TOM question.. sorry guys...

what do u do to get thru ur TOM? im ALREADY about to die, thinking of every terrible thing i can think of to eat, NOT wanting to workout bc i feel like my ovaries are gonna fall out if i stand up too fast, let alone try and run. midol doesnt help. hell vicadin doesnt even help. anybody got any suggestions on how to make it thru the stupid craving??


  • bethrs
    bethrs Posts: 664 Member
    In all honesty, even though I feel like garbage at the start, a good workout helps me feel better after. That and tea. Lots of hot teas- herbal, chai, you name it.
  • Crystal_Rudolph
    Crystal_Rudolph Posts: 632 Member
    Lots of water helps me out. I also take Diurex, I know that doesn't make sense--drink water and them take pills to help with water weight???!!!:noway: But it helps me with the extra bloat feelings.
  • AshleyLauren589
    AshleyLauren589 Posts: 139 Member
    I don't have a cure for the cravings (although I really wish I did...) but I do know crunches / sit-ups help with cramps big time, especially ones that target your obliques.
  • Angela4Health
    Angela4Health Posts: 1,319 Member
    Workouts help my bloating and such feel better, however, NOTHING. helps the cravings. Not for me at least. I just either have to be my strongest or if I give in, not indulge too much. It's hard, really hard. And my TOM comes with symptoms a whole week before starting, then I have the whole week of, so half the month I'm battling the cravings, it's HORRIBLE. We'll all manage to get through it somehow though, if only with the support of our friends! You'll be fine just keep your goals in sight!
  • azlady7
    azlady7 Posts: 471 Member
    i always keep my workout regime goin. but i will allow myself to snack a bit on 'bad' things to kill the cravings. i drink extra water to make up for it though and it makes me feel better if i eat more veggies too (like i am counteracting the bad calories lol) but the extra veggies help me eat less of the bad stuff too. I just refuse to completely deprive myself at that tom.
  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    I agree, It's really hard for me to get up and work out when my insides feel like they are going to fall out. (I have only heard one other person describe it like that before till you) but I feel a lot better after wards, working out helps me get through it, and if I work out it helps me to stay focused on what I'm eating, and when I can't take the cravings, then I make a conscious careful decision about what to have, so that I"m not depriving myself or going way over board.
  • nctj
    nctj Posts: 36
    I have noticed for whatever reason my TOM is worse since I've started exercising, and yesterday i had PMS from HELL. I didnt want to work out, I had cravings, and felt like poop...but I did what I could. Actually felt a little better afterward.
  • karilynn27
    karilynn27 Posts: 190 Member
    Workout even though you are in pain, it always works for me, it gets the body pumping and will ease your cramps.
    Also, drink tea that has a warming effect on the whole body and it will ease the cramps as well.
    At night, go to bed early, and put a warm pack on your lower body, goood!
    For the cravings, I don't have anything to tell you, Don't fall victim to the sweets or the salt, you are just going to be even more unhappy.
    Good luck!
  • idream2bgwen
    idream2bgwen Posts: 424 Member
    This is the one time that I do give in a little more on what I eat. But I know that working out helps to so I tend to step it up a hard as that is. I try to drink water but unfortunately not as much as normal. I just don't like the taste of water and am not very thirsty (so working out helps with that too). I try not to weigh myself during or for two-three days after (cuz that just flat out depresses me). I hate TOM!!!! Sorry, guess I don't have too many answers. Good luck to you and all of us women!
  • aladd2
    aladd2 Posts: 70
    I usually give in to my cravings during my time of the month but I'm sensible and still maintain my calories for the day. I always gain 2 or 3 pounds and it's discouraging but I know it's just water weight since it goes away within a couple of days. I still maintain my workouts too, but I usually do a shorter one if possible, it seems to help with my cramps :) Along with a heating pad..
  • crissi66
    crissi66 Posts: 98
    I need hot liquids during TOM. coffee or tea rock my world. I try and workout too. start with a walk and see how u feel. sometimes when your body gets warm it really does help tpo make the cramps less painfull
  • jentidd
    jentidd Posts: 80
    I'll admit its really rough sometimes. I think the best thing for me is just to stick to my usual routine. Sticking with my normal exercise and diet helps keep me motivated to move off the couch! If I am burning calories, I have some wiggle room to give in to cravings, but not too much! I also don't leave home without taking Advil liquigels the first couple days, really helps with the cramping and other stuff as well!
  • DangerRanger
    DangerRanger Posts: 327 Member
    I lock myself in my man cave and hibernate until the wife is over TOM..
  • mishelnkiki
    mishelnkiki Posts: 775 Member
    I lock myself in my man cave and hibernate until the wife is over TOM..
    if only it were that easy for the women! lol.