30 Day Shred - Starting 10/24



  • loxleys
    loxleys Posts: 230 Member
    I'm so gutted I missed out on joining this group, I only heard from the 30DS on this site last week and ordered it online straight away but it hasn't arrived yet. I'm starting the day my dvd arrives.

    I'm going to continue running 5 days a week too so hopefully i'll get some good results.

    I hope everyone does well with their challenge.
  • orange_avocado
    DAY 5!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • BleacherAddict
    Finished Day 5 today. It does get easier, but I can still feel the burn...

    ...and what a good feeling it is! :)
  • fsuxo2003
    Ok I know I'm behind the curve but I started this on October 25th (so today will be day 6 for me). I SO NEED ENCOURAGEMENT! I was away for the weekend and was faithful on my diet (even ran for an hour AFTER my 30D shred sessions on saturday AND sunday) and came home to weigh myself this morning and the scale showed I'd GAINED 2lbs!!! Sigh.

    Thankfully I took measurements before I started, so going to measure myself tomorrow morning. I feel skinnier (and sore...sooooooo sore) but I can tell my endurance with upper body is much better.

    Please tell me I need to keep it up and not to cry over the 2lbs gained!!!!

    thanks :)
  • hockey247
    hockey247 Posts: 118 Member
    fsuxo2003-- I feel you pain. I am on the verge of crying myself. There is nothing worse than giving your all to something and then not seeing results on the scale.

    it looks like all of us are not seeing the scale move right away. I haven't followed many people's journey with this workout but the earliest I have seen a substantial loss is at 10 days??? Ugh I am going to have to find some serious patience.

    Today is my anniversary so I am taking the night off. Other than that tomorrow will be my day 9 and I am moving to level 2 on Weds!

    Anyone have some good weight loss news yet. I really need to hear it :D
  • ginnyroxx
    since starting 30DS I've lost a little over 3 pounds. I start level 2 on wednesday, i think (it's in my signature). So that would make me on day 8 (?)

    anyway....you could have just had a bad weigh day. try drinking a liter or more over your 8 glasses of water and see what it says tomorrow. I've also read some people gain a little before they drop a lot.

    keep at it.
  • hockey247
    hockey247 Posts: 118 Member
    Thats fantastic that you are losing some weight!!!

    I'm not going to give up yet and I definitely need to drink more water-- that is for sure~!
  • loxleys
    loxleys Posts: 230 Member
    I just got my 30DS today and tried it out tonight - and it was the hardest workout dvd i've tried! I'm feeling my arms aching already. Hopefully i'll still be alive after the 30 days.

    What weights do you use, the smallest I have are 3kg's and are too heavy for some of the moves but ok for others, its either that or water bottles!
  • kirtz
    kirtz Posts: 1 Member
    :happy: just read the posts about the 30ds wasn't aware of this but I'm going to go get it tonite and start on it tomorrow. ok i now i'm several days late but i must start @ some time.
  • ironmule
    Just finished my Day 6. I took a day off yesterday because of Halloween festivities... But today was the first time that I was able to do 24 min on my stationary bike immediately after the 30DS and finish without too much trouble. I feel great and my endurance is definitely getting a boost. Wondering what tomorrows check on the scale will show.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Two words -- "HOLY CRAP". I'm so sore its not funny. I did NOT get up to do the 30 day shred this morning. Every muscle in my body hurts... However, I did do running last night. I wonder if it will still be effective if I do the 30 day shred every other day....and run in between?

    it is possible to do 30 Day Shred every other day, however you will want to commit to it. If you're sore then you're definitely working muscles that haven't been in play in awhile.
  • garedds
    garedds Posts: 251
    Well, I am going into my 3rd week of 30DS and it's gong good. I haven't lost anymore, but my spanx were falling down on Sunday so I know there is results showing in my body! So, only a 2 pound weight loss (after losing the 4 pounds I gained at the beginning), but def. a difference in my body and in my endurance. I can actually do butt kicks now. Not just barely lift my feet off the ground. I can't do man push-ups yet, but I am working on it. I usually do 2-3 man ones before going to ladies. I can also do the first circut with out pausing to catch my breath. The first time I thought my calves were going to burst in to flames during the cardio! Now I know they won't and I can push through it.
  • fsuxo2003
    Amy - I can't do 'real' pushups either!!! Never have been able to - but I figure doing 'girl' pushups is better than nothing!!

    I have been working out pretty heavily (which for me is running) since Sept 21st, but just started 30DS October 27th.....SO I decided to take yesterday off, as I have not allowed myself many of those since my new 'healthy lifestyle' change. (It's NOT a diet darnit!)

    However, I got my butt up this morning and made myself do the video before work. Today was day 6 for me, and I noticed that Level 1 was a bit harder than it had been on day 5 (which was Sunday for me). SO while taking a day off was good for me, I can see how each day builds endurance for the next.

    Also, while I had gained 2 lbs over the weekend, I lost 1.5 of it already and also took my measurements 10 days ago and when I check this morning, I've already lost half and inch from both my wasst and arms! (why in the heck doesn't this website update THAT along with weight loss when you enter it!!! lol)

    So, anyway - back on track, tomorrow is day 7. I'm enjoying having a group to track progress/issues with!!

  • orange_avocado
    Hey, I'm back. I ended up taking two days off. Sunday, because I really needed a break. I wanted to do the 30 days consecutively without breaks, but my muscles were tired and sore and it was getting harder - not easier - to do the moves. So I took a rest day. Then Monday was my anniversary and while I *meant* to squeeze in my 30DS after work, but it turned out my BF made early reservations and so I didn't get a chance to work out.

    Today I woke up early and made sure to get my shred on *before* work so that there were no excuses. I'm going to try and keep up with morning shreds because when I put it off to the afternoon it's so much harder to get it done. And this week it going to be busy and challenging so I need all the help I can get!

    How's everyone else doing? I'm on Day 6, so I moved to heaver weights (from 3lbs to 5lbs) and I could feel the difference! I think I may still move on to workout 2 on Thursday as scheduled, even after only doing 8 days of workout 1. I feel pretty confident on W1 and I want a new challenge, lol!
  • ginnyroxx
    I start level 2 tomorrow and i'm excited but scared. my chest hurts today like it did after day 1 - and i didn't increase my weight size.

    i figure i'll just do my best, right?
  • fsuxo2003
    I don't know if I could do 5lb weights with the crunch/shoulder roll move but I could definitely use something heavier for when you're on your back and doing the arm presses (I can't ever remember the official names!). Today was my day 6, so tomorrow day 7.

    I'm totally with ya on the morning work out!! So nice to have it done and (in theory) I'm going to do a slow run this afternoon. Although it feels like it's a harder workout in the morning b/c I'm less awake!
  • lizziamber
    Ah! I missed a few days and did some here and there (on level 1) and I'm so pissed at myself and annoyed by how sporadic all the days are that I started over! Shame on me - I complained in my blog all about it. I'm a sad duck - especially since this challenge was all my genius idea!
  • fsuxo2003
    It's a tough workout for sure!!! I only just finished day 7 and feel exhausted. If you can at least make an effort throughout every workout - that's better than not doing anything at all right?? Follow Anita! :)
  • ginnyroxx
    Level 2 today! woohooo!
  • hockey247
    hockey247 Posts: 118 Member
    I am really happy that I am following through with this challenge. I have to tell you that I feel like giving up because of the scale but I am going to keep on trucking. I am definitely not a quitter. I am going to try to add in some cardio or something.

    Tonight I have a hockey game but I am still going to start level 2 when I get home no matter what time it is.