

  • My problems EXACTLY! I love the working out. The more I do, the more I want to do, and it makes me feel incredible .... but the eating .... I just can't seem to overcome. Let me know if you find the answers! :drinker:
  • reading, video games, and cross-stitch when i'm home, but, as the name suggests, i looooooove live sporting events!
  • i had a big chocolate cupcake :grumble:
  • my boyfriend is on his way home from afghanistan and we're starting insanity together when he gets back. :happy:
  • I leave for work at 7am and get home from work at 7pm. I come in, grab a bite to eat, head out for the gym by 730/745. I get home around 900/915 and do my schoolwork then. I've tried getting up early in the morning and it just didn't work for me. My school is online though, so I'm sure it'll be different for you if you…
  • I dropped my calorie intake by about two-thirds when I started here, but I knew I couldn't completely change what I ate, or it wouldn't be something I could stick with long term. Now I pay much more attention to portion control (eating one serving instead of two or three) and picking lower calorie alternatives of the same…
  • I don't have that much weight to lose, but at 4'11", I do know how terribly we carry weight, and how hard it is to lose it. The support you'll find here is amazing. Feel free to add me! :smile:
  • Our office closed down this week, so I've been spending my "staycation" working out twice a day instead of just once. I haven't seen the numbers yet, but I feel AMAZING! :happy:
  • I'm 4'11" as well. I gave up trying to look taller a long time ago, plus, I've never been a heels girl... I love my Chucks. I just try to wear clothes that are a little more form fitting. I feel that the wider you look, at our height anyway, the stumpier and frumpier you'll appear. My biggest problem areas are my…
  • I work in a physician's office and they've been talking about switching all of our chairs out for balls for a few weeks now. I was a little concerned about it, but after reading this, I'm actually quite excited! Thanks guys! :happy:
  • I'm gone 7am-7pm everyday for work, then I grab a quick bite for dinner, and am out the door to the gym by 730. I do about an hour and a half and I'm back home by 930. It's a full day for me, there is no way I could do that before work. I do prefer to do my weekend workouts as soon as I wake up though, and they are usually…
  • i completely agree! that's why on progress pic days, i make sure to wake up extra early, grab a banana, and hit the gym, so i can race home and take the pics before the day really gets started. :laugh:
  • I used to drink 5-6 Mtn Dews and Dr Peppers a day. I thought I could cut them down to 1 a day, but it just didn't work. I had to go cold turkey. I drank water all day, and unsweet tea or propel with dinner, just for some variety. It really worked for me. I have since added in diet soda about 2 or 3 times a week, and it…
  • depends on your style i think, but when i'm heading out for a run, or hittin up the treadmill, the first song on my ipod is always monsters by matchbook romance. it really gets me going. i usually always listen to you're gonna go far kid by the offspring and new divide by linkin park too. my kinda party by jason aldean…
  • That is AMAZING! WTG!!!
  • I got a mountain bike, Biggest Loser Challenge for the Wii, a table display for my running bibs, and a gift card to go towards my Garmin watch. :happy:
  • My mother makes a baked french toast that is very similar to that. We have it every Thanksgiving and Christmas morning and it is to die for! ENJOY!!
  • if they aren't twice my size, they aren't big enough! i like to feel safe and secure. :happy: i'm only 4'11", and the last couple people i dated were between 5'11" and 6'6". and if i can wrap my short little arms all the way around their mid-section, they are too tiny for me! perfect size? think seth rogen in knocked up.…
  • Move Along by All-American Rejects When all you've got to keep is strong Move along Move along Like I know you do And even when your hope is gone Move along Move along Just to make it through.
  • I agree. Don't go to a sports store, go to a specialty running store. They really know what they're doing. My guy spent about an hour with me, analyzing my gait as I walked and ran, with and without shoes. Also, take (or wear) the shoes you usually run or workout in currently. They'll look at your wear patterns and use…
  • I registered for my first couple races the day I hit my mile. I was so excited. I am running a one mile in December and a 1.4 mile in February. Next goal is to run a 5k in the spring, a 10k in the fall, and a half marathon in 2012 (when I'm 30). I just got thru registering for the lottery to run the 5k at the Cherry…
  • CONGRATS! I hit mine for the first time last week and it was the GREATEST feeling!! I know you're thrilled! WTG! :happy:
  • My boyfriend is nearing the end of his tour in Afghanistan. The nights have been the hardest for me as well. I spent many evenings with a pint of Chunky Monkey and sappy chick flicks! As time went on I realized just how counter-productive this was... I was dwelling on being alone, and I was stuffing in empty calories late…
  • my cleaning partner is deployed too. i'm pretty sure it'll be worth logging for at least the first few weeks! :D
  • Finished Day 5 today. It does get easier, but I can still feel the burn... ...and what a good feeling it is! :)
  • I'm in the same spot. I love my Miller Lite, and with the holiday this weekend... I really don't want to kill all my hard work. This has been a battle I've been having with myself for the last week! lol CHEERS! :drinker:
  • Today, I'm most proud of myself ... and my awesome weight loss partner, and mother, for sticking it out, no matter what. :drinker: and Today, I am most grateful ... for my amazing sailor. currently deployed to afghanistan, but still makes sure he tells me everyday how proud he is of me for working so hard. [and he had…
  • legs were functional enough to get back in the groove today. and it actually seemed much easier today as well. thank goodness! now... off to the gym! :happy: