Motivational Idea

Maybe MFP could impose a daily time limit or post limit that is based on your performance... For instance the forums are locked out until you complete 60 minutes of cardio that day. Or maybe messages etc.

The reason I say this is really how much more fit would we all be if we switched gym time instead of Facebook for 3 months.

Make it an opt in "Hardcore" feature that you can commit to for say 1 month at a time, and if you start to slack mfp starts informing your friends so they message you and motivate... But again you can't respond until you put on the time. Maybe this isn't for everyone, but I think especially for beginners it would be great to get them going... Like say you cant post until you do W weeks of straight cardio when you sign up.... This would lead to smarter/more relevant questions getting asked too because people would have a general idea of where they need help instead of theorizing before they really start.

I bring this up because I read pointless threads sometimes and I often get requests to Give people a "regime" to follow but honestly and I don't mean this toward anyone in particular but I think perhaps far too much time is spent on these forums dreaming and talking about what people "want" to do... Or trying to figure out the "science" behind "weightloss" when in reality we just need to get busy and get down to work.... I am guilty of this too, its easy to get chatting with people etc on here and an hour goes bye like nothin, it's great but maybe too much can be bad.

The bottom line is that the fitness should be the priority in myfitnesspal and the website should come second. The time we spend typing away and socializing on MFP can lead to procrastination and just sitting in front of a computer screen.... especially for beginners I think.... And really if you are Starting from scratch completely out of shape... Worrying about silly things like starvation mode or how many calories to eat etc really doesn't matter. If you go for walk every day and only eat fruits veggies And Lean protien you WILL lose weight. End of story.

Bottom line, work stuff after!


  • Sugarchef
    Sugarchef Posts: 319 Member
    Interesting ideas. I completely agree on the concept of eating fruits, veggies and lean protein and you will lose weight. (Throw a few whole grains in there for good measure). I know that because of MFP I want to do that workout so I can log in my exercise. It really is a motivator. You should approach the "powers that be" about your ideas. You never know.
  • Aileen46
    Aileen46 Posts: 176 Member
    I come on here to check out exercising tips and recipes throughout the day. I still do 30 to 60 mins of cardio per day, regardless, so I like the way this site is set up.

    I also log my meals first thing in the morning along with my exercise that I will be doing so that I know where I stand for that day. I then check out some forums and manage to get my workout done by about noon.

    And what happens if you are sick and can't work out? I wouldn't want to be bothering my friends if I was having an off few days.

    Sorry! :)
  • tannaleigh
    tannaleigh Posts: 188 Member
    I agree about the concept of it. and of course it would be an opt in sort of deal to get someone started, but the fact of the matter is, if someone is going to be lazy and procrastinate, they will do so whether the forums are open or not.

    Still I think it would be a good motivator for someone who is willing to have it as a "challenge"
  • crissi66
    crissi66 Posts: 98
    Totally agree!!! my boyfriend laughs at me as i analyze everything all the time. He always says that if you eat right and exercise you will lose weight and maintaining it will come naturally .Unfortunetly i dont always have a hour to devote to cardio everyday( I have 2 jobs) and getting locked out of the forums would be a downer but i totally get what your saying.
  • phenrichs
    phenrichs Posts: 102
    not a bad idea. Now that I have been on here a while and have gotten a couple friends it is more motivational for me to be able to put up the exercise to share as a sort of "look I am really doing it" type of thing.
  • ojell
    ojell Posts: 749 Member
    Very interesting.