How can I be so determined, and yet so weak...

I just dont get it... I mean I get it but yet I dont get it.
I have determination ... lots of it. Started out walking and have gradual progressed to running... just did my first half marathon and although there were moments I was tired, the possibility of not finishing or quitting never did enter my mind.
I stand poised to start P90X, and continue to train for another half marathon...

So this weight loss this should be easy ... right?
I am just terrible at eating... I like sweets, junk food.... I crave it... I dont binge at all honestly, just make repeated bad choices.
So why the heck is food so much harder than the other stuff?


  • BleacherAddict
    My problems EXACTLY! I love the working out. The more I do, the more I want to do, and it makes me feel incredible .... but the eating .... I just can't seem to overcome. Let me know if you find the answers! :drinker:
  • WifeMomDVM
    WifeMomDVM Posts: 1,025 Member
    I have the OPPOSITE problem. I can eat healthy all day long and not put anything unhealthy in my body... but I HATE to exercise. I really have to get my self all pepped up to get moving.

    Maybe we should trade brains for a week or something...

    On a more serious note, sugar can be addicting, if you could just force yourself to not have it for awhile, you will stop craving it... I'm living proof of that statement.
  • Keisha604
    I am right there with you. I have to have one sweet at least once a day! If I don't I feel as though it consumes my thoughts until I do.
  • tungaiunwa
    tungaiunwa Posts: 38 Member
    im with you on this one. i workout like a madman only to sabotage myself with bad food choices...but im geting better. when i get the urge to eat i wait a few minutes and then ask myself if i really need this. eat to live not live to eat
  • Flacachica
    Flacachica Posts: 328 Member
    First of all, congrats on completing your first half marathon. I can only dream of accomplishing that!

    I actually have the opposite problem. I can get my eating under control (for the most part), but I struggle to excercise. I guess we all have something to work on/overcome ... so that's why we're here.

    Good luck to you. Cheers! :drinker:
  • Carley650
    Carley650 Posts: 14 Member
    Here are some tips:
    1. Keep a diary: Write down what you eat and how you feel after you eat it. Much of our addiction to food is mental, so making youself aware of how crappy you feel after eating junk will eventually sink in.
    2. Cut things out gradually: start with salt, or refined sugars, or anything fried. Let your mind and body get used to the changes.

    Keep up the fight! best of luck friend.
  • wendyco
    wendyco Posts: 122 Member
    HEY! So I am totally there with you! ROYALLY! except its hard for me to keep an exercise program going without a buddy =( (thus my quest for a running buddy in redmond WA lol) BUT I found the food thing it has a TRICK!

    FIRST: what worked for me is replacing the things i love ::sweets:: by things just like it (which is harder sometimes since I live with two guys who eat whatever they want which is junk food and goodies). For example, I found a protein bar low in carbs that I semi like. At first it wasnt as good after the first week and positive thinking how this was my candy bar for the day I enjoy it and look forward to it (drink with water since protein can be a bit dry) I use protein plus cookie dough or anything that resembles a chocolate bar! I also bought the 100 calorie snack packs and have one a day. low fat (2-3.5g) and low carbs (about 16-20s depends on which one)...sometimes I will pig out! lol...That definitely helped tame the sweetness....WORSE CASE SCENARIO: have candy and give in once or so a week. BUT can burn those carbs with extra workout but if you eat chocolate with fat...thats a no-no since its harder to burn.

    SECOND: cook urself and look online: I replace anything ground beef with turkey and eat chicken. I can send u two easy recipes I found which are awesome! and fast....low cleaning too (hate washing dishes). I try to keep red meat to a minimum and always PORTION my meal. I honestly eat ALL day! lol between the snack, fruits (usually banana or apple), dinner and breakfast. if im huber hungry i will eat a sandwhich...toasted whole wheat and 98% fat free ham (or turkey or chicken slices) OR TUNA! ur other best friend!! tuna is awesome for diets!

    THIRD: water...!! I found myself drinking a cup of water b4 and after a meal (portioned meal) to fill me up AND IT DOES! I havent built up to 8 a day but I tried!! and long as it keeps me full its ok!

    Dont think ur dieting, if you want something have it but only half...either save the rest away for later or tomorrow....or give it to someone...if u really cant contain throw it away (although giving it away is better!) .

    Hope this helps on the diet part! and DIARY this thing is mostly amazing for me...I keep a 50 30 20 breakdown carbs protein and fats....but you can vary the carbs and protein dont vary the fat....sometimes I have 40 40 20 or even 30 50 20 for any week i know I wont need that many carbs! =)

    ok i probably went overboard! sorry! =P
  • fitbot
    fitbot Posts: 406
    i find that losing weight is 80% healthy food choices.
    You can run 8 marathons but if you just eat pie after nothing will budge.
    With that said, congrats on your running. I suck at running and can barely make it through a 6km run.

    I eat healthy for the most part but I eat too much/ and this is what happens when you work out a lot... you tend to get more hungry....

    don't forget that it takes 21 days to make a habit, so try and change 1 new thing every week and by the end of the month you will have come up with 3 new habits. for instance week 1 trade your usual cookie (or whatever) and start eating 2 carrots a day as your mid afternoon snack.

    your taste buds also change, I don't ever crave junk because i eat it so rarely.... if you minimize salt and sugar in 2 weeks the normal salty and sugary things you like will be too sweet and too salty for you...