lady_jessi Member


  • I mostly just skimmed the article so I didn't take in all that PHD in from Nigeeria nonsense. But the part that got me confused was about the spine because my spine actually does hurt for a few days after squats. And I've watched all the Rippetoe videos about bar placement and everything. Once again I'm sorry and deeply…
  • Oh man, are y'all serious?! I'm so naive. Sorry, y'all. Carry on with your lives now. XP I'm not trolling I am just dumb. I'm a newbie lifter, and don't know all the technical names for muscles and that.
  • I'm only 28, but last year I lost 30# in 6 months or so. I didn't do anything special really, but looking back I think I may have been low carb a little bit because I still ate full fat dairy and everything else. I also did stagger my calories a little bit, but that wasn't really intentional or anything. So now I weigh…
  • I think the best advice would be to eat your total daily energy expendenture (TDEE) minus 20% for your calorie deficit. Then add 500 for exclusively nursing or 300 for nursing + complimentary foods. And then tweak it as needed to get the results your looking for.
  • I think I might be young still (I'll be 28 in a couple weeks) But I don't use anything really. I don't use soap on my face at all except perhaps a little bit sometimes to get any stubborn eye make up off. And I use a hypo allergenic lotion when my face feels very dry (a lot more in the winter time). It's working for me. I…
  • I have to eat snacks to avoid being shaky and such. What I do now is eat a small breakfast around 9, then a normal sized lunch around noon, a snack at 3, and a normal sized dinner around 6 usually. I'm trying to come away from counting calories very much because Ive been in maintenance for awhile and I don't want to count…
  • If you eat dairy, you could switch to higher fat versions of what you usually consume.
  • I pop loose kernels in a brown paper lunch bag. Fold over the bag a couple times microwave for 2 minutes or so. Viola! Add oil or not. Personally, I add a couple TBSP of butter to mine and bit of sea salt.
  • It depends on your body type, bf%, how the fat is actually distributed, and all that good stuff. You gotta kind of get there and see. I'm 5'4" medium frame 125 lbs. straight up and down (no waist) with broad shoulders. I wear a size 4 pants and medium shirts. I'm basically happy with my body right now, but I'd like a…
  • I have been drinking and eating FULL FAT dairy this whole time. Lost 30lbs and got to my goal weight fairly easily actually. There will be conflicting views on nearly everything. You gotta do what makes you feel good and healthy. If dairy hurts your belly, don't eat it. If you like it and you feel fine after consuming it,…
  • You have a very lovely hour glass figure. I wish my belly looked like yours does. :)
  • I don't know about getting a trim every month and a half. Average hair growth is 1/2 inch per month. Unless your stylist is super respectful of your wishes (and even if she is, it would be kind of hard to give you a 1/4 inch trim. And besides that what would be the point? It's a 1/4 of an inch.) You can use oil on the ends…
  • I think you've got to base that on how you feel when you get there. Everyone carries their weight differently and has different body fat %'s. 135 sounds like a lovely normal weight though to me.
  • I think it is kind of helpful to know what shape I am. No matter how much I would love to be a little bit fatter version of lorinalynn (spell? sorry) that will never happen because I'm straight as a board. I set my sights more on someone like Jennifer Morrison as a goal because she has no waist like me. lol
  • I think kellymom says 1800 or more is best while bfing. Honestly though, I think it depends on your height/size ect. I was eating like 1600 calories and losing weight steadily without taking a hit to my supply. But that was when my son was maybe like 13+ months old so he was eating complimentary foods also. If you're baby…
  • What about cottage cheese with fruit or cinnamon mixed in. I recently discovered this and I'm a little obsessed with it. lol Also, a staple of mine is smoothies. 1 cup whole milk yogurt, a banana, and frozen fruit of your choice. If you're feeling brave, put a handful of raw baby spinach in there. You cannot even tell it's…
  • Thank you! I feel much better knowing y'all are similar sizes.
  • You should do what works for you. Could you possibly lay with him in your bed until he falls asleep and sneak away to work on your schooling then just come back later when you're ready to go to sleep. I do something similar with my son in his bed. I mean he comes back in my bed at like 6 or 7 AM, but I'm not going to do…
  • Me too. lol I wear a 32 D now from a 36 H/I. I have 2 kids. You know, I don't actually want to get any cosmetic surgery at this point. Perhaps if I have another baby and they start sagging even more or just gravity as I get older. I don't know. Time will tell. For now I'm happy with my body.
  • <<< I'm 5'4" 125#. I actually hope to gain 10 or so lbs in muscle/fat over the next few years. My butt bone sticks out rather uncomfortably. XP
  • Eat whole fat everything. Fat won't make you fat so to speak, but it will help bump those calories up if you're replacing things like low fat yogurt cheese or milk with the full fat kind.
  • There's a Leslie Sanzone video on youtube. Walk 3 miles. And you can do body weight excersices. Hopefully some other folks will have some better suggestions, but that's what comes to mind. I've even done part of the walking video while holding my gigantic 38 lb 2 year old. lol Good luck.
  • I will tell you my goal and it might sound a little convoluted which is why I needed some input from ya'll. I want to be stronger and gain weight without gaining a lot of fat, but I want to gain fat too. I just don't want it to all sit around my belly. Like it is right now. XP
  • Thanks, Renegade81. That does help. Ya' know I read all kinds of conflicting stuff, and it's hard to tell what is the right thing. Do I eat a gram of protein for each pound of lean body mass? Do I eat a gram per pound of body weight? Or do I eat 30% of my calories from protein? The number keeps getting higher and higher.…
  • meshashesha20, no I'm not against protein powder. lol I actually sometimes take it just to get to 80g... but usually not.
  • Thank you. Do you think I need to drink very much extra taking all the protein into consideration. Perhaps I'm over worrying, but I want to treat my kidneys nicely. lol
  • Bump to see how water I should be drinking. Eek, sorry if I'm being annoying.
  • Right now I have my calories set at 2000. I've got my macros set at 45/40/15. I've been maintaining 125# for 1.5-2 months. I can't remember exactly. 30% protein would be 140g I think. Yikes! How much water do I need to drink to help flush that out? I'm trying to drink more water. Really I am. I don't know why it's so hard…