

  • Hey Cory, try some cheap shapewear. And by cheap i mean found at Target and walmart not macys!! I have a few pieces and they a big difference under dresses and skirts to keep everything smooth. Try some wrap style dresses. those will accentuate your tiny waist but fall from your hips, and not be clingy. I found some really…
  • I love exercising at nite!!!! I truley feel like i push myself way harder at nite rather than first thing in the morning or afternoon. For me as soon as i take a shower and hit the bed im asleep. I do make sure after my cardio, which I do after some circuit training, I do a little cool down so by the time im in my car on…
  • Im guilty of serious sweet consumption as well. I try not to buy it and dont have it in the house. I do love skinny cow icecream and saucers. they are most under 200 calories and help kill of a sweet tooth when it arises.
  • Totally agree!!! my boyfriend laughs at me as i analyze everything all the time. He always says that if you eat right and exercise you will lose weight and maintaining it will come naturally .Unfortunetly i dont always have a hour to devote to cardio everyday( I have 2 jobs) and getting locked out of the forums would be a…
  • chinese food is my enemy!!!! and so is pasta. I avoid chinses food like the plague now and hardley ever eat pasta unless it is a special occasion. I have no concept of portion control when it comes to these two areas.. Not the best will power damn dim sum!!!!
  • great question i was wondering that myself
  • I need hot liquids during TOM. coffee or tea rock my world. I try and workout too. start with a walk and see how u feel. sometimes when your body gets warm it really does help tpo make the cramps less painfull
  • How about a "you day". With arizona's beautiful climate how about a day all for you. have your husband and son make a picnic of some of your favorite(dairy free) foods and just relax and play in a park .
  • How about bringing a fruit salad. that is always enjoyable and healthy .
  • i lost my double chin and finally love my face in pictures. my legs are starting to jiggle less and getting a great shape. and i got dibbs on some of those boobies. mine are seriously tiny (but perky:bigsmile: )
  • i love chicken stirfry. a few tablespoons of soy sauce and stirfry sauce, some chicken stock and any vegetables you like. super tasty and fast. I made enough for 3 days laste night in less than 30 mins.
  • im not in the same boat but good luck!!! healthy protein and some healthy carbs should work good for you. we are all here for you.
  • Hey these times happen to all of us. Exercise is so important and its hard to get back into the routine once youve been off for a few days but.... The exercise will help you relieve some stress and its good 'you' time. If i slack in the exercise i will almost always go over in calories its hard to be at 1200 calories…
  • i love a basic chicken, broccolli and pineapple stirfry. super easy to make and its impossible to be dry. use chicken stock , soy sauce and some basic stir fry sauce( you can find in the international aisle in any grocery store). chop up some onion and stir fry it all together. great with some pasta or rice.
  • 4 is a brisk walk for me. but at 4.3 im jogging. I really perfer 3.5 at a 8-9 incline over jogging. Im 5'4 and have short nubbi legs :)
  • I love sauteed french cut string beans with a little chicken stock . not to salty just enough flavor :) same goes for broccolli
  • I made these last nite for lunch for the next few days and they came out amazingly delicious!!!!! 1 can campbells 98% fat free Cream of mushroom soup 5 lean pork chops 1 bag of seasoned stuffing mix half a small onion 1 rib of celery chicken stock or mbt(dried in the envelope) french cut string beans 3 tsp of flour 1 tbsp…
  • My goal weight is 170. im 5'4 with a large bone structure and it tells me i should be at 120lbs as well. For me i dont think that is realistic. I would really like to get to 150lbs or a size 10 at whatever weight that is. I dont think i could get to 120lbs or be able to maintain it .
  • Unfortunetly, meals here are usually big enough for to be shared by two full grown adults. Most restaraunts here serve everything on massive plates and just pile the sides on. Be it pasta, potato's or anything. Its kind of sad. when you grown up with this unrealistic concept of what portions are supposed to be.
  • I find it beneficial. I have serious portion control issues. i could eat a whole chicken if its infront of me. I got the biggest loser scale at Bed bath and beyond, its small and digital and works really well. its a real learning experience to see what 5 or 6 oz of chicken really is.
  • i had a burger king chicken sandwhich and i literally was ill. cant even imagine eating fast food ever since that day.
  • i had a burger king chicken sandwhich and i literally was ill. cant even imagine eating fast food ever since that day.
  • i had a burger king chicken sandwhich and i literally was ill. cant even imagine eating fast food ever since that day.
  • I have exercise induced asthma as well. I walk at 3.5mph on a 5 incline and try and add a jog/run in every 4-5 mins for about a minute. I can only do about 10 mins on the elliptical. i try to get about 30-40 mins of cardio in 4-5 times a week. at these paces i seem to have never had a problem. I also use my inhaller 5-10…
    in asthma Comment by crissi66 January 2011
  • Skinny cow flying sawcer in strawberry shortcake!!!140 calories and so delicious!
  • COFFEE!! Im so not pleasant without it. And some form of carbs. I dont care if i never eat rice again but i love pasta and some breads. I think it is safe to say i would shank someone for a good bowl of spagetti with homemade meatsauce. I have recently discovered the begining signs of a ulcer and havent had much with a lot…
  • My boyfriend loves those ab roller things. i cant do them yet i end up doing a face plant on the floor. he also has the ab lounge which he loves. One of my co workers bought the ab coaster and said its amazing. Im still doing alot of cardio, i know there are abs in there somewhere but you cant see them yet.
  • When i first started changing up my diet and exercising I dreamed of food. Spagetti, pizza, chinese food. It made me crazy for a little while. I try and make sure i have water readily available and healthy snacks. I try and plan for about every 3-3 1/2 hours to eat something. breakfast at 9-930am and lunch around 12pm a…
  • Hey. I actually pick up alot of things in target and in walmart. I also try cooking my own things asmuch as possible this way you control what goes in. I get almost all my frozen veggies there and chicken as well. I eat alot of cutlets they usually have a big bag of boneless and skinless cutlets for about 4bucks and thats…
  • You know what Cory, I kinda LOVE YOU!!! To take the time to put this important information out there for all us is going above and beyond!!! This is information that if you already know is a little reminder and for those of us, like myself, who are learning as we go this is beyond helpful. So, THANK YOU:bigsmile: