carolina822 Posts: 155 Member
    I would LOVE to know Rachel's diet and workout plan---AFTER she left the ranch before she came back for the grand finale/reveal. She was dancing around that, but did say AT THE RANCH, she was given 1600 calorie budget. Not sure what she did after that, but hey, she looks great to me and that is how I would like to look. I am bothered because it took me 2 years to take off 103 pounds, it took her 7 months to take off 155 pounds. Makes little sense to me because I am doing everything I can, eating healthy and exercising most days. I am 43, though; she is only 24. I am also hypothyroid, but…I take medication for that. So, it still makes no sense to me. I want to take off 40 more, but now I feel discouraged, like there is a 'key' to doing this that I am missing. Any takers on this?

    One thing that has always irritated me about this show is that it can make someone like you, who has accomplished WONDERFUL things for her health, feel bad about not doing it as fast as the contestants. I imagine you have other things to do than spend the equivalent of a full workday at the gym every day for 4 months. It's an artificial environment, and while it does show us that it can be done, it takes extremely special circumstances to do it in the time frame that they do.

    It sounds like you are kicking *kitten* - keep it up!
  • fortally
    I would LOVE to know Rachel's diet and workout plan---AFTER she left the ranch before she came back for the grand finale/reveal. She was dancing around that, but did say AT THE RANCH, she was given 1600 calorie budget. Not sure what she did after that, but hey, she looks great to me and that is how I would like to look. I am bothered because it took me 2 years to take off 103 pounds, it took her 7 months to take off 155 pounds. Makes little sense to me because I am doing everything I can, eating healthy and exercising most days. I am 43, though; she is only 24. I am also hypothyroid, but…I take medication for that. So, it still makes no sense to me. I want to take off 40 more, but now I feel discouraged, like there is a 'key' to doing this that I am missing. Any takers on this?

    Wait a minute, you have lost 103 pounds already and you think you are doing something wrong? You are doing amazing, and don't ever forget that and don't let anyone, especially a game show take that away from you. This is my biggest problem with the biggest loser. It sets unrealistic expectations and goals for people trying to lose weight.
    Do not forget that this is a GAMESHOW that awards the winner with 250K! Obviously, some people, like Rachel will do anything to win, even if it means doing it in an unhealthy way. :angry: You keep going with your healthy lifestyle changes, hold your head high and be damn proud of what you have accomplished so far. :drinker:


    @ Autumn - I HAVE to say this: You are FAR more inspiring to me than the Biggest Loser contestants can ever be. Think about it: who is the real role model here? A game show contestant who gets to put their life on hold, go live at an expensive "ranch" with a dream gym, celebrity trainers, a team of nutritionists & doctors, etc - ALL of which isn't just handed to them, it is shoved down their throats. OR - a REAL person like you who chose to eat a healthier diet, exercise like a normal person, and lost weight at a reasonable and healthy pace! Look at what happens to a LOT of the BL people - they get back to *real* life and end up gaining the weight back because they didn't LEARN anything at that fancy ranch!

    You've been losing weight and living a healthy lifestyle for TWO years! I don't see that as something to get discouraged about - I see that as a WIN. You've been living fit and healthy for two whole years! Wowsers, that's fantastic!! On top of that you lost weight at a reasonable, healthy pace. :flowerforyou:

    This is what I really dislike about Biggest Loser. It makes wonderful, successful, REAL people question their accomplishments. I'm like everyone else - I watch the show and think, "Holy crap!! How is SHE losing 8 pounds in a week and I only lost 1/2 a pound? What am I doing wrong??" That show sends the wrong message.

    I agree 100% with the other reply. You be DAMN PROUD of what you have accomplished. People on MFP see that 103 lost on your ticker and are blown away - I guarantee it. And two years from now, when Rachel has gained it all back (with no clue why) and is starting over - you'll have lost that last 40 and will be showing off a rockin' bod that you earned the RIGHT way. Lots of love - YOU are the real role model here. :heart:
  • CLD79
    CLD79 Posts: 53 Member
    Yes, they have helped a lot of people. But shows like my 600 lb life and there is another one I has seen a few times, but can't think of the name (Extreme Weight Loss, maybe?) have also helped people. I think this is the sign of the ending of Biggest Loser because of the liability that could come after Rachel. Dolvett Quince, Bob Harper, and Jillian Michaels are not going to sit back and watch the brand names they created come crashing down because of the possibility of more controversy. Their money, names, and careers are on the line. Jillian was already exposed once this season because of the whole giving contestants supplements thing. Maybe there will be another season or two, but I think this finale was where TBL "jumped the shark" if you are familiar with tv production lingo. This was the tipping point in my opinion.
  • verdemujer
    verdemujer Posts: 1,397 Member
    bump so I can finish this
  • GertrudeHorse
    GertrudeHorse Posts: 646 Member
    I haven't read through every single comment on this post, so apologies if this has been said before. I guess even if it has, I would still like to reinforce the point.

    Firstly, I'm genuinely curious to know who actually believed the Biggest Loser took a healthy approach. Like at any point in the show's history. Anyone? Seriously? The show has always sent a worryingly dangerous messages to viewers, so what actually surprises me here is that everyone else is a) surprised and b) fretting about Rachel's weight loss *specifically* setting a bad example. The entire existence of the show sends a very bad and harmful example!

    To be clear: I have no comment to make on her weight loss. It's her body and doesn't affect me in any way. And while I do criticise TBL I still do watch it (I have an embarrassing love for cr*ppy reality TV shows).

    What I would like to say is that many commenters are missing the big picture here. The problem is not the way Rachel looked at the finale. The problem is the entire show, and the weight loss industry in a broader sense. Let me broadly summarise some problems with the show:

    - it is inherently exploitative
    - it primarily uses bullying, shame, embarrassment and humiliation to "motivate" participants (this goes against all psychological research which shows positive reinforcement is the most effective way to change behaviour)
    - it normalises extreme and ongoing weight loss of 10+ pounds per week (people are criticised for "only" losing 4 pounds; heaven forbid they ever maintain for one week!)
    - it ignores medical advice and forces participants to exercise with injury, exercise beyond the point of exhaustion or exercise to the point of vomiting
    - it puts participants in an environment that no "normal" people could ever access
    - it has triggered eating disorders in many ex-contestants
    - it adopts dangerous techniques like laxative abuse and VLCD and, even though the participants are supposedly being monitored by doctors, most of the damage from this stuff is not immediately apparent but causes long-term issues
    - it portrays so many disordered eating habits that it's hard to know where to start listing them

    If anyone is interested in more detail, I *strongly* suggest reading this full interview:

    ETA: Someone earlier in the thread asked what Rachel's home routine was. Based on this interview ( it appears she was eating 1600 calories (gross), doing 4 high intensity spin classes per day, and walking on treadmill while at her job (5 hours per day as she said was working part time).

    Now some calculations. She left the ranch at 150lb, and was 105lb by the finale. Let's pick a mid-point weight of 127lb to calculate calorie burns. Let's also assume her spin classes ranged from 30-60 minutes each, and we'll use a mid point of 45 minutes to calculate. Walking 3 mph for 5 hours would burn 1,257 calories, and 180 minutes of vigorous spin classes would burn 1,966 calories. That is total calorie burn of 3,223 per day. And her intake was 1600, which results in a net of NEGATIVE 1623 calories. Think about that for a moment, especially given WHO criteria for starvation is 600-800 calories per day. She was, for at least three months, netting 2323 calories below what is generally considered to be starvation. And that's not even factoring in her BMR.

    ETA: If I've made any mistakes in my calculations please let me know as I'm a bit tired today.
  • Doctorpurple
    Doctorpurple Posts: 507 Member
    Her BMI is 18 .... anything below 18.5% is considered underweight for her size.

    I am not about skinny shaming. I agree we all come in different shapes and sizes but I just think that she went from one extreme to another. From being overweight to underweight. I don't know if she simply did it for the money and plans on gaining the weight back, I don't know her personally so I cannot say that.

    What I hope happens, after the sheer shock of her intense weight loss, Biggest Loser re-thinks its position. It should be all about healthy weight loss. So there should be a line that cannot get crossed. They should sit down with each of the contestants and a dr and determine what the lowest HEALTHY weight is for that person and put in their contracts that if they go below that line, they are disqualified.

    Lets remember, this is supposed to motivate people to start their journey, not to promote unhealthy weight loss.

    All in all, I really would rather watch Chris Powell and his wife on his show because its a one on one thing and that person's health is the priority! That is how it should be.

    Suddenly BMI charts are accurate because we are talking about a skinny woman?

    I guess anybody with a BMI of 25.5 deserves ridicule and has an eating disorder as well.

    BMI charts are used for people of ALL sizes. I am not using it strictly because she is skinny. I am overweight and I know it and I am working on correcting that. My dr sat me down and showed me where I personally was on the BMI chart so no, I am NOT saying it simply because she is skinny, as I said, she went from one extreme to another. Unhealthy overweight and Unhealthy underweight. Also, as I said, who is to say she wont gain some back to look better and be healthy and just did the drastic and unhealthy weight loss for the money. We do not know but it does set a very poor example.

    Sorry, but I don't see how somebody finishing their weight loss journey sets a poor example.

    Well, if you are comfortable watching someone win a prize for being at an unhealthy size, that is up to you. As I said, even Bob and Jillian had a look of pure and honest concern on their faces when she walked out.

    Let me be clear, I am not jealous, I am not envious, I am not hating on skinny people. I am just saying it is a concern when we see someone looking as unhealthy as she does, and underweight that we give her a prize and say "job well done, better too skinny then too fat"

    Everybody's reaction, including yours, to a woman who may or may not be a FEW pounds under weight is what's shocking. You would've thought she came out looking like a holocaust survivor. She is not "clearly unhealthy" anymore than a person with a FEW extra pounds is clearly unhealthy.

    How about I go around making rash judgements and assumptions about people who don't fit into a size 6 or below jeans. It seems people are less shocked at the sight of a morbidly obese woman than a woman who may be 1-2 lbs under weight. Truth is Rachel is closer to a "healthy" weight than 70% of Americans and maybe people really are just used to seeing their own fat.

    She tripped on a stair she didn't notice beside her. Suddenly she doesn't have the energy to get or the mental capacity to know she won quick enough for you? Damn, you divined all of that from a stumble? You sure you aren't projecting, just a little?

    What makes you think that she is healthy and you keep defending her. You are the one projecting. Projecting your insecurities that is why you keep defending your weight and making comments about the winner of the show that you don't know about because other people has something negative to say about her weight that apparently is similar to yours. It's a reality show and therefore a lot of things are exaggerated and edited but you don't even know the context of why people are concerned because you didn't watch the show and didn't know about Rachel's weight loss. "She tripped a stair she didn't notice?" How can she not notice a familiar stair she climbs every friggin week? I know what a diminished mental capacity looks like. Obviously I didn't brain imaging to know that for sure but I have enough training to know if someone's mental capacity is diminished.
  • vibchil2
    Their reaction was like Michael Jackson's reaction to Whitney Houston on his tribute special. She just looks slightly unhealthy, but hopefully she will gain some back. She looks much older than 24.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    This is my opinion on it: When a person is getting fit and losing weight there are many things to consider as to what the stopping point should be. That is not based on BMI. It's going to be different for each person. What weight is a healthy weight for that individual body type and frame, etc, what weight is aesthetically appealing not just for the weight but for the fitness and other aspects of having health be reflected in appearance (sure that will vary from person to person, but there is a point at which a person can look unhealthy to a majority of people). So, for some people the stopping BMI could be as low as 18, for others it's 19 or 20, some people on mfp even stop at or above the highest level for their BMI. So, as we all know BMI is a guideline, but it is still going to vary from person to person. Just because one person is healthy at 18.5 or 18 doesn't mean another person will. And that person that is healthy at a lower BMI would also not be healthy at the higher end (where another person would be). Also, we don't really know how tall she is. Her BMI may be lower than we realize and she could be down at 17.5 or less for all we know. We are allowed to have an opinion. I think she went too far in her weight loss. Not because of her BMI, but because I do not see health reflected in her appearance. That does not mean that I know whether she is healthy or not. That is my perception and my opinion. She is on a tv show, and so I am allowed to have an opinion and share that with other young girls that could be reading and thinking and deciding. That's how I feel about it.

    Edit to add: And yes, the show has always been unhealthy.
  • Ivey05131980
    Ivey05131980 Posts: 1,118 Member

  • HayleyMB1284
    HayleyMB1284 Posts: 129 Member
    I agree with you, Rachel the winner, look so skinny, like deadly skinny. being 105 looked really bad on her. to me, she is too thin!!! it looked gross! just my opinion. still love the biggest loser though
  • red_road
    red_road Posts: 761 Member
    The biggest loser contestants are encouraged by the producers to take diuretics, laxatives and do extreme amounts of exercise without even rehydrating before weigh-ins. I'm not surprised they're looking a bit sick. Google 'Kai Hibbard Biggest Loser' to read what really goes on on that show.
  • SinCityFit
    Agree! An adult woman should not weigh 105 lbs!

    sorry? i am an adult woman and am very comfortable at 105 lbs. this **** is ridiculous. if this were reversed, can you imagine the uproar over someone crowing about how "an adult woman should not weight 275 lbs" or some such bull**** like that.

    i don't watch this show, but i think for her height (5'4" apparently) 105 lbs is not abhorrent! i agree that it sounds like it happened quite drastically and very fast - but those stats are not "sickly" and "anorexic". jesus.

    *****es be jealous

    Not everyone is pro-ana.

    Adult women come in all shapes and sizes.

    I hover around 105 and am 5'2" and am perfectly healthy. 19% body fat and ranked in the superior fitness range for my age by an extensive fitness study that I participated in at the local university.

    At 5'4" and 105 lbs her BMI is 18.0. At 5'2" that would be 98.5 lbs.
  • VoyageurDesBrumes
    I was 110 lbs at 5'7". I was fine. She doesn't look sickly.

    The whole point of that show is to lose the most to win all that cash. I'm sure she will gain some weight back anyways. It happens to most of us when we are done losing. :P

    It's sweet, sweet cash. I'd do the same. Unfortunately I don't have 50% to lose, lol.
  • Dewymorning
    Dewymorning Posts: 762 Member
    The biggest loser contestants are encouraged by the producers to take diuretics, laxatives and do extreme amounts of exercise without even rehydrating before weigh-ins. I'm not surprised they're looking a bit sick. Google 'Kai Hibbard Biggest Loser' to read what really goes on on that show.

    A quote from Kai Hibbard on the issue
    Hey again, it's me, do me a favor if you post anything like "Rachel took it too far" please pull your head out of your *kitten*, then delete me. See, wasn't Rachel was supposed to be monitored and treated by all these health professionals like The Biggest Loser claims? So why would someone who doesn't know anything about healthy eating or exercise (cause that's the premise of the show right? They teach contestants who don't know any better how to be "healthy") know if she was going too far unless all those health experts who "monitor" her didn't intervene and maybe in fact encouraged this kind of dramatic weight loss? If that's not true, then where the **** were the health professionals I keep hearing about NBC? Oh wait, that's right...

  • Llamedos1960
    I find it interesting that so many people have said that they would do this (put 100+% into losing weight) to win $250,000. But they seem to have more of a problem doing this (losing weight) purely for their health.

    Does that mean that people now value cash more than health?
  • Roadie2000
    Roadie2000 Posts: 1,801 Member
    I find it interesting that so many people have said that they would do this (put 100+% into losing weight) to win $250,000. But they seem to have more of a problem doing this (losing weight) purely for their health.

    Does that mean that people now value cash more than health?
    For their health? It's not exactly healthy for the average person to lose that much weight in that short a time.

    Plus if you put 100% into losing weight, that means you're putting 0% into your job, 0% into your family and 0% into the other things they enjoy doing.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I find it interesting that so many people have said that they would do this (put 100+% into losing weight) to win $250,000. But they seem to have more of a problem doing this (losing weight) purely for their health.

    Does that mean that people now value cash more than health?
    For their health? It's not exactly healthy for the average person to lose that much weight in that short a time.

    Plus if you put 100% into losing weight, that means you're putting 0% into your job, 0% into your family and 0% into the other things they enjoy doing.
