Biggest Loser Finale...what is going on??



  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    I think what everyone in here is showing is jealousy, who doesn’t want to be skinny..?

    Who doesn’t want to put a nice dress without showing the love handles..?
    I don't have love handles and I'm not skinny and I have a nice healthy BMI.
    Every time I hear a fat person say they are happy being fat, they are lying, I know that because I was fat.
    I've been a blonde, but I don't know how every other blonde person has ever felt. Get over yourself.
  • ArchangelMJ
    ArchangelMJ Posts: 308 Member
    I guess, to be honest, I would starve myself too in order to win that much money. ... and gain some back to a healthy weight after the show. Actors do that for movies all the time. Risky though.

    IKR, let's be real. I could understand perhaps not wanting to take certain risks if you're a parent or whatever, but a lot of people would gladly shuck off the weight for that kind of money, even if it meant living off of water spiked with lemon juice. I'd do it and proudly admit to it, lol.

    Absolutely no one should be taking this show seriously though because it's a huge joke. The trainers are a**holes and their methods are ridiculous. I typically like weight loss programs but I couldn't stand watching much more than 10 minutes of this show.
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    I'm an adult, and under my recommended BMI. So I should put on a few pounds? Lmao. I'm currently on a cut cycle.

    STATISTICALLY speaking, you would be less likely to encounter major medical problems if you do put on a few pounds. I'm not afraid to tell you that. And it's not an opinion, it's a statement of fact.
  • carolina822
    carolina822 Posts: 155 Member
    I like TBL but I have to wonder why they allowed Rachel to take the winner when there were far more stellar examples of healthy weight loss on stage.

    Um, because those are the rules and she would (rightfully) sue the s^&* out of them if they changed it up at the last minute.
  • harprsbzr
    harprsbzr Posts: 28 Member
    There is a difference between skinny and unhealthy. The look on Allison Sweeney's face said it all when she came out looking gaunt! Allison had to put on her acting face! This show needs a face lift and jealousy has nothing to do with it.
  • erinlikesfood
    erinlikesfood Posts: 22 Member
    I think it's reasonable to assume she "went too far" in order to win the prize money, but that seems to expose a flaw in the show's design. If the show assures viewers that the contestants' health is being monitored, then that should include ensuring they don't take their weight loss to the extreme. It's /possible/ to be healthy at an underweight BMI, but it's not the norm - that's why it's called underweight. And while 105 isn't too far below the "healthy" threshold, if Rachel does actually have anorexia nervosa (or another eating disorder) then it won't stop there. She could keep losing weight and be dead by the end of the year. It's a sad, scary thought, but entirely possible. No contestant on The Biggest Loser has looked that unhealthy at the finale before, so it's not something the show would have necessarily needed to consider. I think there will definitely be some sort of change for future seasons to prevent something like this from happening again.
  • dixiech1ck
    dixiech1ck Posts: 769 Member
    They should change the winner to whomever loses the largest percentage of body fat. Rather than weight.

    She tripped going up the stairs tonight and didn't even know she had won. She needs a glass of water and some EFAs. However, I do think she just did it for the money and will be right back on track to becoming her athletic self. She seems SO incredibly competitive.

    I noticed this, too. She couldn't hold her concentration on anything. It was just awful. Not how anyone should look - you could see every single bone in her body -- arms and back. Made me sad to think how much damage she's doing to her other organs by starving herself. She won't live to see 25 if she keeps this up.
  • flutterbye811
    flutterbye811 Posts: 86 Member

    the other thread got deleted so this goes here....

    She's under weight ya'll and its not ok, its never ok, even for people who have been there or are floating underweight. You all would probably feel better putting on a few lbs yourselves and its a shame that you would say its ok leave her alone. Even 2 of the 3 trainers were visibly upset at how she looked.
    She probably went to extremes to win even as a competitive swimmer she should have more healthy weight on her. Especially upper body for the type of swimming she seems to favor.
    She lost weight and that's fantastic, but many are disappointed now because she risks throwing it all away by being under weight and jeopardizing her health all over again... hair loss, no periods, organ problems, bad breath, bone and joint pain etc.

    There's a reason its called a "healthy" weight!

    I'm underweight. You wanna tell me that I should put on a few pounds?

    A little advice, Djinnmarie: the topic of this post is "Biggest loser Finale....what is going on??". So, stop getting so defensive, IT'S NOT ABOUT YOU!!!!
  • mommabenefield
    mommabenefield Posts: 1,329 Member

    the other thread got deleted so this goes here....

    She's under weight ya'll and its not ok, its never ok, even for people who have been there or are floating underweight. You all would probably feel better putting on a few lbs yourselves and its a shame that you would say its ok leave her alone. Even 2 of the 3 trainers were visibly upset at how she looked.
    She probably went to extremes to win even as a competitive swimmer she should have more healthy weight on her. Especially upper body for the type of swimming she seems to favor.
    She lost weight and that's fantastic, but many are disappointed now because she risks throwing it all away by being under weight and jeopardizing her health all over again... hair loss, no periods, organ problems, bad breath, bone and joint pain etc.

    There's a reason its called a "healthy" weight!

    I'm underweight. You wanna tell me that I should put on a few pounds?

    you should put on a few lbs.....

    Does that make you feel better?

    I'm mainly referring to those people who say 'been this way my whole life' or 'Id rather be under than over' Yes I do think everyone should maintain a healthy weight. Rather than under or over. So does every credible medical professional in the books!

    Judging by your pictures you have quite a bit more muscle on you than she does.
    You may be on a 'cut' cycle but I imagine you are also trying to maintain the muscle you have and are prepping for a competition of some kind maybe...and I know enough to know that you are only on a cut cycle temporarily at some point you will go back up to a healthy weight and stay there til your next cut.
    Your body isn't being broad-casted on national television for all to see and potentially strive to be like. Or are you Kim K?? Should I be asking for your autograph??


    The fact/opinion still remains she looks unhealthy. People are worried that this isn't just a "cut cycle" as you seem to want to suggest. Who knows maybe since the show is over she may bring her weight back up. And there is a reason its called "healthy weight", But if you want to deny that she looks unhealthy for the sake of an argument, you may want to seek therapy.

    Its sad because many who are crying 'leave her alone' would be agreeing with reality if she hadn't appeared on a TV show that wasn't centered on losing weight.


    peace out! can't continue beating a dead horse
  • Mgregory723
    Mgregory723 Posts: 529 Member
    IMO, Rachel is too thin. She doesn't look as healthy as she did before she went home. I hope the trainers pulled her aside and talked to her to make sure she is ok.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Agree! An adult woman should not weigh 105 lbs! They need to have a rule that you can't win if you are under the recommended BMI for your height... if they need to change the rules elsewhere to make it more fair, since some people have an advantage because they have more to lose, then so be it, but that was not cool. They should not encourage people to win by being anorexic because they have to achieve a certain percentage of weight loss that is ridiculous and unhealthy for them. Anorexia is NOT cool! I usually like TBL, but that was not good at all. She was appallingly skinny and needs to gain 20 lbs stat! Hopefully she does so now that she won! Jillian's Oh my God, Oh my God, did not seem like a good kind of shock.

    While she does not have the body type that I want, I think we should be careful in what we say. I am under my recommended BMI and on the border of healthy and underweight, according to the charts, and you certainly can't say that I am "all skin and bones". "Appallingly" skinny to you, is what some people are naturally. They eat just as much as I do, exercise less, and are completely healthy. I'm sure I would get bashed if I called somebody appallingly fat. Lets be careful with what we say, since I am positive there are healthy, active, well fed women on here that have her exact body type.

    Yeah, on the one hand, this show has always been unhealthy and had unhealthy consequences for the contestants. We've all known that for a long time (or at least had the ability to look into it).

    And I agree that this woman does look like she could potentially be too thin for her frame (and with rapid weight loss). And it's not what I would choose for myself.

    But, it's incorrect to say that no woman should ever weigh 105. I am also very small framed. Very healthy. I eat in the range of 2000 to 2300 calories (I'm only 5'2"). I've always been a small person. My weight has always been between 98 and 103 in my adulthood. I lift weights, I'm a dancer, I eat a lot, I've had two healthy babies. Even after giving birth I weighed 115, and that was eating 3000 calories a day while pregnant. I continued eating at that rate and lost the weight while breastfeeding and leading my usual active and energetic lifestyle.
  • Cristjams
    Cristjams Posts: 13 Member
    Rachel looked like she went too far to try to win. I was rooting for her the whole season. But I was horrified by how she looked!
  • Cristjams
    Cristjams Posts: 13 Member
    I believe you are thinking of Helen who looked way too thin when she beat Tara. I believe they had said Jillian tried to counsel her about getting to healthy weight, but that she had ignored that advice because she wanted to win.
    I agree.. the final day at the Ranch Rachel looked Good... Fit and healthy...... and i expected she would be thinnER by the Finale but not this much... When Alli won her season, and also Tara at her finale? those two women looked Wonderful.. Fit , slim and healthy with some good muscle tone.
    The only other who seemed too thin was the season when a blonde older woman won? sorry her name escapes me? Sheila maybe? anyway, she looked gaunt as well but Rachel last nite........
    I was shocked and it seemed many others there were as well...
    I was happy for Tumi... and yes now SHE looked wonderful.... Congrats to her for all the hard work.
    as for the length of time from when they leave the ranch until the finale? I had thought it was longer than 30 days? The one fellow with the new baby said his baby son is now 7 months old. His Wife gave birth shortly after the show began airing........ so if you consider they are on the Ranch for 12 weeks? ( approx 3 months ) and then bring that up until now? that's 4 months at home? but perhaps they were on the Ranch longer than 12 weeks this time? I'm not sure.
  • fortally
    I think what everyone in here is showing is jealousy, who doesn’t want to be skinny..? Who doesn’t want to put a nice dress without showing the love handles..? Every time I hear a fat person say they are happy being fat, they are lying, I know that because I was fat. I think she looks great; she looks like any freaking model you see on TV. She lost all that weight to win the money, I would have done the same and anyone saying they wouldn't, they are lying. Now all she needs to do is eat a big burger, some French fries and she’ll be up 5 pounds. People always have an opinion and that’s ok I guess. Don't bother replying to my post, this is my opinion, end of story!

    Whoa, really? When I decided to lose a few pounds and increase my fitness I pulled out a pair of MY 'skinny' jeans. Jeans that represent my body at it's healthiest. I did NOT go to the mall and buy a pair of 'skinny' jeans that "any freaking model you see on TV" would wear. There is a huge difference there. I don't look at Rachel with jealousy. I look at her with shock and little bit of fear.

    So because I'm not aiming for "model" thin I must be lying? All the cardio and strength training I'm doing isn't to increase my endurance and fitness? Who are you to call me a liar and question my motivations?

    She may have lost all that weight to win the money, but you're missing a key factor here. I would never try out for that show to begin with. I would never put myself through that for any amount of money.

    And sorry, but typing "end of story" doesn't stop the conversation. Two year olds try similar tactics and they don't get away with it either.
  • sassyjae21
    sassyjae21 Posts: 1,217 Member
    And sorry, but typing "end of story" doesn't stop the conversation. Two year olds try similar tactics and they don't get away with it either.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Personally, I do not think anyone is jealous. Saying that is just silliness.

    But, I also don't see the difference between saying, "OMG, she looks so gross. I don't even want to look at her. She's unhealthy. I'm saying she's disgusting and gross for her health." Whether the person is 3 pounds below the low BMI or 3 pounds above the high BMI.

    There are ways of talking that don't involve calling people gross and disgusting.
  • focuseddiva
    focuseddiva Posts: 174 Member
    She's too thin. Part of the issue isn't just the stats. It's the rate at which she lost, which was so rapid that it didn't allow her skin to kind of fill in. So she looks very hollow, older, sunken in. 105 lbs is probably too low for her. But the quickness with which she dropped weight is what is making her look so sickly. Her body will naturally put on some weight, guaranteed. There is no way she can maintain this without starving herself.

    Side note: I went from 350 lbs to 140 lbs (I am 5'8), and at 140, statistically speaking, I was right in the middle of the healthy weight range. Yet I practically had an intervention from friends/family b/c they all thought I looked sickly thin. I didn't see it. I maintained for quite a few years by only eating 1000-1200 cals a day and working out for two hours a day. Then I got injured. Then I gained weight. And here I am. When I was 155, everyone thought I looked much healthier. When I look back on photos of me at 140, I finally see what they were saying. You could count the bones in my sternum. So, I think it depends on how quickly the weight is lost, body type, etc. Having said that, she still looks awfully thin. Painfully so.
  • carolynbonacci
    carolynbonacci Posts: 14 Member
    she's 5'7"
  • lisajsund
    lisajsund Posts: 366 Member
    I've heard she is anywhere from 5'3" to 5'9". The NBC website doesn't say or I can't find it.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    she's 5'7"

    All sources I've seen say 5'4". (not that it means that's correct)