question for the vegans



  • deb3129
    deb3129 Posts: 1,294 Member
    For me, it was not hard at all. At first I did eat a lot of salad and super easy things, because I did have to learn a new way of cooking. But I have been at it for 9 months now, and I have lost 112 pounds and feel fantastic. And I know I am doing a great thing for animals and the enviornment1
  • JEMQuilter
    JEMQuilter Posts: 30 Member
    I am vegetarian but have a hard time going to vegan because my husband is not and likes to eat out a lot. there are very few vegan choices at most restaurants. my neighbor is vegan and she makes the most awesome meals--but she cooks everyday and almost never eats out. so i guess that is the best way. good luck
  • RobynLB
    RobynLB Posts: 617 Member
    What health reasons would necessitate a vegan diet? I was a vegan for 15 years, and I stuck to it because I had a strong conviction that it was a more ethical lifestyle. It is not, however, healthier for most people than a well balance omnivorous diet, and I can't see anyone sticking to it long term for anything other than moral conviction.

    The way to stick to it is just get into a rhythm and make it a habit. Become a great vegan cook because restaurants are going to be a place you don't want to go anymore and social functions are going to be even more awkward. Some great cuisines to learn some vegan friendly cooking: thai, indian, mexican.
  • dayone987
    dayone987 Posts: 645 Member
    "Millions of animals die to create veg as well" ??? I don't understand, pls explain.

    I have heard this argument some animals and insects are killed during harvesting.... Next comes the whole " plants are alive too!" It's just tiring really

    Do rodents and insects lives have less value than cows and pigs lives in the vegan world?
  • Melolicious
    Melolicious Posts: 71 Member
    I agree with transitioning, specially if you have a family, I cut my husband back to two meat suppers a week to keep him happy, the rest are vegetarian days and two days are specifically vegan days. There are lot of great vegan soups and stews that can be great for lunches that you can prepare in advance and freeze for convenience. My biggest lesson was to not try to make vegetarian/vegan versions of our favourite meat dishes, you will always be comparing it to the orginal. Go for new recipes and try differnet things, then it won't feel like you are missing out. Lentils and beans, dark greens like spinach, kale or collard greens will need to become your friends. Good luck - and look forward to a lower food bill.
  • SleepySin
    SleepySin Posts: 168 Member
    I've been vegan for 8+ years now and healthier than ever. Just being vegan, however, isn't enough to label you as a healthy. I actively make sure that what I'm eating is meeting/excelling my nutritional needs and exercise regularly. On the other hand, you can be what I label as the "french-fry vegan" because in all technicality, eating nothing but cut and fried potatoes CAN be vegan too.

    The first couple of things that would greatly help in the transition is to do your research and learn to cook. Make sure you have a variety of recipes (or vegan recipe websites) that you can handle, know what kind of substitutions are out there for meat in a recipe (ie. textured veg protein for beef in chili, Earth Balance for butter, ground flax seeds for egg replacer in baking, etc.) and be prepared to ask questions when you go out to eat.

    Many people seem to find cheese substitutes difficult - maybe it was 8 years ago but nowadays, there are so many options! I personally love keeping up to date with my favorite vegan companies to see what new products they come up with. For cheese, I personally love Daiya (as a previous poster mentioned). They make mozzarella, cheddar and Monterrey jack shredded cheeses and then they also have spreadable ones in cheddar and havarti. All of them are yummy! This isn't to say that there aren't mediocre products out there because there are plenty of those too. It's fun finding favorites.

    For the person who mentioned no meringue:

    For the person who mentioned no health benefits clearly hasn't done any research other that the usual meat head claims:

    Better yet, just Google "vegan health benefits" and educate yourself.
  • cathomer
    One step at a time, I need to go veggie, but finding that hard enough. The aim is to be vegan one day, but we'll see. While I'm trying to lose weight I just eat whatever gives me less calories and tastes good. I might switch milk soon, and stop eating cheese, you can do whichever bit first that will be easiest, so still eat meat but have soya milk and no cheese and eggs or something.
  • RobynLB
    RobynLB Posts: 617 Member
    I've been vegan for 8+ years now and healthier than ever. Just being vegan, however, isn't enough to label you as a healthy. I actively make sure that what I'm eating is meeting/excelling my nutritional needs and exercise regularly. On the other hand, you can be what I label as the "french-fry vegan" because in all technicality, eating nothing but cut and fried potatoes CAN be vegan too.

    The first couple of things that would greatly help in the transition is to do your research and learn to cook. Make sure you have a variety of recipes (or vegan recipe websites) that you can handle, know what kind of substitutions are out there for meat in a recipe (ie. textured veg protein for beef in chili, Earth Balance for butter, ground flax seeds for egg replacer in baking, etc.) and be prepared to ask questions when you go out to eat.

    Many people seem to find cheese substitutes difficult - maybe it was 8 years ago but nowadays, there are so many options! I personally love keeping up to date with my favorite vegan companies to see what new products they come up with. For cheese, I personally love Daiya (as a previous poster mentioned). They make mozzarella, cheddar and Monterrey jack shredded cheeses and then they also have spreadable ones in cheddar and havarti. All of them are yummy! This isn't to say that there aren't mediocre products out there because there are plenty of those too. It's fun finding favorites.

    For the person who mentioned no meringue:

    For the person who mentioned no health benefits clearly hasn't done any research other that the usual meat head claims:

    Better yet, just Google "vegan health benefits" and educate yourself.

    I didn't say "no health benefits" I said not healthier than a regular healthy diet with animal products. Most studies showing better health in vegans and vegitarians don't attribute the better health to not eating animal products as much as to eating more plant products. You can eat more plant products and less animal products and get the same health benefits without the risk of deficiency that comes with a vegan diet. But what do I know, I was only a vegan for 15 years, and I obviously am uneducated on the subject.
  • SleepySin
    SleepySin Posts: 168 Member
    I didn't say "no health benefits" I said not healthier than a regular healthy diet with animal products. Most studies showing better health in vegans and vegitarians don't attribute the better health to not eating animal products as much as to eating more plant products. You can eat more plant products and less animal products and get the same health benefits without the risk of deficiency that comes with a vegan diet. But what do I know, I was only a vegan for 15 years, and I obviously am uneducated on the subject.

    My comments were not directed at you, Robyn. An earlier poster said that a vegan diet held no health benefits (it was hkry3250) compared to an omnivorous one.
  • freckles_cmj
    freckles_cmj Posts: 205 Member
    As for the animals being killed during harvesting argument, a lot of land and food is harvested to feed animals that are bred for consumption, so it doesn't really work, and also the amount of rainforest and animal habitat that is destroyed to make way for cattle and other animals that are bred for consumption. It's the weakest argument ever.

    Although I am not vegan/vegetarian I do understand why some may choose to be so. So my questions are more for discussion rather than attack; sometimes they may seem otherwise.

    On that note, are forests etc not also cleared to make room for grain fields?
    And why is it a "kinder choice" to kill rodents and insects if all life holds equal value?

    Far more land is used to produce grain for livestock in feed lots than goes directly to human consumption. Enough so that the world hunger problem could be all but eliminated if the grain used to feed livestock went to feeding humans. (not letting the animals starve, but not having feed lots in the first place and not feeding grass eaters corn they were not meant to eat...)

    Personally I try to only buy organic produce, so no pesticides were used to kill any bugs if I can help it. I also shop a lot at the local farmers markets when I can so the food is from small hand harvested farms. Plus no animal is INTENTIONALLY slaughtered for my food. It is pretty darn near impossible to be 100% cruelty free given the way our food is produced, unless you grow your own which for many is impossible. But then I am also not claiming to be superior to anyone because I made the choices I did...and most other people I have met who eat vegan are the same. I wish more people would adopt the same lifestyle, but preaching and being sanctimonious about it is not going to help. I know some vegans like that too and they give the rest of us a bad name, and you get the comments like some early in this thread.

    If someone is considering changing to eating veggie I am more than happy to discuss it and give advice, I will also answer questions honestly and even bluntly when people ask but everyone needs to make the choices that are right for themselves and that they can live with. I have made mine and I am happy with my choices.
  • catieishealthy23
    catieishealthy23 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm also going to do a gradual switch the vegetarianism hopefully being vegan one day. For me it's health, environmental and animal loving reasons. Just gotta say though I love how any time someone speaks about vegetarian/veganism everyone wants to argue about it. If you don't want to do it or don't agree with it then you don't have to, but the poster wanted advice from other vegetarians, that is all.
  • sbrooks0387
    sbrooks0387 Posts: 167 Member
    i was non dairy for a few years. i used soy milk at first then decided i liked rice milk better (it has less of a after taste). it was pretty easy for me. the hard part was making sure i was getting calcium. then i got pregnant and craved milk so i drink it sometimes again

    i went years being a vegan and it's pretty easy. now i will eat chicken sometimes i like fajitas and a couple of other chicken meals. but the hardest part for me is socially if you go to a cookout or get together there always seems to be burgers and people have judged me for not eating them. but oh well i'm not going to eat the disgusting burger because they don't approve.
  • caitdgaf
    ive been vegan a long time. i did it first for moral reasons, and secondly for the health aspect.
    it was an easy choice for me, personally. i believe that it is not my right to kill another being out of gluttony. humans can sustain themselves without another animal.

    it may not be so easy for everyone. everyone is different as we all know :) just find what works and stick to it, get super educated on the nutrition you require. (protein is honestly the easiest to get.). get a good multivitamin, such as deva. get your B vitamins as well! stay away from too much fake **** such as cheezes and meat replacements that are premade. cook your own/make your own stuff!

    it is a lifestyle that is so rewarding it outweighs the negatives on all counts. i have found that the longer i have been vegan the more compassionate of a person i am, and the idea of consuming the breastmilk of another animal completely grosses me out.

    just dont become a preachy ****. hahah. going vegan doesnt mean you have to lose all your friends ;)
  • SleepySin
    SleepySin Posts: 168 Member
    i was non dairy for a few years. i used soy milk at first then decided i liked rice milk better (it has less of a after taste). it was pretty easy for me. the hard part was making sure i was getting calcium. then i got pregnant and craved milk so i drink it sometimes again

    i went years being a vegan and it's pretty easy. now i will eat chicken sometimes i like fajitas and a couple of other chicken meals. but the hardest part for me is socially if you go to a cookout or get together there always seems to be burgers and people have judged me for not eating them. but oh well i'm not going to eat the disgusting burger because they don't approve.

    I've seen people have varying tastes about their milk choices, amongst the endless other food options. For example, I prefer soymilk's taste and nutritional value while my boyfriend prefers coconut/almond milks. It's nice to have the variation :)

    As for social gatherings like cookouts, we always bring something we can eat and share with other people.

    Have you ever tried Gardein's line of products? I love, love, love them and they're "chicken" would be great as a substitute in chicken-centric dishes!
  • aloranger7708
    aloranger7708 Posts: 422 Member
    Definitely try going vegetarian first. That's what I'm in the process of currently doing, and I actually eat a lot of vegan meals. A lot of substitutes are easy, such as switching from dairy milk to almond milk. Simple. But if you live with your family or non-vegans, it's almost impossible to eat the same dinners as them.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    I am not doing this for moral reasons but health reasons


    that's all I got
  • CLD79
    CLD79 Posts: 53 Member
  • PercivalHackworth
    PercivalHackworth Posts: 1,437 Member
    I am not doing this for moral reasons but health reasons


    that's all I got

    :laugh: :laugh:
    Also vegan. Being vegan doesn't make you healthier de facto.
    By the way, the term veganism is not a diet, rather a lifestyle that's doesn't support cruelty toward sentient beings in any way.
    If morality/ ethic doesn't drive such choice, then "veganism" doesn't apply there. You can skip animal products and have a messy diet anyway.
    As for the transition, slowly (through days and weeks) remove all animal products from your diet so you adjust. The only thing on which i insist is the B12 that a plant-based diet hardly provides. For that, consider B12 supplements
  • Melo1966
    Melo1966 Posts: 881 Member
    I didn't have any trouble giving up meat and I love fish and venison. It's been three years and the only time I've had meat on my plate is when it was accidentally served to me at a restaurant. Dairy was a pretty easy transition although I miss the convenience of things like cream of mushroom soup and the social aspect of my life is a bit different too.

    Venison is not meat????
    You can eat Bambi but not an ugly cow?:huh:
  • fattypattybinger
    Thanks for the reply. Boy were my fingers not on the right keys that day. I am not a fan of almonds but I will see if I can find Almond Cheese. I will have to research where to find it. I am always willing to try new things. I am surprised though because I will make new recipes that I like and my hubby says it is okay but I don't need to make it again. I made Lentil Loaf and just loved it.