That's what made me fat!

lizzil0 Posts: 181 Member
Time to point the finger- I can think of some foods that are directly responsible for me gaining weight. I can't really eat them anymore, because I won't be able to stop myself.

No knead bread- I found this recipe a few years ago, super easy to make french/sourdough style bread that is better than bakery bread. I would make a loaf every other day and spend the rest of the day eating slices slathered in butter.

Thai iced tea- In Thailand there is a 7-11 on every corner in cities, they have sweet, creamy thai tea in those washing machine type dispensers, spinning around. I cannot resit Thai tea and drank one whenever I saw a 7-11. I spent two months traveling in Thailand, a lot of my clothes were super tight when I got home. I'm sure it didn't help most of the food was fried as well, but I blame the tea.

I'm sure there are more but these are the worst offenders. Is there a specific food that you can't resist, will gorge yourself on and made you gain?


  • lynnie30
    lynnie30 Posts: 105 Member
    carbs, carbs, and more carbs. White toast with butter, pb & j sandwiches, and potatoes- any way they come!
  • HaleyAlli
    HaleyAlli Posts: 911 Member
    For me it was donuts, soda, and pasta. Oh and cheese. Can't forget that little bugger.
  • mattbryan
    mattbryan Posts: 147
    I have learned to suppress the urge, but it used to be the 12 oz Rib-eye steak from Texas Roadhouse ( medium rare, of course) with creamy horseradish sauce. At one time, I could have eaten one for any meal, any time of day!
  • Tracey_Smith
    Tracey_Smith Posts: 199
    White crusty bread with butter is my worst or cheese on toast. Both are banned from the house.
  • Heatherbelle_87
    Heatherbelle_87 Posts: 1,078 Member
    I avoid chocolate covered donuts with sprinkles at all costs (I could eat 4 for breakfast alone, it was easier to buy a dozen because once I had one, craved it all day)

    Ive learned to eat icecream in moderation but refuse to buy the big tubs (despite them being cheaper) because I will sit and eat it daily till its gone, and it MIGHT take 2 days. SOmeone told me to try light ice cream but If Im going to eat it ow, I want the real stuff
  • pkarim
    pkarim Posts: 171
    bread, pasta, fried rice, potatoes...basically all carbs!!!. I try to get most of my carbs from fruits vegetables and dairy and iI dropped weight very quickly once I did that :)
  • ESVABelle
    ESVABelle Posts: 1,264 Member
    Chipotle, cheese and peanut butter.

    ...and loaded bacon cheese fries with ranch.
  • Solat37_Neil
    Solat37_Neil Posts: 379 Member
    KFC, McDonalds,Doner Kebabs, Chips,crisps,chocolate, need I go on?

    I haven't had KFC or McD's for over 2 months now and I don't think I ever will again.
  • brocflores
    brocflores Posts: 111
    Ice-cream! Ughhhhh I just love, love, love it!!
  • orting514
    orting514 Posts: 153
    Its not so much what i ate but mass quantities! Lets see, i'm a sucker for carbs, mainly bread/rolls etc., love pasta and my own recipy for cheesie rice. Course lets not forget the desert!
  • orting514
    orting514 Posts: 153
    bread, pasta, fried rice, potatoes...basically all carbs!!!. I try to get most of my carbs from fruits vegetables and dairy and iI dropped weight very quickly once I did that :)

    What fruits and veggies have carbs????
  • Desilu13
    Desilu13 Posts: 4
    I love Thai ice tea!!!!!!!!:)....Yup you are right Thai ice tea has a lot of sugar:(
  • nikola24
    nikola24 Posts: 8

    I would eat it all day until there was none left in my house, then id vow never to eat it ever again!!! very nasty cycle! I think it was more of an addiction but i need to stay clear of that.....
  • gbmabley
    gbmabley Posts: 16
    Portion control was my #1, next i would have to say restaurant food, and finally my love for carbs.
  • crissi66
    crissi66 Posts: 98
    chinese food is my enemy!!!! and so is pasta. I avoid chinses food like the plague now and hardley ever eat pasta unless it is a special occasion. I have no concept of portion control when it comes to these two areas.. Not the best will power damn dim sum!!!!
  • sarahcowley1
    crisps i used to eat bag after bag n carbs mounds of creamy mash !!!!!
  • JCubbins
    JCubbins Posts: 92
    What made me look at myself and make a change was that I ate very small breakfast or even skipped it, then at school I stuffed my mouth with Snickers, Twixes and Marses, leaving lunch untouched. At home I ate dinner which was the biggest meal during my day. After that I ate all sorts of chocolate stuff, candies and chips.

    My metabolism is pretty fast on its own, but I didn't exercise (only at PE and that was with the minimum effort), so I was the best example of SkinnyFat.
    Thank god I saw how much harm I did to my health and body.
  • Tarah40
    Tarah40 Posts: 75 Member
    Carbs and sugar!!! White toast with loads of butter, cakes, chocolate and jelly sweets.
    My mouths watering just writing about them!!!!
  • Mommyof3texans
    This thread is making me hungry! lol...Here's my list:

    Jimmy Johns subs
    Bacon cheese fries
    Mac n cheese

    I'm sure I could go on and on here...but I used to eat these fairly often and started putting on the pounds quickly
  • Kiwi_09
    Kiwi_09 Posts: 65
    KFC, McDonalds,Doner Kebabs, Chips,crisps,chocolate, need I go on?

    I haven't had KFC or McD's for over 2 months now and I don't think I ever will again.

    I moved to a place with no McDonalds so I didn't eat it for 6 months. Then when I was traveling to visit my parents, I got McDonalds and it made me sick. I used to eat it all the time. Now my stomach can't handle fast food! Which is probably a good thing.