Sweets: occasional treat, or total ban?

I love desserts. Pie, cake, cookies, brownies, ice cream, etc. But once I start, it's really hard to stop. Last time I got a pint of Haagen Dazs (vanilla swiss almond -- yum), I carefully measured a 1/2 cup into my bowl, sliced bananas on top, and went to ice cream heaven. I had good intentions. Really! But as usual, the whole pint was gone in the blink of an eye, and the 310 fat-laden calories I logged turned into, um . . . 1,240.

If I'm going to change my eating habits, I know I can't do this anymore. On the one hand, I don't want a life where I never get to eat sweets. On the other hand, it's like I'm a drug addict. So now I'm afraid to have sweets in the house. My "solution" is to, every once in a while, melt a half-square of unsweetened baking chocolate with about a teaspoon of sugar, and spoon it over fresh pineapple or strawberries. It's satisfying and has an endpoint.

For others who have this problem (and I know you're out there!), how do you handle it? Do you buy tiny servings of things (like two-bite brownies)? Do you find "healthy" versions of the stuff you love? Or have you reached a point where you can have the real thing in your house, eat a normal-sized serving, and then put it away? (And if so, I am so jealous.)


  • nosey_rosey
    nosey_rosey Posts: 380 Member
    I usually don't buy the stuff since I know I would have a hard time not eating the entire thing hehe... but I do have an occasional sweet treat. I try to stick with skinny cow or smart ones deserts =) they are soooo yummy and keep me under my calorie goal.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    All of the above! I used to have to buy things in small quantities so I didn't eat it all, like single serving cups of ice cream. But eventually I got used to portion size and found substitutes, like greek yogurt instead of ice cream or preztels and hummus instead of cookies and milk. But on occassion I let myself have a treat when I'm out, like ice cream or dessert. I've been able to buy a box of chocolates and eat one each day and that's it, to satisfy my sweet tooth for the most part.
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    I have to totally ban it! If I have a little I am going to have a lot. I want to get to my goal as soon as possible. I will work on moderation, once I reach my goal. Currently, I lack the will power to stop.
  • neelia
    neelia Posts: 750 Member
    Sugar free fudgesicles = LOVE
  • msech
    msech Posts: 32
    If I have a craving for something sweet I will usually plan to work out longer so I can burn those extra calories. Another thing I do, which probably isn't always a smart thing to do but it seems to be working, is if I am craving something sweet I will eat less. So instead of having a full lunch I will just grab a piece of fruit which usually will even out my calories.
  • nhhartmann
    nhhartmann Posts: 30 Member
    There are certain things I must ban (b/c I cannot stop myself) but I do enjoy a sweet treat.

    FYI - when I started, I was addicted to sugary snacks and of course you learn fast that you cannot eat those things and be full, so I had to limit them. After about a week of not eating them, my sugar cravings dwindled dramatically.

    Some of my favorite sweets are 100 calorie ice cream sandwich (the so Delicious Coconut Milk ones are yummy), 1 Nabisco Honey Graham with 1/2 tb of unsweetened peanut butter is my altime favorite and it's super filling and I love Blood Orange Sorbet. But I often go wtih fruit b/c I can have so much of it.
  • cillytilly
    cillytilly Posts: 243
    I am one of those people who allows for it occasionally. If I know it is going to be a very naughty day I try and plan for it.
  • bethdris
    bethdris Posts: 1,090 Member
    I started buying indvidually wrapped ice cream items. They are made by skinny cow and delicious!! Thankfully they are a little pricy so I only buy when on sale!!
  • TexasNurseMom78
    TexasNurseMom78 Posts: 897 Member
    I think an occasional treat is ok. I try not to keep it in the house though or I will eat it all! I like the little haagen daz or bena nd jerry tiny cups since they have built in pertion control and I cant gorge myself on a whole pint that way!
  • dragonfly2418
    dragonfly2418 Posts: 9 Member
    I was the same way. Every sweet treat started with good intentions and ended with OMG what have I done! I had to find healthier versions and stop buying anything that I loved because I had absolutely no self control. I have gotten to the point where it can be in the house now without me inhaling it. I think everybody is different. Good luck.
  • mpurkis
    mpurkis Posts: 10 Member
    I'm not a huge sweets person, but I do get cravings. I try to find stuff that is okay to eat that still satisfies my sweet tooth. My current "indulgence" is one of those little sponge cake dessert cups (80 cal) with 2 tbsp of fat free Cool Whip and some pureed fruit on top. It takes a while to eat and tastes sweet and actually feels filling. That's the problem with a lot of small portion desserts, like 2-bite brownies. Those aren't satisfying and you end up wanting more. Try to find something that takes you a while to prepare and to eat.
  • sarahlyzzibeth
    I'm a little bit of each of those, to be honest. There are days when I can stop after one or two squares of chocolate or whatever it is that I'm allowing myself to have, and other days when I SAY I'm only going to have one oreo and end up eating the entire tray of them.
    I really like your solution of using the unsweetened baking chocolate and sugar and fruit.... because that takes preparation, which will deter you from binging. I think I should try that... making it more difficult to get more of whatever it is that I'm craving so I only have one serving or one bite accessible, depending on how much I can allow myself to have.
  • reeology
    reeology Posts: 22
    I agree with nosey_rosey. I LOVE Skinny Cow products, especially their Truffle ice cream bars. They're very satisfying and only 100 calories apiece. When I really feel a binge coming on, I tend to go for sugar-free popsicles--even if I eat the whole box, it's only 225 calories, and they can really satisfy a sweet craving without making me feel guilty. If you put a total ban on sweets, you're going to make yourself miserable, so I recommend finding something healthy that tastes good and trying to eat small amounts, but still something that if you end up eating the whole thing it won't be the end of the world. (those Skinny Cow Truffles come in boxes of 6, btw, so if you end up eating the whole thing, it's only 600 calories--not too bad compared to 1200, right?)
  • DarkDiva2005
    DarkDiva2005 Posts: 140
    I think my problem is that I don't get portion control. So it really helps me to buy pre-portioned snacks. Like 100 cal packs of cookies or pretzels, or The 1 serving haagen-daz. Otherwise I will continue to eat until the package is empty.
  • a_dawn
    a_dawn Posts: 47
    I don't have a problem with sweets generally. For the times I do crave them, I bought a couple of 90 cal. or 100 cal. packs and I'll eat one of those and then I'm usually good. My vise is pop. I used to drink 3 or 4 a day. It was mostly diet, but it was still not good for me. So, I just quit completely. It's still in my house because my husband drinks it, but for me, it's just easier to stay away from it than to drink one and not be able to stop. It's been 2 1/2 weeks w/o a pop and I feel great. I'm not saying to stay completely away from sweets, but maybe its what you need to do, for a while at least until you can control your cravings. Or, eat one serving size and then chew a piece of gum or brush your teeth so you're less likely to eat more. Good luck!
  • crissi66
    crissi66 Posts: 98
    Im guilty of serious sweet consumption as well. I try not to buy it and dont have it in the house. I do love skinny cow icecream and saucers. they are most under 200 calories and help kill of a sweet tooth when it arises.
  • jocelynlewis
    I love all of the above too! I do still treat myself, but I really try to do it in moderation! And when I do I now bake the sweets I love, so that at least I know what I am putting into my body, and I won't be eating all of the other unnecessary additives and ingredeints they put in foods now!
  • abalicious
    abalicious Posts: 361 Member
    Yup, I buy the packets of 100cal brownies or cookies, 60 cal chocolate pudding, there are also great selections in the frozen section called skinny cow. Whenever I used to treat I would eat 3 brownies and 2 cookies, but now I'm satisfied eating 1 brownie. If you really don't think you can control yourself, I think quitting cold turkey can be effective if you KNOW you can resist it. Otherwise I think your melted chocolate over fruits is an awesome idea, especially since you can control that.
  • lukeleia4
    lukeleia4 Posts: 20 Member
    I have EXACTLY the same problem. So far I try to restrain myself from even starting to eat that stuff, but if I'm seriously craving it and it won't go away with a 30 minute walk and lots of water I pull out the problem food in front of children who are like vultures. I carefully measure what I have calculated I can fit into my day reasonably and then hand the rest over to the vultures who make sure there are no crumbs or drops of ice cream or any sign of the "danger food". Then I'm happy because I satisfied my craving and they think I'm the nicest lady who ever lived. I too, am very jealous of anyone who can honestly eat a little and put the rest away for another time! Good luck and if you ever figure out how to control this behavior please clue me in! I need to learn how as well.
  • sewerchick93
    sewerchick93 Posts: 1,440 Member
    sweets are my major downfall too! If i want ice cream, I go out to the local ice cream shop and buy a single scoop, Same for brownies, cookies, pies, etc... my grocery store provides single servings in their baked goods department,. If I'm craving something, I will go buy one serving of it so it doesn't sit there tempting me.

    Usually when I'm craving these things is in the evening after I have already taken off my makeup and gotten into my sweats, so I will often end up not giving in to the craving, because I don't want to be seen in public looking like that.